Thursday, December 19, 2019

Thursday Art Date: Holiday Stories, Carols and Lore; and Paint Party Friday

Hello Friends! 😊

Welcome to Thursday's Art Date, today our theme is Holiday Stories, Carols and Lore. This is a fun one! I hope you all have some fun stories to share about the holidays! I'll go backwards and start with Lore. 

Christmas lore warns that anyone refusing a kiss under the mistletoe will have bad luck for the next year. I don't think I could refuse a kiss from Tweety Bird, could you? 😗

One of my favourite traditional Christmas carols is Silent Night. It doesn't have any spiritual meaning for me, but I always thought it was such a beautiful song. I tried to paint that carol with my watercolours.

Here is my favourite Christmas story. In 1995, I adopted two little pugs, Winston and Spencer. They were brothers, 9 months apart. Those two little furballs kept me going during the most difficult time of my life. I really adored them. 

Winston passed away at the age of 16 in 2011. Spencer passed away at the age of 19 in the summer of 2014. I remember Alex asking me that fall what I wanted for Christmas. I was still mourning my pugs and I said very sadly "A sweet dog I can love, with a big red bow around his neck." 2014 was the first Christmas I'd had without a dog since 1994. We had two cats, but for me it wasn't the same!

As time went by, we ended up adopting three dogs as you all know. Well, our first Christmas with the dogs was 2015. When I came downstairs I saw this:

I just broke down in tears because Alex had remembered what I'd said the previous year. Even though Jack was already a part of our family for the previous 3 months, seeing him with a big red bow around his neck touched my heart beyond words! That's my favourite holiday story!

This weekend we have our traditional Yule celebration, I'll post all about that on Sunday!

I promise this is the last Dancin' Santa gif! (My fingers are crossed though lol). I had to get a "rear view" of him wiggling those hips!!

So that's all for now folks, please check out the link widget below to see more Holiday Stories, Carols and Lore artwork! And please join me on Sunday for my food and pets post. 🐾🐾🐾

I'm also linking up with Paint Party Friday tomorrow!


Sleepy Santa (acrylics, 2018)

December 26th: Next Thursday's theme is Merry Christmas! Click on the link for ideas and inspiration! Remember it's all about creating. You can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, baking, poetry...whatever you like! 🎨

Thursday Art Date With Rain. Click on the link for a description of the art date as well as a list of upcoming themes. Check out the themes for 2020 here!

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! The link gadget expires Sunday at noon (EST).

⚡⚡⚡⚡  Be forewarned ⚡⚡⚡⚡ If you include a link that doesn't follow the art date theme, it will be removed! Thanks for your understanding and for respecting my fellow artists who put their minds, hearts and souls into creating art for the themes!



  1. Love all your pieces and story. Jack looks so cute with the bow, all wrapped up.

  2. I would also let Tweety Bird kiss me, so sweet her picture
    A touching memory story with her boobs and so sweet what her husband did with dog Jack as a gift and gives them a treat.
    Wonderful postingwith the painted picture!!!
    *lol the hip loss is cool lol*
    have nice Day

  3. Hi Rain, what a lovely post with beautiful art. Love the lanterns in the dark, just beautiful. Lovely to see Jack with his big, red bow, too, what a fantastic gift. Santa's wiggling butt is always worth a look! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  4. Your Christmas story made my eyes leak a little too. Had I been there, there would have been floods of tears.
    And how I love your Silent Night painting. Thank you.

  5. Hi, I was thinking Aroma when I created my entry yesterday. But it might fit todays theme as well :)
    Love your wanta, we call him Jultomte. And he visit us the 24 of dec.

    Wishing you a merry Christmas.

  6. Rain,

    Tweety Bird is so sweet and cute! :) I love you rendition of 'Silent Night'!! This Christmas carol is one of my favorites, too. The spiritual lyrics remind me of the majesty of Christ's birth that took place in a stable. A humble beginning but a life filled with wonder and grace. God in human form came to save all those who would accept His free gift of eternal life. :)

    Ahhh, how sweet of Alex to surprise you with such a sweet pup on Christmas morning! What a dear fellow! This month flew by and the big day is almost here again! Have a funtastic weekend celebrating the spirit of the season and may God bless you in the coming new year, my friend! xx

  7. oh jack...what a face!!! he should be in a movie or you should write a book about him. he has the most expressive face. i love that silent night painting!

  8. Shake that booty, Santa! And what a lovely story about Jack!

  9. How wonderful to read that Alex remembered what you said about wanting a dog with a red bow. he deserves extra Christmas hugs for sure. My favorite story is just remembering how my parents always waited until (as very young children) my brother and I were asleep and they decorated the tree on Christmas Eve. It was a live cut one and they used lights and tinsel. I can't recall ornaments.

  10. awe what love here! Jack in the bow is sooooo sweet. I liked seeing the old picture of you too... you look so familiar! We'd never have met, at that time I was just marrying and moving to Maryland, but you still look familiar! LeeAnna

  11. I am always so impressed with your art. From Tweety to beauty you have such a gift. I think it is this time of year that I miss our K9 family the most. How can you not love a dog with a bow?

