Thursday, July 8, 2021

Thursday Art Date: Criss Cross And Some FUN News!!

Hello Friends!! 😊😊

Welcome to Thursday's Art Date, today our theme is Criss Cross. I was inspired by Andrea's post for the theme Jump! a few weeks back when she featured a video of the Double Dutch championships. Bugs, Daffy and Porky Pig are demonstrating the criss-crossing of the jump ropes in this sketch! I don't think I could handle too much jump-roping these days...Porky is in much better shape than I am! 😊

I remember coming up with this theme last November after I watched the Hitchcock thriller "Strangers On A Train". The entire motive of the movie revolves around a criss cross of murders. It's a great movie. Patricia Hitchcock is in many of her daddy's films, she is a splendid actress. This is my charcoal drawing of her in that movie.

Here's the trailer. 

A great remake of "Strangers On A Train" is the 1987 film "Throw Momma From The Train" starring Billy Crystal and Danny Devito. I love these two comedians and they were so great in this film. This is my ink and graphite piece. See Danny's hands??? I STILL can't draw hands...I'm glad Billy's were hidden lol!

Here's the trailer.

Walking on the blueberry trail the other day, we saw a family of deer. The dogs go nuts when they see deer! Here's a little video of Jack's reaction!

Speaking of blueberries, they are really starting to fruit all over that field!

I heard a familiar knocking sound outside the other day. There was a beautiful female Pileated Woodpecker tearing up a wood structure on my property. (Did I get that right? The female has a black forehead where the male's is all red?)

Here is a lovely Cheddar and asparagus quiche! 

I haven't had much time for baking this week...I went back to the Rocks!!! I couldn't help was such a beautiful sunny day, this time you could see across the Fundy Bay.

I brought the dogs because I discovered a walking ramp at the North cape beach. Marlene has so much trouble with her hips and back legs...I didn't think she could handle the 101 stairs to go down to the ocean floor. But that ramp made it possible for the dogs to enjoy being there! So happy!

I actually went twice this week. The first time by myself. I was able to get a selfie with me and the dogs!! They loved it there, so many things to sniff and see! 

Yesterday I went back and Alex joined me and the dogs. Good thing they have a washing station there, Marlene, Jack and Charlie all went for a swim in the muddy water, the dirty dogs! 😊

......I've been working on something very exciting!!

Here is my fun news! I'm very close to launching a YouTube channel featuring videos of me creating my art!! For now they will be time-lapsed since they're very long but you'll be able to see how I put a piece together from start to finish. I have so much footage that I'm currently editing, I've created my channel and my channel I have to put it all together and I hope I will have it up and running by next week's art date!! I'm super excited about it!! I'll let you all know when it's up and running!! My next big project will be a new website but that may take a little longer since I'm learning everything from scratch!


This week's highlighted artist is Kokopelli from Kokopelli Design blog, and I'm featuring this beautiful contribution to last week's theme of "Miniature". Kokopelli paints such beautiful watercolours! 💗

I'm linking up with these wonderful bloggers today, or at least trying (!!), please visit them for some really interesting posts! And why not join in on the link parties? You can meet some really nice people!! 😊

Friday July 9th : Paint Party Friday
Saturday July 10th: Eileen's Saturday's Critters

That's all for now folks! Please check out the link widget below for more "Criss Cross" creations! If you know of any fellow artists/creators...can you let them know about Thursday's Art Date friends?

See you soon!!! 💗💗💗


If you'd like a copy of this banner, please open this image in a new tab and save it!

Upcoming Art Dates For Rain's Thursday Art Date:

July 15th: Mornings
July 22nd: Your Favourite Decade

Click on the links for ideas and inspiration! Remember it's all about creating. You can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, baking, poetry...whatever you like! 🎨

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! Please revisit to make sure you don't miss those who join in a little late! Also, if anyone adds a link that has nothing to do with the art date theme, it will be removed! The link gadget expires Friday at midnight (EST).



  1. Love the portraits you did this week, especially Patricia Hitchcock's beautifully rendered eyes! And what exciting news about your YouTube channel -- looking forward to seeing your time-lapse videos of how you do your art!

