Thursday, October 28, 2021

Thursday Art Date: October Spooks! - πŸŽƒ Villains πŸŽƒ

Hello Friends! 😈😈

This post is chalk-full of goodies! I hope you find something you like! πŸ’“

Welcome to Thursday's Art Date, today our theme is Villains. During this time of year, I watch a lot of scary movies. Not just horror movies, but psychological thrillers as well. The Hannibal Lecter movies always make it on the roster! Bugs insisted that I leave him as is in Daffy Duck's dressing room - but I just couldn't do that to Daffy! Bugs is such a stinker!

I'm on a pizza journey my friends - trying to make the perfect toaster oven pizza. I started off making 9 balls of dough.

Day 1 was kind of a disappointment and I have no photos. Day 2 though - getting better...I baked one pizza with only a wee bit of olive oil and some Parm - it rose amazingly! But when I put the sauced/cheesed pizza in, it barely rose. I know it's because my toaster oven lost a lot of heat when I opened the,

Day 3: I put my probe thermometer into the oven and waited until it hit its highest temperature 414F before putting in the pizza. This is close to perfection! I'll be documenting all of this in the near future for you! I have more pizzas to make this week before my Halloween feast!

For today's art date, I went with Edgar Allen Poe's villains...In The Tell Tale Heart, the villain is the narrator who believes the old man's eye watches him like a vulture. This drive's the narrator's madness to murder...

Here are parts one and two of Vincent Price, acting out The Tell Tale Heart - he's brilliant.

In The Raven, the villain is the mind...or is it the raven?

Here is The Raven, read by James Earl Jones - he does it wonderfully and actually The Simpsons did a version of this (read by James Earl Jones) for one of their TreeHouse of Horror episodes! Here's the link where you can watch it: The Simpsons The Raven.

In The Fall of The House of Usher, the villain is again, the mind...of Roderick Usher who buries his sister alive under the mad idea that she is the cause of the end of his family name.

Here is Christopher Lee reading The Fall of The House of Usher - he has such a great voice for these stories!

In The Cask of Amontillado, the villain is the narrator who entombs a man out of anger and vengeance.

Here is The Cask of Amontillado read by the wonderful British Shakespearean actor, Basil Rathbone.

I have a few new videos on my spiritual channel, if you're interested, please click on the images or on the links below:

I also made a video (time-lapsed) of me drawing my Poe villains.

For my art video, I introduced each drawing with a fun costume! I'll be celebrating Halloween on Sunday with lots of fun foods! I'm carving my pumpkins tomorrow too. If I have the time, I'll be posting about it this weekend!

Mexican Night

Crepes with vanilla yogurt and real maple yummy.

I had some fun making a homemade spirit board this week! Also called a Ouija Board - I'm not at all superstitious about this, though I know some folks are! I'm going to try it out on Halloween night! πŸŽƒ

I also cleaned up my raised beds this past week and planted 16 more cloves of garlic for next year (like I need more garlic) - couldn't help myself! I have a HUGE bed of mint that I'm just letting be...and the bed in the foreground is all strawberries - again letting it be to see what comes of it! 

I'm still waiting to find out when my roof will be replaced...this is very stressful but I'm trying to roll with it! 

♥ The five furries are doing very well!  ♥ 

Today's featured Artist/Blogger is Glenda from Gigi-Hawaii blog. She's Gigi to me! Gigi lives in Hawaii, is a published author and shares her stories of life with her husband David. They are such a sweet couple and her blog is very interesting! Please visit her! πŸ’—

(If you do not want to be featured, just let me know in the comments and I'll respect your wishes!)

That's all for now folks! Please check out the link widget below for more "Villains" creations! See you soon!!! πŸ’— πŸ’— 


Upcoming Art Dates For Rain's Thursday Art Date: click on the links below for a description of the theme and inspiring images!

November 4th: The Workshop
November 11th: Soft
November 18th: Wisps and Winds
November 25th: Stripes

This art date is all about creating. You can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, baking, poetry...whatever you like! 🎨

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! Please revisit to make sure you don't miss those who join in a little late! All spam and non-related links will be removed! The link gadget expires Friday at midnight (EST).


  1. Sorry but I'm trying to catch up to everyone's blogs. I've been going through a lot of back pain that has kept me in bed and offline except to blog something and post on Wet Wednesday or my atheist posts on Sundays. Otherwise, I was not reading or posting.
    The pizza looks sooo freaking yummy that I just want to come visit for a taste. Vincent Price and Christopher Lee were two of the best actors when it came to scary movies. The fur babies all look content but I didn't see Marlene.

