Thursday, June 4, 2020

Thursday Art Date: Your Dream

Hello Friends! 😊 

Welcome to Thursday's Art Date, today our theme is Your Dream. This is more of a nightmare than a dream for Bugs! The tables have turned!!! 😲 How did you create your dream?

I REALLY REALLY wanted to paint something for this week's theme! But I truly didn't have the chance. Yesterday we ran out of water and had to figure that out. You Tube and Bill the Realtor to the rescue! We figured out it was the pressure settings on the pressure tank that hooks up to the water pump which pumps water out of the well. I have to tell you...this is all foreign to me! But we are learning! We have a new pressure gauge on the pressure tank now and we have to set it a little higher to make sure the pump does its job well! In order for the pump to bring water up from the well, the pressure needs to be at around 40 PSI (minimum). Just to give you an example, when we flush the toilet, the tank's pressure dips to 18 if we flush the toilet at the same time we wash dishes, we run out of water. There is plenty of water in the well, it's just the pressure settings...whoda thunk it??? But now we know!

Car news: Terry our mechanic called, we are getting a Jeep Patriot engine in our Dodge we'll have more power, grunt grunt lol! :)

Garden news: This is our soil. This area's earth is rock, pebble, gravel...I took out my pitchfork and shovel and tried my darndest to get some soil dug, but nothin' doin'. I kind of knew this about the earth around here, so I'd already budgeted a little extra for soil. When we found out about the car, we figured the garden was a no-go for this year, but things have somehow worked out! I've tried very hard to be a good person and I love that Karma is noticing! 😊

I called around and found a few companies who deliver garden soil (top soil/compost mix) in bulk, so I ordered 3 cubic yards to fit into 6 raised beds. Alex made these for me, we have 2 more to make before today's delivery. We decided that this year, we will use whatever materials we have on hand and thankfully we have enough lumber to make all six raised beds! I'll give you all a garden update on Sunday!

As for dinners, it's comfort food as usual! Sweet tea, corn on the cob, loaded nachos, poutine and pizzas! 😋

Would you like to join me for a walk?

Here's a little video I took yesterday morning while walking Charlie. Thanks for joining me!!! 

That's all for now folks! Please check out the link widget below to see more Your Dream artwork! 


This is a photo I took of the beautiful Fundy Bay. One of my plans this summer, if possible, is to go back there and share this lovely spot with Alex. I've always been drawn to this area and now I'm lucky enough to live just under an hour's drive away!

June 11th: Next Thursday's theme is Summer Plans. Click on the link for ideas and inspiration! Remember it's all about creating. You can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, baking, poetry...whatever you like! 🎨

Thursday Art Date With Rain. Click on the link for a description of the art date as well as a list of upcoming themes. 

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! The link gadget expires Sunday at noon (EST).



  1. Beautiful post. I'm sure there will be more problems, but you will tackle them with your fighting spirit and get things solved. Well done on getting as far as you have good. You will b ehapy when your car is repaired and running again. All the best for you both. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Ooh you did a nightmare! Good one. Thanks for the update,
    Glad you can start a garden. Even happier to know the water problem is fixed.

  3. Hello Rain,
    Good thing you know what it is and were able to solve the problem with the water.
    The bunny doesn't have it easy with his beloved carrot either
    Enough work but if it is planted and can be harvested then you have forgotten it.
    Enough work again and again with the raised beds but if it is planted and can be harvested then you have forgotten it there is the nice thing about it.
    You have delicious food and the walk is nice with the trees!
    I wish you a good time!
    Greetings Elke

  4. Owning a home can have its challenges, as I'm sure you know. New home, new challenges. Sounds like Bill the Realtor has been a dream come true. Here in Wichita, you are no longer allowed to have well water for your home. You can use it to water your grass or wash your vehicles, but you can't use it for cooking, drinking, bathing inside the home. We have been told all wells are contaminated with something or other. In my opinion, the city doesn't want to lose even one household because they control the water department and our water bills.