  2. How fantastically awesome is that? Good on you and congratulations!

    The rocks look very lovely.

  3. Ohhhh I love this post so much. That art is beautiful and seeing you and Alex makes my happy. The dogs too LOL. I can't wait for you channel to get up and running. Andrea from Kokopelli is such a talented artist and this is just one of the art venues she creates in.

  4. Love your portraits - and am drooling over the quiche.
    My internet use has been hit hard this month, but I hope to watch your videos next billing month.

  5. Fantastic post, Rain. Love the art, the photos, the video and of course, the food! Good luck with your new adventures! Have a wonderful day, enjoy life! Hugs, Valerie

  6. Congrats to Kokopelli featured today. Lovely photos. Thanks for todays prompt Rain

    AND adding some sad news...
    May she rest in peace. My mother passed away yesterday morning (91 in May). She lived with my sister Chris who took good care of her.

  7. love to see your jumping friends. :)
    That beach is a great place. I would spend a lot of time there if it was closeby. The woodpecker seem to play hide and seek :)

    Good luck with your new projects. :)

  8. the w's would love a trip to the rocks too. they are summer hibernating in this heat! i loved seeing all of the pics and can't wait for the time-lapse art videos.

  9. All of your photos and stories are fantastic, but oh my word, that cheddar and asparagus quiche wants to jump in my mouth so bad!

  10. Hello Rain: It's always a great pleasure to have a visit from a Pileated Woodpecker. It's a large, gaudy bird but not one that I see nearly as often as I would like. It's amazing how often I come upon fresh holes, knowing that the bird has been there mere minutes or hours before, but it rarely seems to cross my path. And the quiche looks delicious!

  11. No jump roping for me these days either! I love all of your art, you always do such a fantastic job. Fundy Bay looks like such a beautiful place. I'm glad you were able to take the dogs with you to enjoy it. Very exciting news about your YouTube channel, congrats!

  12. Cute porky criss crossing. Your portraits are so good! Good luck with the upcoming youtube channel and website. Great on finding the walkway for your cuties.

  13. Another great post, Rain! Wishing you all the best on your "interweb" adventure!! -Jenn

  14. Your drawings are so good. You have expanded and grown since I started blogging with you. WOW...that pizza looks yummy. I love the area in which you live. It looks so nice and pretty. I see the smile upon your face and that makes me smile.

  15. Wow, I am super impressed ... I can't wait to see your new You Tube Channel ... and a new web sight? Does that mean you are moving your TAD or will it be a different art date? I am atingle with excitement :)
    Your art this week is, as always, superb. I have seen both criss cross movies and enjoyed them both and I just watched a Britbox program that had a criss cross theme as well.
    My Izzi spotted a deer once. It was standing in the weeds and woods right next to the trail so when Izzi spotted him, they were only about a foot away from each other. That may be the only time I have ever seen Izzi's hair stand on end. She look like a giant and on top of that her lip was curling, so she really looked scary. The unimpressed deer just turned and walked away ... I had to laugh :)
    I am so jealous that you had a Pileated Woodpecker at your feeder. That is probable the only North American Woodpecker that I haven't seen. They are rare in our area and though I have heard of them being spotted in different places, I have never been so lucky.
    I love your pictures and is this a first of Alex? You two look so cute and handsome together. A pair of true pioneers ... so awesome.
    I look forward to next week when you launch your new channel ... You are a brave soul. I can't even figure out how to load a picture on my Instgram account ... a techy I am not :( Until next week, Rain, stay well ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  16. Congratulations on getting involved in that special project. Good luck with it. I am sure it will be a success.

  17. ...Double Dutch is amazing and way too hard for me! The rocks looks like a fabulous place. Thanks Rain for hosting, I'll stop by in the morning to link.

  18. Great place to explore! Congrats on your new channel! I was curious what kind of camera you use? I went back to a DSLR a while back, shots are so much better!

  19. A lovely post from beginning to end.
    I do like the picture of you, Alex and the dogs.
    I wish you good luck with the upcoming YouTube channel and website, you've been working hard and deserve every success.

