Thursday, December 23, 2021

Thursday Art Date: December Holidays: ✨ Christmas Future ✨

Welcome to Thursday's Art Date! 😊😊 Today our theme is December Holidays: Christmas Future. I know this was a challenge for many people, including me!!! Bugs came up with the idea of posing as Ebenezer Scrooge from The Christmas Carol. The Ghost of What Is Yet To Come is showing Bugs how unkempt and forgotten his gravestone would be if he didn't change his ways.

Going with the same movie, I chose a scene to draw with ink and graphite of what life might be like in the Cratchet home if Scrooge didn't pay Bob Cratchet more money! This is actually a scene from the Muppet Christmas Carol - I watched it last weekend! Poor Tiny Tim's cap, scarf and cane, just sitting on that chair, sigh...good thing Scrooge decided to become a kinder man!!

I uploaded real-time videos on how to draw these two scenes if you're interested!

How To Draw A Scene From A Christmas Carol
How To Draw Bugs Bunny As Ebenezer Scrooge!

I'm still working hard on all of my courses, I've added a web design course to the mix as well. It's chilly here my friends! Luckily though we haven't gotten too much snow yet! 🎄 I decorated one of our little Jack Pine's with some ornaments just to make things cheery and festive outside my window! 🎄

All of the pets are doing well! I hope you're all happy and healthy! I'll raise a glass of Fresita to your health! This is a nice Italian sparkling wine and it has a semi-sweet strawberry taste to it, very nice if you can get your hands on it! 🍷

Homemade Cream of Tomato Soup with my Pour In The Pan Pizza (which is basically a focaccia).

Look at that dough. When you bake a focaccia, you bake it in oil and it's crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside, amazing! 🍕😋

Once again I was craving some Thanksgiving fair and pulled out my frozen Fruit Ketchup, made some Bread Stuffing with leftover stale bread; and mashed potatoes with Chicken Gravy...gosh I can't get enough of that comfort meal!!

I just wanted to tempt you a little bit 😈 I know, I'm evil...a little bit of hot gravy over melted cheese on fries...yes, a Poutine

Photo courtesy of Bill Burke

Today's featured Blogger is my friend Bill from Somewhere In Ireland blog. Bill is a wonderful photographer who posts a daily photo from his beautiful country. I love that he shares his little glimpses of Ireland! In the above photo, he captioned it "Hanging Out At The Fire Station". Please visit his blog!! 😊


(If you do not want to be featured, just let me know in the comments and I'll respect your wishes!)

That's all for now folks! Please check out the link widget below for more "Christmas Future" creations! See you soon!!! 💗 💗 


Upcoming Art Dates For Rain's Thursday Art Date: click on the links below for a description of the theme and inspiring images!

January 6th: ⛄ Snowman
January 13th: By The Fire
January 20th: Winter Sports
January 27th: A Winter Night Scene

2022's Art Date Themes

This art date is all about creating. You can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, baking, poetry...whatever you like! 🎨

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! Please revisit to make sure you don't miss those who join in a little late! All spam and non-related links will be removed! The link gadget expires Friday at midnight (EST).



  1. ...all I want for Christmas is some Poutine. Merry Christmas Rain.

  2. Enjoyed your takes on Christmas future the food looks delicious I have already gained a couple of unwanted pounds this week. Going to visit Bill his photo is amazing.

  3. Your drawings are excellent as always, Rain. The food looks so good especially the focaccia. I like that too. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

  4. It's only 8:30 in the morning here as I read your post but now I am STARVING because of all your yummy food porn photos, Rain!

  5. Ohh just looking at that snow makes me cold. I am glad you are enjoying it. The food looks amazing as does your art. That is a gorgeous photo from Bill. Have a great day today.