  2. Your pizza looks amazing. Like your art.
    My mind is often my enemy - and a very successful one.

  3. Fun post today, and as usual, the food looks fabulous! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  4. I loved Edgar Allen Poe stories when I was a kid. Very fun theme for your drawing classes. Love the costume idea!

    Your toaster oven pizzas look really good. Did you bake them right on the oven rack?

  5. you sure are busy! everything is wonderful especially all of your costumes! i can't wait to see what you make for halloween!

  6. This reminds me that we haven't had pizza in months, and Miriam makes a great dough. We cook ours in the oven and they have always turned out really well. They are delicious too. Not something I would want to eat on a regular basis, but once in a while it's a special treat. A couple of nights ago I made lemon, garlic chicken breasts with a delicious mushroom sauce, a baked potato and broccoli drizzled with a cheese sauce using a bit of Asiago left in the fridge. It was all helped down with a glass of Chablis! Life is tough but we endure as best we can!

  7. Hello,

    Poor bugs, Hannibal was a creepy character. Your pizza looks delicious.
    I am still trying to make that perfect dough. Take care, enjoy your day!

  8. ...your pizza looks like a success in my book!

  9. Rain,

    I'm not a huge fan of horror flicks. The Hannibal Lector series is so creepy. "Silence of the Lambs" is about the only one I can tolerate. Anthony Hopkins does a marvelous job as Hannibal Lector. He's a fabulous actor. Did you know that he's in the HBO series "Westworld"? We're watching that series now and am really enjoying it. Bugs did well posing for you to sketch the famous scene. :)

    Practice making pizza is the only way to get it right for your toaster oven. I think the problem with your dough not rising is your oven not equipped to get to a high temperature like your stove oven can or could do. That's one thing I noticed about mine when I was in a pinch one night when the bake element fizzled out no sooner when I placed my oven in the oven. I had only one choice and that was to attempt to use my toaster oven.

    Vincent Prince was a favorite actor from my childhood. I used to like watching those old horror films that were mostly spooky. The video clips remind me a lot of the type of films I viewed as a kid but he appears older in The Tell-Tale Heart. On Saturday nights I often watched Chiller. The featured films were often old B&W movies with Lon Chaney, Boris Karloff, Christopher Lee, Vincent Price, and others who's names escape me.

    James Earl Jones has a distinct voice. Did you know he was a stutterer as a child? I read the story a long time ago. Refreshing my memory, it was a high school teacher who questioned Jones' poem that he wrote, saying she thinks he plagiarized it and the only way to prove that he wrote it was to stand before the class to recite it from memory. With that single act, he got Jones to talking and reading poetry more which sparked his interest in acting. The rest is history.

    Your art pieces are excellent and add just the right amount of creep to the Halloween season. Your food dishes look amazing! I'm planning to fix Taco salads this weekend. Mmm, your lasagne reminds me that this is something I want to make soon. I had an Ouija Board as a kid. It was kind of fun to play with but I was always afraid that it would let something into my life that I didn't want. I'm not superstitious but I do know there are unseen forces around us. The light stands guard to defend and to protect us from the dark wishing to claim our life and very soul if one allows. If that doesn't sound scary, then I don't know what does! :)

    I know why you're planting more garlic. You need to keep the vampires away, right? Your furbabies look so content. :) Thanks for hosting the art date, my friend. I contributed today but I'm not linking up because I don't have time right now to really play along. Have a doodletastic day! ;)

  10. Wonderfully spooky, Rain! Love your costumes too. Happy Halloween and have fun with your marvelous homemade Ouija Board!

  11. Fun Hannibal art and the horror art is good too. Your toaster oven pizza looks delicious. Your garden has come a long way! Gigi is a good blogger friend of mine I even met her and David in Hawaii in 2014.

  12. Very stunning art, Rain! Love the pizza experiment! Looking forward to your post on these little beauties! Have a perfect Halloween!

  13. Wow Rain! So much going on!

    The Ravishing Mrs. TB likes her pizza very crispy on the crust and raised preparing it in the oven to an art form. Myself, I just put it in for the allotted time and rolling with it.

    Although not a huge fan of The Simpsons, the reading of the Raven is one of the best I have heard or seen.