    Great news on the car. I can relate to your yard. It took me years of dealing with mine for it get it to where I could plant flowers. At one time, you could buy cheap compost for $20.00 (USD) for a pickup truck load. A friend helped me and I got two loads. It helped tremendously, as did allowing it to sit over an entire year before planting anything. I got mine from our local zoo. It was called Zoo-manoo. Looks like your raised beds will be the solution to your problem. I hope you have a great garden this year, Rain.

  5. I am thrilled that things are coming together for you - and loved walking with you. Thank you.
    You really have come home. Which is wonderful.

  6. About your living, you are in the same place as my daughter. They moved into an old farmhouse almost two years ago. And have still a lot to learn of how to live in a smaller farmhouse like that. I will go visit her today. :) But for different reasons we have to stay in her garden.

    My post will deal with dreams today, it is not a funny one. :(
    Take care, stay safe.

  7. Lovely property! How exciting to have six raised beds to get digging and planting in ~ Good for you both. The Rocky beach looks fun to explore ~ Enjoy!

  8. Our former home in VA was on a well and septic so can understand a but about the pressure issue, Rain, although thankfully we only had an issue once. Glad we never had to have a new well put in, but heard that a year or so after we left, the new owner did need to do that. Enjoued the walk with you and Charlie, and mosquitoes and black flies are annoying critters for sure.

  9. So happy things are working out for you and Alex with the car and the garden. I was sad when you said you didn't think you would be able to garden this summer. So glad you are forging ahead like the pioneers you are! What a beautiful spot you have!

  10. Great post, Rain! The water situation...learning curve ... just another memory with a lesson! That video is fabulous and it is really wonderful that you have such peaceful privacy. Your beds will be an added thrill for the summer, in what will, and what won’t grow. So happy for you both, and can’t wait for your Wednesday post! Onward and Upward!!!

  11. You seem to be able to rise to the challenge. What a time.
    Our well pump failed in a very cold February! It was horrid.
    Take care!
    I just did a drawing, but our grandies are here for 5 days, while momma and pappa work at home.

  12. as soon as i saw the beach on the ay of fundy i had such a flashback. i love that area and spent lots if time on beaches just like that. i hope you will get the extra acreage.

  13. I'm impressed, but not surprised that you're getting a garden in this summer. You two are inspiring. And thanks for taking us on your walk. It looks just beautiful!

  14. Excellent idea to go with the raised beds this year. When we bought this property the whole area where we have our 26 raised beds was graveled. So we knew if we were going to be able to grow any food in the first couple of years we'd have to go with the raised beds. It's worked out perfectly and I know yours will, too!

  15. Ah, the serenity of your new homestead. What a lovely place to be and walk. So glad you will be able to plant yet this year. Also glad to hear the car issues will be fixed for you. Question.....will you have as harsh a winter there as you did at your last place?

  16. Really good to have you back on line with us. I loved walking through the woods with you ... are those aspen trees I see? Anyway nature is beautiful, but wells and septic tanks are not so much fun. If you do have a septic system, make sure you have it cleaned and checked ... my friend didn't realize she needed to and the whole think exploded back through her toilet and all over her bathroom ... Ugh!
    Poor Bugs ... a rabbit eating carrot has to be his worst nightmare. You are so clever in the cartoons you think up. I took a different approach to the theme "dream" as you will see, but yours was definitely more fun. I am glad you will be able to grow your gardens ... it just wouldn't be the same without your home grown ingredients in all of your wonderfully tasty looking recipes. Good to have you back ... maybe not full time yet, but at least operating from a computer instead of a phone :) Stay safe and be well, Rain ...

    Andrea @ Form The Sol

  17. Hi Rain. Thanks for sharing your new place with us in a vidi. It is truly beautiful. I know what you mean about the mosquitoes. When I lived in AK. they were huge and millions of them. Your garden is off to a good start. Mine is in container because we have sand and I rent so that works best for me. Bugs is in a nightmare. LOL I am so happy for you, that one of your dreams came true.

