Thursday, August 20, 2020

Thursday Art Date: Night Scene and Paint Party Friday!

Hello Friends! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

Welcome to Thursday's Art Date, today our theme is Night Scene. I did something very different for my Looney Tunes tribute this week! I drew Tweety Bird looking up, then I cut him out and placed him on a black sheet of paper. I took a photo then transferred that to my starry background using a VERY old version of Photo Explosion. I am not good at doing stuff in photo software (actually I'm just too impatient to learn); so this was difficult for me! I just wanted him looking up at the stars and I didn't have enough black Sharpie ink to fill the background in myself! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Aurora Forest (acrylics)

I wish I could show you how this REALLY looks! No matter what I try, I can't photograph my artwork in a realistic way. There is always some kind of glare or the camera doesn't pick up on certain colours, sigh. I've tried taking photos outside too!๐Ÿ˜ฃ I'm toying with the idea of getting some good photography lighting equipment. The photo above is close to what I painted, but I used a lot more vibrant greens in the Auroras than what is shown here. Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy with this piece! Just not how it photographed.

I'm also linking up with
Paint Party Friday tomorrow!

A fun Night Scene...Fairy Godmother turning the pumpkin into a coach so that Cinderella can get to the ball to meet her Prince Charming. ๐Ÿ˜Š  This was a quick scribble done with pen, ink and graphite pencils.

I was fooling around with the exposure setting on my camera. Your eyes may see a brilliant Full Moon at was actually the sunrise! Sneaky huh? ๐Ÿ˜‰

This is the real Moon shot (taken a few nights ago)! ๐Ÿ˜Š It's currently a Waning Crescent, and for those who are spiritually inclined, it's a good time to let go of what doesn't suit you; and prepare for new beginnings!

๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ… I will be adding this to my posts for a few weeks: Please contact me via my contact form on the right side bar of my blog if you want to be on my Christmas card list! And also please contact me if you have been previously so I can give you my new address! ๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ…

That's all for now folks! Please check out the link gadget below to see more Night Scene art! And join me on Sunday for my food, pets and home post! ๐Ÿ˜Š


"Sip, Munch and Draw"

August 27th: Next Thursday's theme is Still Life. Click on the link for ideas and inspiration! Remember it's all about creating. You can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, baking, poetry...whatever you like! ๐ŸŽจ

Thursday Art Date With Rain. Click on the link for a description of the art date as well as a list of upcoming themes. 

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! The link gadget expires Sunday at noon (EST).



  1. I continue to be blown away by your creativity.
    And how I would love to see the aurora for myself - despite loving your painting.

  2. Hi Rain. I really love your post. I am with you as far as taking photos of my art. It never looks like what it is in real life. I have lights that don't really work for me either. We have a guy in town that will photograph art and make prints but man he is expensive soooo, I have to stay with what I have. Your Tweety is just adorable. You did a great job with the photo shop. Love your photos of the (day) night. LOL Have a great evening.

  3. Beautiful pieces. Tweety looks good with a starry background. The aurora forest is brilliant. Have a wonderful day, hugs, Valerie

  4. how cute the Tweety Bird and you succeeded even if it was cumbersome for you!
    this Aurora Forestis wonderful painting and the fun graphic image, great!
    The Photos are beautiful!!
    Have a good Week, hugs Elke

  5. Love the Aurora Forest, Rain! Great colors! Need to go north one day and see them myself. This week's theme was really inspiring, as I could play with some new materials like masking markers. Have nice day!

  6. I can relate to you and Tweety, Rain. I have owned PhotoShop (the full version) since 2000 and about all I can do is add my watermark and crop my photos if I need to. Like you, I'm just too impatient to learn. However, you did a fabulous job and Tweety turned out great in the night time.

    Your Aurora Forest I thought was a PHOTO at first. It is THAT good.

    I was also impressed with how you played with the exposure on your camera. Such a fun way to create a night scene. And that waning moon is beautiful, too. You found some great examples.

    I look forward to seeing what themes we'll find in September.

  7. These are beautiful, Rain! Tweety Bird is really mesmerised by the night sky and the aurora looks amazing! You sneaky girl, that does look like a moon!

    Happy Thursday Art Date!

  8. Lot´s of great art today.
    Love your "night scene" you did a really good job with this one. I love how he is watching the stars in the "Heart Nebula"

    And, I was thinking of Aurora too, but forgot about it. I mostly photograph my art on my balcony when there is no sunlight so the light is even. Indoors is hard as the light many times spoils the colors. :( You can always try to move the camera around a bit before you click, to see if the light changes. But I love your Aurora as it is.