  12. So, how many times have you kissed under the mistletoe? I can honestly say, though I know I have kissed under mistletoe, I can't remember with whom or how many times :) The gift of old age is forgetting things, sadly, even things you would like to remember :) Your story of your pugs is a tear jerker, though they did live a long happy life. I think you are blessed to have a husband who not only remembers but acts on your wishes. So one last look (this year anyway) at Santa's wiggle butt is a treat and injects humor into our Christmas. Your artwork is, of course, lovely ... hope your next week is organized and exciting as you prepare for the big day. Have a Merry Christmas, Rain and I will see you next Thursday :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  13. These are really fun!
    I am so glad we took in our kittens after losing Hooper. It has really helped, knowing they needed a home.
    Looking forward to more fun tails!

  14. What a sweet husband you have! Very thoughtful of him to remember to tie a red bow on your dog! Blessings!

  15. You have such a sweet husband; what a memory. Your Tweety drawing is perfecto! I didn't know that about mistletoe; learned something new.

  16. I went to send you a link to a song with a human dancing santa butt like you showed, and realized I don't have your email! It was a song by home free, anyway, if you want to give me your email addy, mine is leeannaquilts at gmail dot com

  17. Merry Christmas Raine
    Happy you dropped by my blog today


  18. such lovely art- and who can't smile upon seeing Tweety Bird:):) What a loving home you have given your beloved fur babies- and for Winston and Spencer to have lived such very long lives shows the love you gave them. Thanks for sharing your beautiful story. Happy PPF and a Merry Christmas too!

  19. Love the story about coming down and seeing your dog with a red bow - Alex sounds like a nice guy! I always enjoy your art too.

  20. How could anyone EVER resist that picture of your Jack?!

  21. Thanks Elke :) It was a wonderful surprise to see Jack with the red bow! :)

  22. Thanks Valerie :) I love the look of lanterns, I had to paint more! :)

  23. Thanks Elephant's Child :) Every time I think of that morning, I shed a few tears too. I still miss my little pugs a lot.

  24. Thanks Monica :) Jultomte, very cool, thanks for letting me know!

  25. Thanks Laurie :) Yes, a very happily ever after here, for both me and Jack I think!! :)

  26. Thanks Cathy :) I know, December has really flown by! I'm looking forward to 2020! :)

  27. Thanks Joyce :) I thought about an illustrated book for Jack actually!! To add to the future project! :)

  28. Hi Debra :) Santa can definitely shake it! :)

  29. Hi Dorothy :) Thanks for sharing your story! Tinsel...I remember that. My grandparents had their tree covered with it! I refuse to have any in my home though toys!! :)

  30. Thanks LeeAnna :) Interesting that you think I look familiar! I was living in Montreal most of my life and I rarely went to the states!

  31. Thanks Nicole :) It's so difficult to lose a pet, but for me, it's especially the dogs. I can't resist most dogs, but put a bow on them and I'm putty! :)

  32. Thanks Andrea :) Honestly...very few times! We don't even have mistletoe here in the house! Have a Merry Christmas to you too, see you on Boxing Day!!! :)

  33. Thanks Jenn :) Adopting pets in need is such a wonderful thing, I'm so happy that you got your kittens!

  34. Thanks Gigi :) Yes, Alex remembers little things I say all of the time, it's very sweet! :)

  35. Thanks Stefanie :) He's pretty good at remembering those things and it always surprises me and warms my heart!

  36. Thanks Gillena :) Marry Christmas to you too! :)

  37. Thanks Linda (K) :) That's sweet of you to say :) I loved Winston and Spencer! They really were my best friends and my little fur babies! They kept me going during burnout and depression. I'll never forget them! Happy PPF and Merry Christmas to you too!! :)

  38. Thanks Sandy :) Yes, he's a great guy! :) I'm lucky! :)

  39. Thanks Mama Pea :) I can't resist him!

  40. Oh Rain, I love your Christmas story ♥ How wonderful that your dogs were with you such a long time, and how sweet of Alex to remember that bow. Silent night is also one of my favorite Christmas carols. Your painting fits so well with it. Wishing you lovely holidays, and only good things for the new year! xoxox

  41. Great paintings and I love your story. Have a Happy Christmas.

  42. Awwww...Jack my heart !!! ❤🎄

  43. I do like your Silent Night painting.
    LOL! at Dancin' Santa's rear view :)
    Happy Holidays.

    All the best Jan

  44. Knowing of the suffering you've experienced years ago, I'm always beyond thrilled and happy that you found the wonderful Alex, who clearly adores you. What a fabulous love story! Yay! You know how much I love my Tweety Bird, and there's nothing wrong with a dancing Santa in my book(lol) Hugs, RO

  45. Thanks Denthe :) I feel pretty blessed :) Enjoy your holiday too! :)

  46. I know Sis...Jack is one of a kind! :)

  47. Glad you enjoyed Dancin' Santa's assets Jan lol! ;)

  48. Thanks for your comment RO, that meant a lot to me. :) I do feel very grateful for having Alex in my life. I'm so glad you stopped by to see Tweety Bird offering you a kiss!! :)

  49. Oh what a post ~ love all your 'furry persons' photos and that silent night artwork is divine!

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  50. Oh, Rain, that is such a beautiful story. I felt my heart being squeezed and, of course, there was that lump in the throat! I'd be a blubbering fool in that situation. LOL


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!