    All the best Jan

  20. So proud of you for starting a YouTube channel! Looking forward to it, very much! You and Alex look very happy, healthy and relaxed in your snapshot! Do you think you will start a YouTube channel for the cheese making? Oh, and maybe you could start a channel and take us along on your walks... haha... do I have you keeping busy enough? 😆. Great post today and thanks for keeping us in the loop! Get a wonderful and relaxing weekend!

  21. Great selection so fun and the black and white painting is great and so are the two men from the film. Delicious the food
    I am happy to see you two together, you two cute couples with your dogs in this great area with the bird and berries.
    Have a good time, greetings Elke

  22. Beautiful art creations and awesome fur persons ~ Xo

    Dancing while I can,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  23. Great post Rain, and lovely to see you, Alex and the doggies together at "the rocks'.
    Good luck with your new art venture - bet it will be fabulous!
    Mary -

  24. Wonderful portraits. Happy PPF

  25. I can't tell you how much I love seeing your dogs enjoying themselves (and you too!) you all look so relaxed and how nice to see a picture of you with your man :) How very exciting about the YouTube channel and the future website - good luck with those. Betty x

  26. Love your portrait. That quiche looks amazing!

  27. Great photos of you guys and big congrats, so excited for you. Will be sure to check you out on YT. xoxo

  28. Awwww, thanks for featuring my little watercolor bookmark and for the kind words! And such amazing photos from the beach. Glad you found a way to bring all your dogs. Wow, big news with the YT channel. Looking forward to watching the videos.

  29. Hello Rain,
    What an awesome post. I always enjoy your art work. Jack is cute, his tail wagging away while seeing the deer. It is great you live so close to the bay and to make these visits to the coast. Your dogs are so sweet, I am sure they enjoyed their run on the beach. Congrats on the new website, I will bookmark the site and Youtube channel. It is great to see photos of you, Alex and the furbabies. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend! PS, thank you for your comment today and on all past visits.

  30. Good to see getting outdoors and back on overall form Rain, even if as claim. you can't draw hands. I wouldn't worry as you can definitely draw the rest of humans, especially faces and the expressions and quirks therein. It's strange that some artists find it hard to draw bird's feet too but seemingly have no problem with the rest of a bird's posture and looks.

    A couple of nice portraits of you, Alex and the dogs all looking relaxed and happy. I'm looking forward to seeing the You Tube channel that perhaps will include a spot of cooking? After all, cooking is an art form. I'm so jealous of that Pileated. Seven weeks at Long Point and I never did see one, just the holes in trees from previous times.

  31. Hello,
    I love that woodpecker. He does not live in my corner of the world.:-)
    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  32. Oh my goodness, how neat that you are going to have your own YouTube channel! I can’t wait to see it. I saved the Hitchcock movie to watch later. We had to watch his film, rear windows in college and it was a good film too.

    I hope you’re having a great weekend.

  33. LOVE the photos, the art, the energy, the joy...everything in this post. But I'm especially excited that you will be up on YouTube soon! Such great news. Looking forward to it!

  34. Wonderful art, Rain!
    I didn’t know Hitchcock’s daughter acted in his movies. I will check it out.
    My, it looks so lovely at the beach. What good days… I can smell the salt air from here.
    Great photo of the woodpecker. They are so amusing!
    Congratulations on the new you tube channel and site.
    Enjoy the weekend.

  35. Rain,

    Nice take on this week's art theme. Perhaps at the end of the month I can do another catch up post like I did in June. I remember learning how to play double dutch which was a thrilling moment for a a little girl. :) Great Looney Tunes illustration!

    Your charcoal drawing of Patricia Hitchcock is fabulously well done. Her animals are amazing! I love how you captured the reflection!!

    We saw "Throw Mama From the Train" years ago. I really like Danny Devito and Billy Crystal but this film bothered me. How can anyone hate his/her mother so much that they want to kill them? I'm not a huge fan of dark comedy. Hands are a hard feature to draw. I don't even think I would've noticed them had you not said anything. :)

  36. Ohhh your black button on my black background looks AWESOME! Although I think it will look good on everyone's blog.

  37. Love your art, Rain. Your furry friends are so nice to see, bet they loved the water and will expect you to take them back for a visit. :) Have a wonderful weekend.