  18. Love your art and your food. It seems that you are doing quite well despite the water pressure not being high enough and the earth being too hard. I admire your spirit and perseverance.

  19. What a great idea to garden in raised beds! Good luck with your veggies!

  20. Ugh. The soil looks abysmal. Glad it worked out and you were able to get some soil.

  21. You are truly blessed with beautiful land out there. Yeah, insects are a nuisance in the woods.
    Personally, if I were y'all I'd be building a nice greenhouse or several of them nearby so the wild animals don't feast on your crops. Also having a greenhouse is great because it makes it easier to grow year-round all the veggies you want.

  22. So glad things are working out for you. The raised beds are nice. I enjoyed the walk with are surrounded by trees and woods, like us. I love it! You have a nice sweet voice. We have well water too.

  23. I hope and pray all your dreams come true dear Rain. You deserve them more than anyone I know - such a hard working couple, kind and loving to the animals, and diligent in your attempt to conserve that lovely acreage.

  24. It's a really beautiful place to have moved to Rain you will create so many memories whilst getting all those plans together and be able to give yourselves a huge pat on the back when you have completed those tasks, baby steps is all that is needed enjoy the creativity and making your dreams come true.
    The huge carrot chasing Bugs did make me smile, it was a long time coming hee hee!! Take care of yourselves & the fur babies.. Hugs Tracey xx

  25. Slowly, slowly things do seem to be coming together and I am so pleased for you.
    I did like your video and the walk with you... and now I'm just sitting down with a cup of tea!

    Have a great week.

    All the best Jan

  26. It all looks amazing where you are, Rain! No negativity, girl. Set your intentions and the universe will collaborate with you to make things happen :) So if you want that extra land, visualize that it is already yours! Can't wait to hear/see more about your new home ❤

  27. All that back and forth between us. I finally got it straight, you deleted it, and I forgot to repost by the deadline. WAAAH!!

  28. Great drawing and I enjoyed the walk, esp since I did not have to get off my rear to take sound so happy.

  29. Just want to let you know I have read all your comments for the past weeks. Love that you took the time to visit and respond to my contribution.
    Thanks Rain a far away hug from me.

  30. Wooohoooo ... a garden !!!
    Thank u for the video. It's so nice to see things in motion. Please more videos :) ❤

  31. thank you for beautiful walk dear Rain
    it was truly healing for a sick person like me at the moment :)

    i want to congratulate you once again for having place of your dreams my dear friend! may you live here with peace and happiness and may lord fulfill all your dreams amen!

    glad you fixed the water problem i know it can be annoying
    raised bed are amazing idea for plantation here indeed best of luck for gardening
    stay well and happy!

  32. I enjoyed sharing your walk, Rain. Your area is lovely. I've worked in the field in Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and New Brunswick, so I know all about the black flies and mosquitoes. Watch out for ticks too, my friend. Your soil reminds me of my Grandmother MacDonald's ~ as well as other relatives. My Great Aunt Nan got a load of manure every year. Over time they all had lovely, productive gardens. Lots of peepers is an encouraging sign for the environment. Have you started a compost pile? My Grandmother MacBeath had a compost pile when I was a toddler. Actually most everyone had a compost pile. There is nothing like comfort food ~ Enjoy!

  33. Bugs dream is a nightmare! No giant carrots chasing me but I've had some monsters to come at me. Your comfort foods look so yummy! Happy settling in and am so glad your car is getting an engine soon. :)

  34. ahh love your art and really enjoyed that video - beautiful area with so much room and hopefully you can get that property next to you where the burned house is.

  35. It's crazy how much more you have to think about things with a house, yeah? My husband tries to do everything himself, especially if he can find a Youtube tutorial. He is an engineer after all LOL.


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!