Thursday, December 10, 2020

Thursday Art Date: Cubism

Bunny With A Guitar

Hello Friends, πŸ˜ŠπŸ’“πŸ˜ŠπŸ’“πŸ˜ŠπŸ’“πŸ˜ŠπŸ’“πŸ˜ŠπŸ’“

Welcome to Thursday's Art Date, today our theme is Cubism. I wasn't too thrilled about this week's art date theme, I had no clue what to do. I started to browse images online to get some inspiration and came across Picasso's Girl With A Mandolin. I asked Bugs Bunny if he wouldn't mind being overly expressive while posing for this drawing and he was sweet enough to comply. He asked if he could keep the guitar though!

Life has been super busy again the last week! Yesterday I did my last grocery shopping trip of the year. It was really an endeavor to plan a month's worth of meals around the holidays, but I got it done! I used to share my menus all of the time, don't know why I stopped. I like to share to give dinner ideas because I get lots of ideas from reading my friends' dinner menus too!

I have big plans for widening my waist this holiday season too with my Christmas Cookie baking! 😊 I will be taking lots of photos of my holiday meals! And sometime in the new year when time allows, I'll update my recipe page!!

Rubik's Cubism! 😊 I had fun doing another 3D Trick Art Tutorial! I was NEVER able to solve this puzzle...I remember feeling so desperate I actually ripped off the coloured stickers and moved them around to at least have two sides done embarrassed!! 😌

By the way, I've put together the Art Date themes for 2021!! You can check out the list here! I also added a gadget to the ride side bar of my blog with the link! This will be my third year hosting the Art Date! 😊

We are getting very light dustings of snow every day but nothing is sticking around. I'm always so proud when I walk along my property line and see MY lovely woods! Most of you know how long I'd dreamed of home ownership and now that I have's overwhelming to my heart and spirit. πŸ’ž

The Rescues: Alex and I call these four The Rescues. Alex had two cats when we met but we adopted these four at a rescue in 2015. From July to October we brought these four home - after that we had to stop visiting the rescue because we couldn't come home without a pet!

Dinners have been quickly put together lately and I haven't been taking photos! But...this dinner is photo-worthy. I found this recipe for authentic Italian pizza on a You Tube Channel called Buon-A-Petitti. Many of you already know Gina, the Italian grandma who shares her recipes there. This pizza is to die for!

The 25 Days of Looney Tunes Christmas Doors:

"Witch Hazel"



"Gossamer The Monster"

"Sam Cat"

"Tweety Bird"

"Road Runner"

Above are my next seven daily art drawings that I did for Alexandra's Instagram drawing challenge called The 25 Days of Christmas Doors. Are you a fan of the Looney Tunes? Do you have a favourite character or episode? My favourite is Bugs and I'm saving him for Christmas Day!

I'm linking up with these wonderful bloggers today, please visit them for some really interesting posts! And why not join in on the link parties?

Friday December 11th: Paint Party Friday
Saturday December 12th: Eileen's Saturday's Critters
Monday December 14th: Angie's Mosaic Mondays

That's all for now folks! Please check out the link gadget below to see more Cubism artwork! 


James Cagney from "White Heat" (Charcoals, 2020)

December 17th: Next Thursday's theme is A Portrait. Click on the link for ideas and inspiration! Remember it's all about creating. You can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, baking, poetry...whatever you like! 🎨

Thursday Art Date With Rain. Click on the link for a description of the art date as well as a list of upcoming themes. 

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! Please revisit to make sure you don't miss those who join in a little late! Also, if anyone adds a link that has nothing to do with the art date theme, it will be removed! The link gadget expires Friday at midnight (EST).



  1. Nice work on the cubism Rain. The pizza looks delicious and I have been enjoying your doors on Instagram. Your menus look delicious, I don’t seem to plan mine more than a day or 2 ahead.

  2. I love your artwork. I wish I could get into mine. I haven't done any drawing or painting since I stopped working. That's since 2009. It's a looooong dry spell.

  3. I love your take on Cubism, or should I say Bug's take. I bet we see a lot of Picasso for this theme. I love what you drew.

    I have never been able to make a list of menus. I used to buy what was on sale, but now my friend Scott shops for me at Aldi and leaves food on my front porch. They don't have a whole lot of choices and are sometimes out of essentials. I am in awe you know what you are making weeks in advance. I look forward to seeing the meals you create, too.

    Had to laugh at your solution to winning at Rubik's Cube. I had a friend who could solve it in a matter of minutes. Not me. I'm not that spatially inclined, I fear.

    So glad you rescued these very lucky pets. Bleubeard was a Christmas gift from my god daughter, while Squiggles came from the Humane Society. Bleubeard actually cost me more in the beginning, because he had to be neutered and get his first shots, while the Humane Society had already done all that with Squiggles AND put a chip in him.

