Thursday, October 29, 2020

πŸŽƒ Thursday Art Date: Halloween Party! πŸŽƒ

Hello Friends, 😊

Welcome to Thursday's Art Date, today our theme is Halloween Party! Anything goes for this theme as long as it's related to Halloween! Bugs Bunny had to really prepare for this photo shoot so he demanded a larger dressing room with extra carrots. How could I refuse?  😊 Isn't he an amazing actor?

I am so pleased how this watercolour turned was just a simple idea and I'm happy I was able to use such a loose style while painting it!

Here is an ink and graphite piece I did - some lovely witches brewing up magic!

Margaret Hamilton - the perfect Wicked Witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz - done in charcoals. She has an unmistakable voice...she did a lot of radio back in the 1940's. Alex and I listen to The Jack Benny Show every night at dinner and we always recognize her when she's a guest star!


Tail Maintenance

Fierce Cat Inside!

I wish I was flying South for the winter!

I'm back baby! 😊 My love for cooking, baking and food is back in full force! These are CLT's with Sauteed Mushrooms on sub buns (The C is for Cheddar).


Appetizer Night: Fried Olives stuffed with goat cheese, Stuffed Mushrooms and Potato Skins filled with Mexican Dip and topped with Cheddar cheese. 

We cracked open my Camembert and Jarlsberg cheeses - success!!! This was my first time using vegan rennet to make the cheeses and they tasted very yummy! My cheeses are now officially 100% vegetarian! (Recipes can be found on my blog: Rainy Day Cheese Making)

My FIVE DAYS of Halloween dinners/desserts/drinks are in full swing! On Saturday October 31st, I'll post all of the foodie photos, so please drop by!

Here's a Halloween food teaser: Double chocolate Boo-scotti! (recipe to follow)

Today I'm linking up with some lovely bloggers, please visit them for some very fun and interesting posts!

Friday October 30th: Paint Party Friday
Saturday October 31st: Eileen's Saturday's Critters
Monday November 2nd: Angie's Mosaic Mondays

That's all for now folks! Please check out the link gadget below to see more Halloween Party! artwork! 


"Looking Down" - ink and graphite

November 5th: Next Thursday's theme is Looking Down. Click on the link for ideas and inspiration! Remember it's all about creating. You can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, baking, poetry...whatever you like! 🎨

Thursday Art Date With Rain. Click on the link for a description of the art date as well as a list of upcoming themes. 

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! Please revisit to make sure you don't miss those who join in a little late! Also, if anyone adds a link that has nothing to do with the art date theme, it will be removed! The link gadget expires Friday at midnight (EST).



  1. Wow your party art is fantastic! You are so talented. Ohhh boy food! I love your recipes. Glad you have your mojo back. Be sure to check out my Samhain post on Oct 31. Enjoy your evening.

  2. I love Bugs and the Headless Horseman! And Boo-scotti, LOL! I'll be back for your Halloween party!

  3. You are a SERIOUSLY multi-talented woman.
    As always I am blown away.
    Happy Halloween.

  4. Lovely spooky party pieces Rain and your food has me drooling!

  5. I love how Bugs has turned into the headless horseman. Very cleverly done. And I absolutely adore your pumpkin. You did an excellent job drawing Margaret Hamilton. She was severely hurt when the green smoke caught fire. She returned to work, but if I recall correctly, she had to be hospitalized a few days.

    IF I can keep my electricity going (so far so good), I'll be by Saturday to share in your Halloween Party. And I'm thrilled you found Trigger, and saddened to read that some man said he would shoot Trigger if he saw him. So glad he's safe now.

    BTW, I just ate, and your meals look incredibly delicious. Happy about your cheeses, too. Most impressive.