  6. That pizza looks delicious. I wonder if it would work with gluten free flour?

  7. Debra: LOL at food porn!!! I had my fake Tiramisu for breakfast, forgot to post a photo! ☺

    Jackie: I have never experimented with gluten free flour, but I use bread flour, which has a lot of gluten in it...I know that helps a LOT with the rise!

  8. Beautiful. And as always droolable. And if that isn't a word it should be. Healthy, happy holidays to you and to yours.

  9. Glad the fur kids are happy. You are a Dynamo Rain!

  10. Hi Rain, that's a lovely little fireplace scene you did there, I have one somewhere on my blog from last year or before, will try to find it but probably too late! It looks beautiful with all the snow, I would want to make a snowman or three! Your tree looks pretty :) I am just popping in to wish you, your partner and your lovely pets a safe and happy Christmas and blessings for 2022. Love from Betty x

  11. I love your little pine trees with the blue baubles. I see you have lots of snow! Eek! The focaccia pizza looks delicious too. I'm not sure I can make anything for this week, this whole month has gotten away from me and I've run out of time for most things. I had ideas too for Christmas, past, present and future. Sorry about that. Warm Winter Wishes Elle/EOTC xx

  12. if i lived by you we would just sit around and eat poutine all of the time!

  13. Good evening Rain. Yes, it's 7pm here and Sue is watching her soaps while I catch up with friends far away. I hope you received the card by now?

    Your focaccia looks superb - full of air bubbles with a crunch crust and lots of cheese.

    You've had a demanding year, haven't we all, and I think we're in for a better 2022. Keep the snow over your way if you don't mind. I'm allergic to snow but especially the slush that always follows on behind. Yuk!

    Have to go, a glass of primitivo awaits me. Enjoy your holiday and Best Wishes to You and Yours.

  14. Hello Rain,
    I love your drawings, the fireplace scene is really pretty. The pizza looks delicious, I have to try to make the focaccia bread. Take care, enjoy your day! Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!

  15. Your Jack Pine is lovely - as are your drawings! - and I am pleased to hear the pets are doing well.

    Merry Christmas!

  16. I don't see how you manage to do all you do. And cook so well. Oh, I want to fall into your food photos! And love your take on Scrooge and company!

    Merriest to you. I'm so very glad I started following you this year and know it will be just as good in the year to come!

  17. I like your takes on Christmas future.
    Your food looks so delicious.

    That's a lovely photograph from Bill, he does share some wonderful ones on his blog doesn't he.

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas, lots of good wishes too.

    All the best Jan

  18. Oh, Rain…Yum…Yum… and Yum!!! Really hungry now! Merry Christmas!

  19. So glad I could make it to wish you and yours a Happy Christmas Rain. The food looks amazing, real winter warmers to take away that snowy chill. I love your cosy fireside sketch, I could see all the animals curling up around it.
    Merry Christmas Hugs Tracey x

  20. I think we should start a movement to have poutine declared Canada's national dish, maybe with a side of maple syrup! All the best for the holidays, Rain, and great New Year. Maybe 2022 will be the year we finally put COVID behind us.

  21. A wonderful, safe, peaceful, beautiful. . . . . . and very happy Christmas dear Rain, Alex and 'babies'.
    Love Mary x

    P.S.I'll definitely be trying that focaccia recipe after the hols!

  22. I love your pine tree! Your food is amazing.
    Merry Christmas!

  23. Poor Bugs, he always get's the hard parts in his portrayals. But, that said, he always does a great job of it :) I haven't watched The Christmas Carol in years, but I remember it in detail for some reason. Your art is right on, Rain. Love your little tree outside ... it looks nice with the snow. We are still suffering the "gray days" version of winter. I would love some snow for Christmas, but the weatherman says it is not happening :( And it would seem you have blackberries on your Focaccia ... interesting. I would be very tempted to try that. I am dreading (while secreting looking forward to) the fattening Christmas meals and desserts. I have done well on my dieting and exercise and hate to lose ground ... but then I am ready for some wicked diversions. In a week, I will get back on my routine and re lose what I gain. Our Christmas will be simple ... just the two of us. But then you do that all of the time and it works for you ... so why not us :) Merry Christmas, Rain ... enjoy, enjoy the joys of the season. Snuggles to the fur babies :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  24. Andrea: They are Kalamata olives on the focaccia! ☺