    I absolutely LOVE your Christmas doors. They are so very clever. I don't think I mentioned that last week. I love each of them, especially the ones with Tweety Bird in them.

    Thanks, too, for the new themes. It gives me time to find or possibly create a few things. Off to link up now.

  4. Wow, you've outdone yourself in this post, Rain! Love your "Rubik's Cubism" (LOL) and your portrait of Jimmy Cagney -- I recognized him right away (he's a fave of mine!). But the truly outstanding thing for me is all your Bugs Bunny and Looney Tunes art! I just heard an item on "The National" tonight that the new "voice" of Bugs Bunny is a Canadian! How cool is that?

  5. Isn't it amazing how cats will compress their bodies to get into a box. There's no way they're comfortable but they'll do it every time.

  6. I don't know which part of your post I like best.
    ALL of it warms my heart and blows me away. Sadly I could feel my waist expand just reading your menus...

  7. Hi Rain what a lot of fun you have brought with the cubism theme this week, thank you! I loved seeing the snow dustings and your pets, never get tired of seeing your cute pets :) Your food always looks delicious too - this morning I am cooking a curry for the men as am on a late shift tonight but I don't really enjoy cooking like you do :)

  8. Yes, Rain!!! Bunny is expressive and only thought out with the guitar, laugh great. I also had to think about the topic and google it.
    That's what I think I wouldn't fit through the door anymore * wink * you move a lot more and work a lot more like me. You need something delicious every day.
    Great the cube drawn so !!! Oh, I was just as inexperienced with turning this Rubik's Cube.You can be proud of your new home !!!!! It's nice and Christmassy when everything is snowy, with me there is nothing again.
    Sweet, I love your collage of your animals!Sweet, I love your collage of your animals.
    Your drawings with the doors are great and fun!
    Have a happy Christmas time, hugs Elke

  9. I agree, the Cubism was tricky! But I like your Rubik's Cubism! :)

    I love your snow dusted forest. I woud not mind spend a few days there too.
    I like your door paintings. Have you ever thought of trying your luck as a cartoon painter? But, I guess then you need your own characters.
    Take care!

  10. I think you did an exceptionally fine job in coaxing Bugs Bunny to take up the guitar and then showing it to us all. I hope he mastered all the chords.

  11. I enjoyed this post, Rain. I don't know how you make up a month's menu. Sometimes I don't know what I'm making that night! I love all your rescues. Our cat, Samson was a rescue and he was great. It would be lovely to have our own "woods". Are you cutting a Christmas tree from your property? -Jenn

  12. Rain,

    Bugs is quite the artist. Mentally this prompt challenged me more than others. I think it's because it's too close to abstract art which I fumble over. Anything that seems out of sorts throws my brain. Perhaps I have a hidden OCD relating to art. :)

    WOW, you have a whole of yummy baking planned! DH would love to be at your house with all that cookie baking. My goal is to not widen my waist but it usually happens anyhow. Darn, why do I like sweet so much?

    Your 25 Days of Looney Tunes illustrations are fantastic. I like both the granny and the Tweety bird sketches best. :)

    We're taking another staycation next week, so I may find I don't have time to doodle or make my usual blog rounds. Oh's portraits and I'm certain that one will leave me on the floor. You're so good at it whereas I'm sure I'd struggle to make it work.

    Have a doodletastic day and a very Merry Christmas, darlin'!

  13. Love your art for the Christmas challenge! What fun these are. I grew up loving colorful cartoons! Holiday hugs!

  14. Awesome Rain! I always look forward to your Thursday posts and you always do such a great job with every single thing, I absolutely love it all!

  15. What a wonderful post. Cubism is just not my thing. Ohh I love seeing it. I marvel at it but it is just not in me. You would think it would be as dyslexic as I am. LOL You are amazing making a list for your dinner a month at a time. Very organized. You are so lucky to have a husband who eats all kinds of great food. Both Mr. M. and I love watching Gina she is great. I do enjoy seeing your "rescue" family and the photos of your surroundings. In addition you are so talented with your art. Very nice pieces. Have a great day today.

  16. the snow on your evergreens is gorgeous. you should paint that! and your art!!! wow is all i can say. you sure have been busy! i can't wait to see all of your holiday food.

  17. I just love that charcoal drawing of James Cagney. You are very talented when it comes to drawing portraits. Love the doors too.

  18. I’m a little worried by that cookie and cake circle. Maybe it’s just a tiny bit heavy on the sugar?

    But I know what you mean about the cube. I hate it.