  6. Your Bugsy headless horseman is great, Rain. As are all the other pieces of art. The squirrel pictures are terrific! And Wowza! The food! And there will be more on Friday? I look forward to being blown away by your culinary surprises I'm thinking you're sure to have for us. :)

  7. Fun post and great food, hugs, Valerie

  8. Thanks for hosting, I love all of this post, bugs bunny pumpkin in particular - your cheese looks amazing. Have a fabulous Halloween, we will be carving our pumpkins today, love all the build up to Samhain - Blessings.

  9. Happy Thursday
    Stay safe


  10. I want to com and eat at your house! No candies for me if I come trick-or-treating, but the fried olives stuffed with goat cheese will do just fine, thank you!

  11. ...that sub sure looks great!

  12. Hello, Rain

    Your art work is just wonderful. I love the Bugs Bunny and the Oz Witch. Cute squirrel collage, she or he posed nicely! Great capture of the cat with the sign, lol. Your CLT with Mushrooms looks yummy. My hubby would love the potato skins, I loved stuffed mushrooms. The cheeses look great, I wish I could taste them, yum! Happy Halloween! Take care, enjoy your day!

  13. Really enjoyed your post, Rain! Bugs is laugh out loud. funny!, and so good of him to go along with your plans! Love the squirrel sequence. You aren't a scary witch. Good to have the cooking mojo back. I need some of that! On my winter 'to do' list is trying to make some simple cheese. You have inspired me! Have a great Hallowe'en.

  14. Wow ~ Yes, your post if full of Halloween surprises! The charcoal wicked witch is spot on and I can still hear her voice in my head saying her famous line "I will get you my pretty and your little dog too"... and that laugh ~ All the food looks yummy and I'm glad your cheese turned out good too. Happy Halloween!!

  15. hi Rain, Bluebeard pointed out I had an error on my linky for the art date and it was sending viewers to her own blog so I deleted the post and reset, sorry to mess up your linkies - no.5 is therefore disabled and no. 7 is my update. thanks for the post, inspiration for Halloween. Betty x

  16. The watercolor is especially good.

    South is cold too right now, although not quite so exciting as what you are facing.

  17. lol, I think Bugs seem a bit scared of himself. :)
    But his younger sister in the image below is a sweety :) Love that one! You have the right to be proud :)

    Every witch seem to love to cook.

    Have fun and take care!

  18. omg...your food!!! that sub is amazing. and your cheeses look better than any i can buy. i love witchy you!!! the boo-scotti is too cute. you have been so busy and you created all of that wonderful art too!

  19. WOW!!! I'm so impressed! You are such a fantastic artist and photographer and from the looks of it a fantastic cook and cheese maker as well! You rock :)

  20. I love that headless horseman. Very cute idea. You are a gourmet cook.

  21. How do you not blow up like a balloon eating all of that delicious food. I would be waddling around by now (actually am, but not because of delicious food, but because of stress eating junk food ... UGH!!!) So as for your art ... you are flourishing in every imaginable way. I was going to pick a favorite, but couldn't. They are all wonderful. Poor Bugs had to give up his body this week ... brave little soul. I love your little squirrel. We had many squirrels when we lived on the lake, but here not so much. I miss their antics. I too would love to be flying south, but as all of our states are having an uptick in Corona cases, I have opted to stay home ... and we have had snow already, albeit only small amounts, the cold has set in so it is bundle up time here. Our Granddaughter has opted not to do Halloween because of Covid ... she is very mature for her age. I am just going to put a bucket of candy on the front porch and hope that the kids are decent enough to only take their fair share. So I look forward to your Saturday post ... I know it will be fun. Stay well, Rain ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  22. Great art work, the headless horseman with Bugs face on the pumpkin made me laugh. Wonderful imagination.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

  23. As always...great art. Loving it. Yes, Margaret made an awesome witch. Course, that is my all time, goes back to childhood movie. I love Oz. That sign in the window needs to read, "beware of cat"! lol...

