Sunday, October 28, 2018

Winter, Canning, Ghosts!!

I can handle ghosts, goblins and ghouls...but cold winter weather scares me! It's snowing this weekend, which is very pretty but as I say every year...TOO EARLY.

Alex and I try to go for walks every night. Last night was fun walking in the snow for the first time this year. I like the silhouette of our hats. :)

Canning season is officially over! I used the last of my Mason jars to preserve 20 pints of apple sauce today. The 50 pound box of apples cost $20, so each pint was $1. It pays to can! :)

Halloween is almost here!! :) I have my menu planned, decorations ready, pumpkin carving tools handy and paper machier pumpkins in the works!! Now I just hope the snow melts!

Here are my latest "Ghostober" pieces I've been posting on Instagram. I have three more days of spooky art for this challenge! One will be based on a local Montreal haunting....buah ha ha ha ha!!! Stay tuned for my Halloween post! :) So much fun! πŸ‘»πŸ‘»πŸ‘»

"Dullahan" (acrylic):  The Dullahan is a Celtic solider of Irish mythology whose head was chopped off and taken from him in battle. He roams the land on horseback, searching for his lost head. If you look at him, you will immediately be blinded. Some stories state that his bitterness causes him to kill innocent people to join him in the afterlife. If he speaks your name, it is your life he wishes to take.

"White Lady" (acrylic):  A White Lady is a tortured ghost who died watching her loved one die before her in a horrific way. She is typically a woman mourning the loss of a lover or a child. She appears in the area of the tragedy and haunts it restlessly for eternity.

"The Ghost of Hamlet's Father" (watercolour):  In Shakespeare's "Hamlet", the dead king appears to his son Hamlet. The ghost reveals that he was murdered in his sleep, by his own brother - Hamlet's uncle who became King and married Hamlet's mother. The tortured ghost asks Hamlet to avenge his murder by killing his uncle.

"Hellhound" (acrylic):  A Hellhound is a demon black dog sent to brutally kill condemned souls and drag them to hell. If you lead a sinful life; and were visited by a Grim, or heard a Banshee's cry, or heard the voice of a Headless Horseman whisper your may suddenly hear dogs barking fiercely in the distance. As the growls and barks grow closer and closer, your first instinct is to run...but there is nowhere to hide from the Hellhounds.

"Will-o'-wisp" (watercolour):  A Will-o'-wisp is a ghost light seen by travelers at night, especially over bogs, swamps or marshes.  It resembles a flickering lamp and is said to recede if approached, drawing travelers from their safe paths.

Psychopomp (acrylic):  A Psychopomp is a spirit who escorts newly deceased souls to the afterlife.

"Poltergeist" (watercolour):  A Poltergeist is a noisy spirit who frightens homeowners by knocking on walls, throwing objects, moving furniture, and other similar deeds. They are said to be the restless spirits of dead adolescents who are only interested in playing nasty pranks. They can be relentless to the point where most people opt to leave their homes. Poltergeists have been known to harm humans if they're pranks don't result in the homeowners leaving their homes.

"Herne The Hunter" (acrylic):  Herne, a skilled huntsman, was fatally wounded while saving King Richard from a charging stag. He was cured by a stranger, who tied the antlers of a dead stag to the dying man's brow. For healing him, the stranger took all of Herne's hunting skills. With no skills left to hunt, Herne went mad, and fled the forest where he hung himself from an oak tree. His spirit was tortured; every night he rides, leading a ghostly hunt, chasing the wildlife of Windsor Forest.


  1. Wonderful spooky pieces, you are a hard worker, all that lovely canning.

  2. That Happy Hollow one! How neat to walk in snow at night. I hear crunching.

  3. Such amazing artwork to remind us of the season. I agree, canning definitely saves a ton of money in the long run. I know you don't want the snow yet, but please send some here to me in NC. I love it! Hugs and more hugs...RO

  4. I like your spooky pictures! Autumn leads us to so much creativity and fun.

    I am hoping that snow will wait till winter comes and then only visit us a few short times. It is pretty to look at though.

  5. SNOW!!!! lucky! i can't wait for willie to see his first snow. poor little guy is still heeling. i love the white lady!

  6. Ohhhhh, snow!!!! Oh sigh....

    Lots and lots of delicious food, put away, for winter. How much you will enjoy these things, especially since you know, all the work, which went into "putting them up," as the old saying goes.

    Happy Samhain/Halloween!

  7. There’s. So much satisfaction filling the pantry with one canned foods, beautiful spooky work!,, I can’t wait to hear your Halloween menu!

  8. Snow! Love the Snow! Having moved from south Florida to the Appalachian region, snow is a beautiful sight to behold! I know there are parts of the country where snow is awful, but I have the same awful feelings about sweating... I talking buckets full of sweat... lol... I also love the apple canning... I have put up several gallons of apples in the freezer this fall. Makes me feel terrific to know there is much to eat from the freezer this winter and we don't need to spend extra money at the store. And... it is sooo much better to know there are no extra additives in the food we eat.!

  9. I know you're not a fan of snow (understatement?) but hubby and I are. (Maybe that's why we live in Minnesota?) We're both going to really concentrate on hibernating and taking care of each other, doing things we really want to do, getting lots of exercise out in the fresh, crisp, clean air this winter so we're looking forward to lots of snow!

    Your artwork is amazing, as usual. You convey such a sense of spookiness!

    Last week we were so fortunate to get about three bushels of wonderful, locally grown apples. So happy since our trees gave us next to nothing this year. I still have applesauce made by our daughter and me last February, but I see lots of yummy baked apple goodies in our future! Apples for fresh eating, too.

  10. Yes, much too earlier for snow in my book, but what a great opportunity for the "ghostly" picture of your and your dh's shadows. :)

  11. I had heard of poltergeist but the rest were all new to me! You know your ghosts/spirits and thank you for sharing. Your artwork is so good...I son't think you do anything that isn't. SNOW? that is was 73 F here today and humidity this time of year and the colors are phenominal. I am truly enjoying my fall although Halloween is supposed to be thunderstorms so I probably won't get any trick or treaters but I am ready if they arrive. I buy my favorite candy in case there's leftovers! LOL! I got a pumpkin vanilla ale for tasty!
    Your canning is so great. What a satisfying feeling to look at all those jars! Happy Halloween!!!

  12. Love your spooky artwork, Rain! So much fun. And all that canning will really pay off when the winter weather kicks in!

  13. I am with you on that snow! To me, it's early if it falls before Christmas Day... Can't wait to hear/see what your Halloween menu is and see the efforts of all that pumpkin-carving! Great spooky art!

  14. * Sigh * the snow .... it already depresses me.
    That applesauce power canning was a great success ... i bet its yummy too.
    I hear your spooky laugh in my head ... u have a very spooky laugh ;)

  15. We got snow this past weekend too, but it didn't last! Girl you are so good with your canning! That is amazing! And, your art is fantastic!! You are a creative machine! I hope you had a great Halloween! Big Hugs!


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!