    Good luck Rain and Alex with your first home ownership. I am positive that you both worked hard to achieve your dream, but it’s an even better feeling when you make that last payment on the mortgage in 25 years’ time.

    Love those colourful cartoons and of course the James Cagney but I have to look away before the eyes bore right into me.

    How’s the website going? I’ve seen a number of paintings on this blog that are going to be hot sellers!

  19. You really captured the mischief of Bugs Bunny. Excellent rendition and yummy pizza to tempt me.

  20. Cubism looks really fun to draw. Love seeing your fur babies.

  21. I love "The Rescues"!! Oh, and that pizza looks delicious.

  22. Great art for your Cubism theme.

    Your menu plans look good, I usually only plan for about seven or eight days.

    Have a good week.

    All the best Jan

  23. Great menu planning! I mentioned last week- My mom had a neighbor years and years ago who is married to Edward G Robinson stuntman/double. The things you hear!

  24. ...Rain, you sure have the Christmas spirit. Take care and enjoy these special day...thanks for hosting.

  25. Oh ssssssooooo Christmas-y


  26. A very busy and entertaining post. I have never tried cubism but will now. Not sure about the holiday menus but glad you left a space for leftovers.

    by EAGHL

  27. Nice cookie line-up. Happy Holidays!

  28. Oh my gosh, Rain! Your artwork is amazing. The Rubik's Cubism is outstanding! And the food... I shouldn't have visited right before dinner. Now whatever we're going to eat pales in comparison! HAHAHA

  29. Thank you again Friends for your lovely comments!!!

    I'll answer some questions:

    Debra, I did hear about that Canadian who will be Bugs Bunny's voice!!! That is very cool! :)

    Monica, I don't think I could be a cartoon painter...that would stress me out too much lol...just for fun is what I can handle! :)

    Jenn, no, we can't have a tree this year because we just don't have room for it! We're still renovating and organizing...too many boxes haven't been opened yet! But yes, when we have room, the tree will come from our woodlot! :)

    Phil, the website hasn't been touched yet! I don't think it will be until the new year...I am having trouble finding time for so many things. We're still getting the house in order and trying to insulate the basement a little at a time. But it will happen in 2021!! Thanks for your support!! :)

    Nancy, that is really cool about your neighbour! You never hear stories like that!!!

  30. Hello Rain,

    Your did a great job with the Cube theme, Bugs Bunny looks great. I love all the holiday themed Looney Toons. Tweety Bird was one of my favorite. I am lucky I can work out a week's menu much less a whole month. I do see some ideas from your menu. The pizza looks delicious.
    The Rescues are adorable, cute photos. I wish I could give them a hug.
    Your snowy woods looks lovely, a petty place for your walk. Great post and wonderful art work. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post! Take care, have a happy weekend!

  31. Fabulous cubism art, just love the rabbit. A very interesting entry all together.

  32. The Bugs Bunny is gorgeous!
    You are a little Picasso!
    Thanks for visiting my blog!
    Have a great weekend!

  33. Cubist Bugs Bunny is great! Your menus for the month are impressive. I don't even know what we are eating tonight, much less tomorrow and into the future.

    be safe... mae at

  34. Wow, I don't think Bugs has ever looked sharper :) And your Looney Tunes Doors are awesome ...You never disappoint! You really have the Looney Tunes characters down to a science. I still think you should do some Freelance work for them! That is a great collage of your fur babies. They are all beautiful and cute and whatever superlative I can find. I just did a book on my Boyz ... kind of in memory of Fonzi. His brother, Chachi, is not well, but still with us, though I don't know for how long. Then our poor little Buffy will be all alone and she always loves to cuddle with Da Boyz. So, as soon as I am finished here, I am headed for Buon-A-Petitti. I can only imagine how good an authentic Italian pizza would be ... if yours is any indication, my mouth waters :) So I think you are the portrait queen. My sister did beautiful portraits, but I just don't have the knack. I can get close, but no banana. I look forward to your portraits next week ... and James Cagney is more than "Perfect!" I agree ... I should move by you, not only to get away from Covid, but I could stop in for dinner, yes? :) Dreams are a wonderful thing ... Stay safe and enjoy your wonderful life.

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  35. The charcoal drawing of James Cagney is beautiful, I love it and the movie. Great take on the cubism theme. I've never had luck with the rubik's cube either. I love the way you attempted to solve it. :)
    Love the Rescues, so sweet!

  36. Lots of fun, seasonal happiness here, and I love all the art. But I am swooning at the pizza! I'll have to check that out! Thanks for stopping by!