  25. Popping in to wish you a Merry, Merry Christmas 🎅. Potine sounds yummy 😋, but I do love mahed potatoes too. A Christmas Carol is such an amazing classic. I love ❤ The Grinch cartoon and Elf. Your artwork is fantastic 👌. Hugs, RO

  26. Merriest Christmas to you and Alex....and all the furs also. I am sure you are cold up there by now. Here in Nashville not so much. We had a couple of cold days but today, Christmas Day we are going to hit 75!! Last yrs areas around us had snow, it was cold but not this yr. Don't feel like Christmas at 75!! haha....Give the furs a great big hug and to you all I wish you the best.

  27. It's worth saying again, Rain, Merry Christmas to you, Ale and the fur babies. Your comfort foods look so good and the tree decorated outside your window is a lovely sight to see especially in the snow. That sparkling wine looks perfect for seasonal cheer too, my friend.

  28. Hi Rain, It has been a real pleasure following you this last year. You do a great job with your blog. Thank you for sharing and thank you for your kind words on my blog. Merry Christmas to you and yours. Spiritual blessings to you! John

  29. Your painting is brilliant, I love it. Season's greetings to you Rain.

  30. Thank goodness I just finished eating because your posts always make me hungry! LOL I'm popping into the blogging world to catch up with friends. But with you, Rain, we've never really been apart! xo 🎄

  31. Hi Rain,
    I love your drawings, the fireplace scene is really beautiful.
    The food looks delicious.
    I wish you a merry Christmas.
    Greetings Irma

  32. Merry Christmas!
    Lovely Posting, hugs Elke

  33. Hi Rain, catching up! Love the drawings, but I am absolutely negative on A Christmas Carol, probly seen it one too many times. Too depressing for my tastes now. And eegads, first time I got drunk with my girlfriends was on Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill and so I'll pass no matter how good it tastes, lol. The pizza tho, I'll take that! Yum! All of your cheese reminds me of a girlfriend who has been battling colon cancer, all she can eat is cheese. So hey, you will be sitting pretty if you are ever diagnosed with that! (okay, maybe a lil dark on the humor, sorry). Hope y'all are staying warm and safe, MerryMerry! xoxo

  34. That sparkling red wine looks so tempting, even though I don't drink alcohol. It reminds me of the Lambrusco I used to drink when I was single. Happy Holidays to you and your husband.

  35. Beautiful drawings. Sparkling wine looks good. Yummy food. Wishing you Happy New Year 2022.

  36. A lovely post.
    Enjoy the week ahead and my good wishes for 2022.

    All the best Jan

  37. Rain,

    A Christmas Carol is one of my all-time favorite Christmas films. I used to enjoy watching it every year but haven't in the last few. Bugs did a fine job posing as old stingy Ebenezer. I love the moral of the story a cold heart changed over night after receiving three visitors. I hope you, Alex, and the furbabies had a lovely Christmas. As we approach the start of the new year, I hope y'all have an enjoyable time ringing in 2022. May good blessings be upon you, Alex, and furbabies!

  38. Rain - it was so nice to have you comment on my blog! I have missed you! I am adding you to my blog list so that I can keep up with you! Happy New Year!

  39. Bugs meeting the Grim Reaper while wearing a tasteful red bathrobe was somehow very funny to be. I am giggling like a madman. 😂

    Love the blue bulbs on the tree and the bubbly strawberry wine!

    I think I have told you many times that I am glad I don't know you in real life because I would eat all your food and you'd be sad. Eevrything looks so delicious!

  40. Great posting!!!

    Happy New Year!hugs , Elke


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!