  38. I need to check out Strangers on a Train. I've yet to see a Hitchcock movie I don't like, though I'm sure there are many I haven't seen. And I look forward to checking out your Thursday Art Dates on Youtube! Very cool, Rain.

  39. what a lovely post! I wonder how much time you spend to create such a post with so many interesting things. A week?

  40. Hello Rain,
    What a beautiful blog, the drawings are really great, what a talent you have.
    The woodpeckers are beautiful and your dogs are sweethearts.
    Greetings Irma

  41. First, Rain congrats on the future YouTube channel showing how yiu create your amazing art. While not an artist myself, I so appreciate your sharing your talents every week. I have seen both the movies mentioned in this post and the Hitchcock one was great, while the Billy Crystal take was just hilarious… both good choices. Looks like you and the dogs had a great time and nice to see Alex as well.

  42. I like the skipping. There is great movement in the art. Also, I never knew that the woman wearing glasses and who did such a great job in the movie was Hitchcock’s daughter. Your upcoming project sounds like great fun and a big challenge. I will look for it!

  43. Thank you for visiting my blog. - I had to pop in and see yours, it's really interesting. I enjoyed seeing all your great photos and videos. Have a great week.

  44. Congratulations on your upcoming video channel! I'll be eager to see!

    And I'm so happy Marlene (and all the dogs) could make it down to the beach. Big smiles!

  45. My favourite cartoons doing the criss cross jump. I love to read Hitchcock's books. Great looking quiche. Love your selfie with the dogs. Have a fabulous week.

  46. This post filled my heart, Rain! The dogs are wonderful, and I always enjoy seeing them. And it's nice to see a photos of you and Alex together. I remember jumping double dutch when I was a kid. I can still skip back and forth across the room, as long as I don't think about it. Game over if my mind gets engaged. I only skip when my trainer makes me ~ LOL! Love your take on criss cross. I will subscribe to your You Tube channel. Hugs to you!

  47. Thanks Debra! :) I couldn't get her lips right but I did get those terrified eyes done pretty well! :)

  48. Thanks TB! :) I have been dreaming of doing this for years! :)

  49. Thanks Nicole! :) Andrea from Kokopelli is a sweet person and I'm happy to have highlighted her! And thanks for grabbing my button!!! I'm pretty happy about how it looks!!

  50. Thanks Elephant's Child! :) I'm glad my quiche made you drool! :)

  51. Thanks Valerie! :) The new adventures are making me so happy!

  52. Thanks Gillena! :) Again, you have my thoughts and prayers.♥♥

  53. Thanks Monica! :) I'm about a 90 minute drive from the coast...I now wish I lived closer! :)

  54. Thanks Joyce! :) The W's would have to go in the fall I think, you too can get pretty hot in the sun despite the ocean breeze!! :)

  55. LOL Presstfortime! :) I'm glad you enjoyed the quiche photo! :)

  56. Thanks David! :) I have never seen a Pileated before, this was the first time. Her power as she was hitting the wood with her beak was astounding. My teeth would break if I hit that hard!!!

  57. Thanks Martha! :) Taking the dogs to the Fundy Bay was a very special experience! :)

  58. Thanks Christine! :) I wish I could skip like Porky...don't have it in me anymore! :)

  59. Thanks Jenn! :) I'm very excited about the YouTube stuff!

  60. Thanks Pam! :) Glad I could make you smile! :) Yes, this area really is lovely and I'm grateful every day I walk out my door to see the beauty of it! :)

  61. Thanks Andrea! :) OOOH Atingle!!! lol...I love that word! For now TAD will remain here until I build my new art website. I hope to have the art site going and this one here continuing but mainly focused on the food, house and pets! Oh my gosh, Charlie did the same as Izzy! She looked scared when we saw the deer, her heckles were up and she backed away a bit lol...she's supposed to be a big scary husky! Jack just wanted to join in and play with them I think (I hope lol)...I may have put up a few photos of me and Alex years ago but he's more private when it comes to his image online! The Pileated was a rare sight for me too, first time I saw one! I heard her first!