  37. Hi Rain, What a wonderful post. My goodness sakes. On December 7th you left me a comment on my post “Hummer Joy 2020” and that comment allowed me to find your blog. I’m going to call that my “lucky blogging event of December.” And in your comment yesterday I see that you are in New Brunswick. Wow, I love the Canadian Maritimes. I thought it cool that you had been to Water Street Fish and Chips in Charlottetown and agreed that they do it right. :-) It would be hard to say what is my favorite part of Thursday Art Date: Cubism … it all looks great. I’m very impressed with this, “Yesterday I did my last grocery shopping trip of the year.” I can’t imagine how I could do that. Your organizational skills are beyond amazing. Congrats on that. Love the pics of Charlie, Marlene, Jack, and Oscar. Sweet! Lastly, the pizza looks delicious! My next stop today will be Buon-A-Petitti. Thanks for sharing all and for your kind comments on my blog. Have a happy day and take care of yourself …stay safe! John

  38. Your words about being (happily) overwhelmed by your feelings over owning your own beautiful property are really sweet, Rain. I can't imagine a couple more deserving of such happiness, with all the planning, hoping, searching out, and hard work you've done. And having positive attitudes in spite of some hard things. I'm just glad we readers can come alongside and enjoy reading about your adventures. :)

  39. Bugs is awesome and love your Xmas characters ~ you are so talented ~ ^_^

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  40. Love the cubism Bugs! Great job and yum yum on the pizza.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

  41. You are very talented and your art is delightful! Thank you. You brightened my day!

  42. Our family favourites at Christmas are Spritz, Noel Nut Balls, Fatigmann bakkelse and lacy krumkaka. Christmas was the time of year that my grandmother and mother would share things from my Norwegian and Swedish heritage. - Margy

  43. Rain - my husband and I have a pretty good division of duties - I do the cleaning and he does the cooking. I think I have the easier job, especially at times like this when we have family visiting and suddenly he has to plan not just dinner but other meals as well! Loved your photos and art work - thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  44. Of course, Rain, I like the Looney Tunes. Your drawings are fine as ever. We, the best husband and myself, we are great fantasy fans.
    And I love your pets. Especially sweet Oscar.

    Do you got my card meanwhile? I hope it.
    Happy MosaicMonday

  45. Well done on Bunny with a guitar. I don't think I will be able to shop for a month's worth of meals because I know I am a lousy planner. I dare not start on baking because I know I will enjoy eating all of them and add on more weight. Cute Rescues you have there. Would love to keep a pet but for the time being, we are not able to cope. Pizza looks delicious. Nice and cute Looney Tunes Christmas Doors. Have a great week.

  46. bugs bunny looks like a natural on the guitar. i baked my first christmas cookies yesterday and i was pretty happy with the outcome. as i have gotten older, i only cook one batch a day!!

    we are suppose to get some snow wednesday, i have my fingers crossed!!!

  47. Happy Monday Rain. I am at #14 on the mosaic linky


  48. Such fun artwork and great job with cubism, such a hard theme! Your menus look delicious and have fun with cookie baking!


  49. I would be so, so happy to own a little Christmas wood like you! It looks perfect with the snow like a Christmas card
    Have followed your art on IG!
    Happy Christmas
    Wren x

  50. I so enjoy your cartoons Rain ... your creativity and also the memories Looney Tunes bring, because yeah, I remember loving them all as a child. We got a cartoon along with every Saturday matinee. Oh yeah. (I think they came with the “grown-ups” movies too, in those days but there’s nobody alive to ask any more... good grief I am so old!). Your menus sound good, is that picture the one you called pour in the pan pizza? “. (Don’t worry, I’ll look it up,). .... since I’m a newish reader your words under the lovely woods picture have me wanting to read your older posts and I will if I ever get caught up with comments.

  51. Just answering a few more questions!

    Andrea: Yes, you may stop by for dinner ANY time! :)

    Heidrun: Not yet!!! But I will keep an eye on the mail box!! :)

    Sallie: The pizza photo isn't the "pour in the pan" pizza, I'm going to be trying that for the first time this month. My friend Joyce mentioned it to me and I found a video that shows how to do it here:

  52. oh precious beautiful and amazingly talented dear Rain i absolutely LOVED this sharing ,special thanks for the loonytoons family ,i can't tell how i love them and watching them here all through your at made my heart so HAPPYEEEEEEEEEEEE:)
    loved the Granny sooo much she is my ideal lady with all the undefeated positivism and energy :) just like you ,i mean younger version :)

    you did great for cubism as expected :)

    food is truly compelling ,short days enlarging the business for sure
    i can imagine your joy and peace you must be feeling after having your dream house :) i am so happy for you my friend ,enjoy and saty as blessed as always !

  53. I am smiling, ear to ear! Thank you Rain! Love, love, love this post!!! Big Hugs!


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!