    To me the sunrise is not sneaky, that´s what I do many times. Very useful. he flowers you saw this week in my mosaic was made this way.

    Take care. :)

  9. Rain,

    You did a great job with Tweety looking up at the starry night! I like the heart shaped constellation. That's a sweet touch! Your Aurora Forest painting is gorgeous. I'd love to see the Northern Lights!! I wish I had thought to do a design using Procreate. I guess I can always give it a shot any time, though. :) Cinderella's Fairy Godmother turning a pumpkin into a carriage scene is funtastic. I love that old Disney classic!! Thanks for sharing your talent and hosting such a wonderful community for us, my dear. Stay safe and be well! {{hugs}}

  10. Hello Rain,

    Your painting of the Aurora Forest is just beautiful. The sunrise image does look like the moon. Your Waning Crescent is lovely, beautiful colors in the sky. Love the still life photo, well done! Take care, enjoy your day!

  11. Love your art! You are so talented! Tweety is a sweety! Did you get to see the Perseids? We went out before the moon came up on the peak night. One in particular was somewhat slo-mo, and left a fading streak across the sky. I need a better camera!

  12. Rain your Tweety scene is spectacular!

  13. I thought your northern lights was a photo at a glance well done.

  14. Terrific ~ I can see the bright greens ~ I was just telling my daughter, I wish I could do the art and let someone else photograph and write about it for me (oh and also clean up hahahaha!) One of my favorite scenes from Cinderella too ~ Your sun/moon turned out very cool and I love the colors in the sky from the waning crescent too ~

  15. Your art is absolutely amazing!

  16. The Aurora Borealis is so very well done, as are your photographs. Are you far enough North that you can see The Northern Lights? It has always been on my rather short bucket list of things to see.

  17. tweety is so cute and so well done! and the sun and moon shots are awesome.

  18. So you have ventured a little into the digital art world. Seems to me you did fine, though you weren't sure of it. I love the heart constellation for Tweety to look at :) You sure have your loony Tunes characters down... and your Auroras are so beautiful. My father used to drive us out in the country and we would sit on the warm hood of the car and watch the Aurora, but sadly since I moved into the Chicago area there is too much light in th sky to get a good look at anything at night. Did you do the Godmother and pumpkin from memory ... it is fantastic! Better than I remember it from the movie. I know, I know ... "just a quick scribble", but still awesome. And dirty tricks ... turning the sun into a night scene. It is completely believable. As for letting go of what doesn't suit me, I have to wait until November to make that happen and I only pray that it does or your neighbor (USA) will no longer be a democracy and our futures will be bleak. And now I know your secret ... a glass of wine and a snack a creative artist does make:) What a wonderful way to start my day. I wish you were here every day ... Be well, Rain :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol



  20. Your Aurora is beautiful even without all the color spectrum and Tweety is cute as always.

  21. I love your description of how you made that cartoon figure and then placed it on black paper. Very clever!!! The image came out beautifully.

  22. You did a great job with Tweety bird Rain, looking up to the sky with sheer admiration. I'm like you too impatient to learn these digital techniques, give me pen and ink any day. Beautiful aurora borealis I think we;d have to see it up close and real to see it in it's full glory, amazing scene.
    Stay safe & Bon appetite Hugs Tracey xx

  23. Your forest is just gorgeous!

  24. Tweety bird really does look like he is looking at the stars. Love the green on your aurora painting.

  25. awe, what's not to love about Tweety- and he found a heart shaped cluster in the sky to boot:)
    The Aurora painting is quite beautiful and would be amazing to see in person!
    Your black and white illustration is super too. great all around night themed post! happy PPF!

  26. Oh WOW!
    Your aurora forest is just brilliant - I love it!

    All the best Jan

  27. What a sweet Tweety Bird. And I LOVE your sun and moon photography, Rain!

  28. Awesome trick you pulled with the camera. Perfect drink and nosh for drawing.

  29. Your artwork is divine ~ Tweety is sweet but for me your doggie steals the show ~ missing my furperson ~ You are so talented!

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  30. Thanks Elephant's Child :)) I would love to see the aurora as well! I'm keeping an eye on the night sky just in case I get lucky enough to catch it around here! :)

  31. Thanks Nicole :)) Yeah, I can't really afford to pay someone to take photos of my art! I have to figure something out. I think I have a good enough camera...I'm sure it's the lighting. I know some people manipulate the photos in a program to try to get them to look closer to what they are supposed to look like, but I don't have the patience (or know-how) to do that!