  14. Thanks for today's prommpt and masterful youtube readings


  15. Lots and lots of goodies here this week. Poe is one of my all time faves. Great job on this. The furries all look good and content. You are killing me with the pizza. hee hee hee. Wonderful art today and your garden beds look really good. Yay for the garlic! I am off to your YT channel.

  16. Yes I know Vincent Price... of course, he is a classic Star for this Genre of Films. And Anthony Hopkins too. By the way, yesterday we saw the RED DRAGON with Hannibal Lector in TV. But I was tire and sleep πŸ˜‚

    Today I give a painted

    and some painted leaves πŸ‚πŸ behind for this wonderful autumn.

    Rain, I agree with you belong to the masks - being carefully is the most important.

    Thank you for hosting. And your drawings are wonderful as ever.

    Stay well and healthy.

  17. Your pizza looks great and ready to eat. I haven't seen a horror movie in decades so hope you enjoy them. Have a great and scary Halloween. :)

  18. I love your really SCARY art! It's so much fun to express yourself with art. And I love the feature. I haven't visited her in awhile. I make rolls that look like what you've done, slice them in half and use them for hamburgers and hot sandwiches. I make homemade pizza but don't let my crust rise all that much. I like it a bit thin. And to spread it out on the pan, I use olive oil. Hugs!

  19. Where do find the energy and the time to do all the things you do? You are so multi-talented! Love your raised beds, your pizza crusts, and your Halloween drawings and costumes! I hope your roof gets resolved soon.

  20. I need about 27 hours in a day to catch up. I am late visiting, which has sort of become my mantra at the moment.

    I LOVE Bugs as Hannibal Lecter. He sure makes a good one, that's for sure.

    After seeing your pizzas, even the one that didn't rise, I am very hungry. I'm definitely ready for pizza.

    I remember reading The Tell Tale Heart, but never saw the film. I'm sure your drawing was perfect. I also read The Raven, but never saw the film. Your raven is fabulous. Simply wonderful. I also read The House of Usher and I can certainly envision Usher burying his sister. Your drawing is wonderful, too. You draw so well. Unfortunately, I've never heard of The Cask of Amontillado, but your drawing is pretty spooky and well done.

    I look forward to seeing your art video. I love your costumes and your Ouija Board is so very, very clever. I think you did a great job with it, too.

    Your raised beds are amazing. Your mint will die out over winter, but will return in the spring. I never bring my various mints inside, and they always come back the next year.

    Loved the collage of your "family." It's good they are all doing well, too. Leo still steals my heart.

    So nice to finally put Gigi's face with her name. I've often visited her blog.

    I'll definitely be back next week, dear. I'm so glad to get spooky out of the way. Stay well and try not to stress over the roof!

  21. Hello, Rain! Your post touched some memory nerves for me today, as often happens here, lol. First off, you made me remember just how gobsmacked I was after first seeing Silence of the Lambs, BUT then later happened upon Manhunter and was even MORE gobsmacked (in the meantime I'd become a huge William Peterson CSI fan). And then you mention Vincent Price, oh geez. My local movie theater had a Saturday Kiddie Show day and throughout my childhood every Saturday I was there and the movie was often one of his. I've seen 'em all!!!!! More than once!!! I cannot begin to TELL you how emotional it was for me seeing Edward Scissorhands for the first 5 times - perfect casting, sheer genius. It was then I knew Tim Burton must have had a similar childhood filled with Price movies, lol. Have a great week and enjoy your Halloweening!!XOXOX

  22. This pizza looks really delicious.
    The pancakes are also delicious in my opinion.
    I also like the art you make.
    Greetings Irma

  23. Fun and spooky post. I love pizzas and you are making me craving for pizzas. Your garden is very neat. I am also a follower of Gigi's blog.

  24. Hi there Mrs Dracula. Sue is a great fan of Hannibal Lecter and when she made me watch one of those movies, even I was a little scared. Hopkins is a great actor I think?

    Your pizzas look amazing with so many mountains on top!

    That Taj Mahal – we have the exact same picture on Diana’s Seat. Happy days and lots of curry.

  25. I am interested in your toaster oven 'pizza journey'. Love the shot of your garden beds. Afraid I'm not much into the spooky stuff, but love your critter pics. Hope all goes well with the roofing.