  24. Just love all of your art pieces.
    Just love the look of your delicious food.
    Just loved reading your post.

    Happy Halloween Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  25. I love your painting of the pumpkin. What a great, moody technique. And I've a "thing" for squirrels, so seriously cute! All the food looks delicious -- I'd like to crawl into the screen and eat it all!

  26. Love the art and critters! Man I wish I could eat that much dairy, ah the good old days, sigh

  27. Great posting from thema! Die animals are sweet!
    and delicious food what you have cooked and this cheese is oh gorgeous as it looks.
    Happy halloween!Stay well!
    Hug Elke

  28. Your art and the variety of media are so impressive, as are your recipes and the fine cheese. Love the squirrel too! Happy Halloween!

  29. Loving your art and your food and your uplifting spirit! Looking forward to more Halloween fun.

  30. Divine artwork, photography and food ~ Wonderful Halloween theme ^_^

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  31. Bugs certainly plays the part of the headless horseman very well, like a true thespian. Fabulous art Rain and your sauteed mushrooms well, I know I couldn't resist!! Delicious Happy PPF & if I don't get chance tomorrow have a super Halloween Hugs Tracey xx

  32. Wonderful Halloween Party artwork. The loose style pumpkin turned out really nice. I like how the colours meld into each other. Happy PPF!


  33. Hello Rain,

    Your Bugs the headless horseman is awesome. Your art work is great!
    I love the sweet kitty and the cute squirrel. I have look out for the geese arriving. Your food photos are looking very tempting. The homemade cheese look and sound wonderful. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and weekend! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  34. Your witch sketches are wonderful! Happy Halloween.

    be well... mae at

  35. The ink and graphite is very dramatic art! Beautiful! And thanks for sharing your recipes! Happy weekend!

  36. Your Camembert looks really authentic, like it just left a fromageries. I love it but I have to limit when I eat it and the quantity. Enjoy your Halloween days.

  37. The spirit of the season is very much alive in this post! Your pumpkin watercolor is pure delight. Thanks for sharing all this, Rain!

  38. Hello Frances,
    your witches are quite nice indeed.
    Stay safe and enjoy your weekend!

  39. beautiful art BUT is there anyway you could come and feed me?? the food and appetizers look awesome. i love appetizers and to me, they are the best meal ever!!!

  40. Rain,

    Your CLT Subs with SautΓ©ed Mushrooms looks so good! I will have to make that some time soon. I watched a YouTube video yesterday where a lady made her own sub rolls. I might try that this week too.

    I love your Halloween art.

  41. Your art and food, look GREAT!
    Have a Happy Halloween!

  42. Glad you are having so much fun going all out for Halloween. The food looks delicious and fatty. Your photos are so nice, and it's always a treat to read one of your posts and see what is next in your life.

  43. Love the second and fourth artwork. Your food always looks yummy; man, you eat good, lady.

  44. All that food looks so tasty. I like the very Halloweenie art. :-) Happy Halloween!

  45. wonderful assortment of Halloween art. Wonderfully near scary ;-)

    Looks like comfort food season is filling your table and bellies. Yum.

  46. what a super post- packed with fabulous Halloween themed art, delicious looking food (oh my!!), and nature- love it all rain!

  47. We just watched the Legend of Sleepy Hollow so Bugs losing his head was a perfect blog opener, Rain. Those cheese looked so good...I can bring the crackers and wine for the party! Sure wish I could if we didn;t live so far apart and the borders were not closed.

  48. It's always fun how you interpret Bugs. I don't quite remember much of the wizard of oz but I always remember the wicked witch - that actress really is perfect for the role. Very tempting food pictures as always.

    I'm very late for your halloween party but it's not too late to check out all the fun entries.

    Have a lovely day.

  49. Rain - oh my goodness, I must remember not to look at your blog when I am hungry! Everything looks so delicious. The "tail maintenance" photos are a hoot! Thanks so much for joining Mosaic Monday and entertaining us with your talents!


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!