  32. Thanks Valerie :) I enjoyed drawing Tweety looking up, he's always such a cutie. :)

  33. Thanks so much Elke :) I loved painting the auroras, I really hope I can see them in person one day! :)

  34. I'm so happy you enjoyed this week's theme Kokopelli! I saw your masking markers and now I WANT SOME!! :) Thanks for your comment! :)

  35. Thanks Elizabeth :)) Those photo programs have so many features, it gets overwhelming for me. Alex is really good at using them, but I just don't have it in me! Oh wow, thank you re: my Auroras! I have to start thinking of the 2021 themes!!!

  36. Thanks so much Soma :) I'm so glad you liked my art and sneaky photo! ;)

  37. Thanks Monica :) I figured that Tweety is such a sweetie, he needs to be gazing at a heart! :) The lighting has always been a big issue with me. I saw a video on how to photograph your seems so complicated to get it looking right. I think I'm going to play around more with exposures and the settings on my camera. I loved the effect of your mosaic flowers!

  38. Thanks Cathy :) Tweety needs a heart constellation to gaze at don't you think? :) That was my favourite scene in Cinderella...that's when I really started to see magic! I never looked at a pumpkin the same way since! :))

  39. Thanks Eileen :) I'm happy you enjoyed my art today! :)

  40. Thanks so much Rosalea :)) I did get to see the Perseids! Alex and I went out two nights in a row. The first night we saw maybe a dozen meteors, the second night, just a few. We were so lucky to have clear skies. The last few Augusts have been cloudy for us. It was so cool to see the shower! Oh I tried to capture the meteor...but I don't know enough about my camera yet, which is shameful because I've had it since 2014 lol...I'm not one to read manuals, tsk tsk!! :)

  41. Thanks so much Christine! :)) I'm so happy to read your comment(s)!! :)

  42. Thanks Karen :)) That was my favourite scene from Cinderella! I agree, I need an "art" intern...someone with photography skills is welcome lol! :)

  43. Thanks TB :)) I have never seen the Northern Lights...but every summer, the Weather Network here says that some people in Canada who aren't far north, will be able to see them on certain nights. I've always been out on those nights...but alas, no auroras. I think we're a little too south here though.

  44. Thanks Joyce :)) I loved doing Tweety this week! :)

  45. Thanks Andrea :)) I'm so envious that you have seen the auroras! I think we're too far south to catch them, but one day I would love to make a trip especially to see them. What a treat that would be! Yes, Tweety definitely deserved to see a heart constellation! :) Oh gosh no, I had to look up the pumpkin scene from Cinderella! I did remember it, but I wanted to have all of that detail! LOL...yes, a little snack, a glass of wine (usually it's bigger than the one I put in my "still life")..and goes well together!! :)

  46. Thanks Gillena :)) So happy to see you here! :)

  47. Thanks Jo :)) I wish my camera could have caught it better, but honestly I'm happy with it! :)

  48. Thanks Gigi :)) Originally I had Tweety on a white background looking up at a rabbit constellation, but I really wanted him to be part of the night sky. It was fun to create that piece! :)

  49. Thanks Tracey :)) Pen and Ink over mouse and photoshop - yes, any day! :) I'm hoping one day I will see the auroras...hopefully, that would really be something special! :)

  50. Thanks Lin :)) I'm glad you enjoyed my art today! :)

  51. Thanks Linda :)) Tweety Bird is so cute...and he is the epitome of sweet love, so I figured a heart constellation suited him best! :)

  52. Thanks Sis :)) Do you guys see the auroras from where you are?

    1. Yes we do see them sometimes. G. Is a night owl and every time he saw them ... mostly around 2-3 am he would wake me up. They are always fascinating ... we always start wisteling when we see them to make them dance :) it works :)

  53. Thanks so much Becki :)) I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

  54. Thanks Leanna :)) A little sip and nosh makes everything more fun! :)

  55. Thanks Carol :)) I really appreciate your comment :)

  56. A blend of creativity that is so pleasing. Nicely done. Oh! that photography part is a trick I never get to see a soft copy that is near what things look on the paper.Guess, Photography and light shall find a place in the bucket list now... tc.

  57. Thanks so much Ira :)) I think it's all in my bucket list too! :)

  58. Oh you're lucky Nik. LOL...great job making them dance! :) I hope to see them one of these nights!!

  59. Dear Rain your art is soul comforting!

    Tweety looking up looks amazing! I loved his pause as I often find myself in same one :)
    Oh I absolutely Loved aurora forest it is enchanting indeed!
    You are truly amazing my friend!

  60. Hi Baili!!! :))) So nice to see your comment! I'm guessing you are home now! Thanks so much. I know, I feel like Tweety a lot of the time, just loving what I see in the sky!!! :)

  61. absolutely love our aurora forest!


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!