  62. Thanks Gigi! :) I hope my channel will be well-liked and people will enjoy it! :)

  63. Thanks Tom! :) I can't wrap my brain around those kids who do double dutch...I don't have the dexterity or the stamina!!

  64. Thanks Nancy! :) I am currently using my Android's camera. I do have a nice DSLR camera but I find it's difficult to get good videos on it. The photos from my good camera are much better, but I admit, I get lazy and just bring out the phone!

  65. Thanks Jan! :) I really have been working hard on the videos and channel. It was more work than I thought it would be, I hope people like it! :)

  66. Thanks Dino! :) I actually have plans for a second YT channel for my home, baking, cheesemaking and pets etc...but that may be a few years away! It's a ton of work and I WILL get to it, but when things calm down a bit around here first!! :)

  67. Thanks Elke! :) Glad you enjoyed it! :)

  68. Thanks Carol! :) The furries really had a good time! :)

  69. Thanks Mary! :) I hope it will be fabulous! :))

  70. Thanks Laurie! :) ♥♥♥ So nice to see your comment!

  71. Thanks Betty! :) The dogs had so much fun in the water, even Jack who usually won't even dip a toe in the water! :)

  72. Thanks Veronica! :) The quiche was SO good! :)

  73. Thanks so much Aimeslee! :)

  74. Thanks Kokopelli! :) I hope my little feature brought you some more fans! :)

  75. Thanks Eileen! :) The dogs loved being by the coast. In fact Marlene didn't want to come out of the water, she was perfectly happy standing there and feeling the waves splashing on her! It was really a fun time, I can't wait to get back! :)

  76. Thanks Phil! :) This was the first time I saw a Pileated!!! I heard her before seeing her and she packed a wallop as she poked away at that wood! Haven't seen her since though. I will be eventually starting a YT channel for cooking, cheesemaking, homesteading and pet stuff, but it may be a few years away still! :)

  77. Thanks Luisella! :) It was the first time I saw that woodpecker myself!

  78. Thanks Belinda! :) Rear Window is one of my favourite movies! I love the suspense!! :)

  79. Thanks Mystical Martha! :) With your encouragement, I was able to push myself a little more this week! :)

  80. Thanks Dixie! :) Hitchcock's daughter is in a few of his movies and she stars in one of his "Hitchcock Presents" tv shows. She is adorable (has a little lisp) and a good actress! I can't wait to be back by the coast!!

  81. Thanks Cathy! :) Oh my gosh, you were able to double dutch??? I'm very impressed!!! I can see what you mean by Throw Momma From The Train lol...I like the dark comedy myself! :)

  82. Thanks Bill! :) The dogs loved it there, I will definitely be taking them back! :)

  83. Thanks Becki! :) If you're a Hitchcock fan you'll love Strangers On A Train...It's really one of his best though I could say that for many of them!! :)

  84. Thanks Shiju! :) I often ask myself the same question, my life is jam-packed these days.

  85. Thanks Dorothy! :) I loved both of those movies, I love how one is so supsenseful while the other is hilarious. That makes a fine remake of a great classic!! :)

  86. Thanks Penelope! :) So happy you saw movement in the skipping! :) I tried my best! :)

  87. Thanks for stopping by Ida! :)

  88. Thanks Jeanie! :) Yes, I'm especially happy that Marlene could experience being there! :)

  89. Thanks Nancy! :) I've read some of those books too, they are really well written and Hitchcock does a good job interpreting them! :)

  90. Thanks Louise! :) I am very impressed that you jumped double dutch, I could never hack it! Hugs back!!! I hope the photos of the Rocks made you reminisce a little! :)

  91. Great drawings Rain! Love hearing Jack bark and wagging his tail! So cute! Gorgeous Pileated Woodpecker! They are so big! We had one at our old house! That quiche looks so good! Big Hugs!

  92. Your drawing of Crystal and DeVito is great! How neat to find wild blueberries.


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!