  26. Wonderful scary art. The raven had me pause to enjoy.
    Keep on having fun with your food and good job on the garden. My mint comes back every year, so nice. I do harvest quite a bit for tea during winter.

  27. We read The Cask of Amontillado while I was in college, such a creepy story. LOL

    Your pizza looks amazing and is one of my favorite things to eat. It's cold and rainy here, so I made a pot of chili to have for a few days.

    I hope you have a great weekend, Rain.

  28. YUM! Homemade pizza! you fill my head with so much fun stuff! I finally got my Runes so I will be hanging out on your YouTube channel figuring them out.
    Love your Art . gardening and wonderful dress selections! Your clock has much more time on it than mine, thank you for the inspiration! Blessings to You and yours. xoxo

  29. Oh my! I wasn't expecting this! LOL. Thanks so much for the plug, Rain. Very much appreciated. I don't like horror or thriller movies, because they don't make me happy. But, David adores them. For him the scarier the better. Love the pizzas.

  30. WOW!
    A fabulous post, full of good things.
    Your pizza looks very yummy.

    Have a great weekend, happy Halloween wishes.

    All the best Jan

  31. Amazing food, amazing art. You work so hard. Good luck with the roof. It's important for a house! Well, for the residents.
    Your skills and talents, and motivation, are wonderful. I am a little uninspired these days.

  32. My goodness, you have really put it all out there this week. The best news for me, of course, it that all of your fur babies are doing well. I guess I am particularly sensitive to that right now. And then there is Edgar Allen Poe ... I haven't read or seen any movies of his for many years and such memories you have stirred. He was the master of scary and I loved all of your drawings and still have to make it through all of your movie clips. I think "The Raven" has remained my favorite. And the food ... you make my mouth water and I am impressed with your toaster oven pizza and the fact that you make your own dough from scratch ... you have more energy and ambition than I do. Can't leave out Hannibal Bugs either ... What a wicked man he was that Hannibal ... I think Bugs can pretend to be, but I know bugs is more about mischief that wicked. Wonderful, wonderful Rain. My life has become very hectic for many reasons so my time just seems to fly away without the accomplishments I want to attain ... hopefully there will be an end to it and I can get back to leisurely enjoying your channels on You Tube. Meanwhile stay well and good for you getting your gardens under control. It has been raining here for two weeks and so my gardens are still a mess and waiting for me to tend to them :( Until next week, Rain ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  33. Hey Rain, just read about this, pretty close to ya!

  34. wow i feel speechless with your tremendous achievements dear Rain !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    each art is done remarkably and hold attention for long indeed specially i pondered over the turning neck of crow which i often feel bit missing something in others work but this one is FLAWLESS hats off to you ,i am so impressed!

    loved the all arts and the tell tales ,you are truly an inspiration specially it come to be an all rounder !

    i envy with your skill to rise pizza as perfectly lol ,mine does not rise as well :(
    crepes are my favorite i just wanted to have bite lol
    everything in your raised garden is doing great as well congratulations !
    best of luck for the roof replacement ,i hope it will be done asap amen!
    hugs and blessings!

  35. Part of the fun of baking mistakes, Rain, is that you can usually eat the failures. know that's what's happened a few times when a bread has not turned out "prefect." I don't think our older toaster oven would do a good job on a pizza, perhaps if and when we buy a newer model. I hope you do find the perfect combo of temperature and ingredients and show us the results.

    No horror films in our home for Halloween viewing. Instead we will watch Beetlejuice and The Addams Family. I do agree that Vincent Price and Christopher Lee were perfect for Edgar Allen Poe's works. I will listen to the reading of The Fall of the House of Usher later today. Years ago, I saw the movie in a theater when I was much younger, but today would not want to see it. I have never seen the Hannibel Lector series and never will...too creepy for me, my friend.

    I enjoyed seeing your different fun costumes on the art videos. Glad the furries are all doing well. The food, as always, looked amazing and wish you could provide taste samples online. All looked sooooo good!

  36. Your Pizza's look divine Rain I hope you have a wonderful Halloween feast today. Wonderful artwork, so many things to take in and mediums too. Must catch up with your vids but the past couple of weeks have been extra busy. Wishing you all a super Halloween see you on the other side.
    Hugs Tracey x

  37. Love your Fall of the House of Usher drawing, Vincent Price was so creepy wasn't he? Everywhere I go today people are showing me pizza, I am getting so hungry now lol. Elle/EOTC xx


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!