Thursday, July 2, 2020

Thursday Art Date: Try A Different Medium

Hello Friends! 😊😊

Welcome to Thursday's Art Date, today our theme is Try a Different Medium. Usually I ask Bugs Bunny to pose for me, but he wanted to try something different this week, so I posed for him!

"Night Vision"

Photo software (PhotoFunia) is a new medium for Bugs and he didn't know the program very well, but he wanted to try a few different effects. 

"Big Screen"


"Cafe Latte"

I think he did a good job! 😉 

As usual, I stumped myself with my own theme lol! Lack of time, reluctance to try something new and no ideas gave me brain freeze. Then it came to me: pigment liner sketch pens. I bought these pens back in January when I was doing some art classes, but I never used them. 

It was fun to try something new, but I don't know that I'm really a fan of pen and ink...I may have to try it a few more times to really see if I like it or not!

Believe it or not, I haven't had a chance to do much grocery our new fridge is still pretty empty. I'm spending some time this weekend to make a proper shopping list and meal plan. We're still finishing off my canned spaghetti sauces.

The other night we had cheese enchiladas with homemade salsa. Yum!

We stopped by a local salvage yard and picked up an old barrel for $20. Anything we can safely burn, that is not toxic to the environment, is going into the burn barrel instead of a landfill. 

Alex drilled about 20 holes in the sides and bottom of the barrel while I collected rocks. We also found these grates at the salvage yard. We pulled them off an old outdoor fireplace and paid 50 cents for them. We'll put these on top of the barrel when we burn, just to keep any sparks from flying out.

And here it is all set up! We cleared the ground of any plants and grass and placed the barrel on the cement blocks. Then we surrounded the burn barrel with rocks and stones for safety...I couldn't help using a little creative touch for the design! (Is this considered a different medium?? A sculpture perhaps?) 😊 

Any time we burn, we will have a bucket of water at the ready. We also have to call the "hotline" daily to see if there are fire bans in our county. We feel good about how we're reducing our contribution to the landfills and the recycling plants! (Note: It's nice to recycle, but that also uses up precious resources so we will burn all paper/cardboard products from now on).

That's all for now folks! Please check out the link widget below for more Try A Different Medium artwork!


July 9th: Next Thursday's theme is Fairy Tales and Nursery Rhymes. Click on the link for ideas and inspiration! Remember it's all about creating. You can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, baking, poetry...whatever you like! 🎨

Thursday Art Date With Rain. Click on the link for a description of the art date as well as a list of upcoming themes. 

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! The link gadget expires Sunday at noon (EST).



  1. A fun post as always. Glad you and Bugsy tried some new ticks, and they turned out very well. Your burn barrel is a great idea, this makes you more independent, too. Hope you had a happy Canada Day yesterday. Your food looks delicious, and it will be even better when the new fridge is filled. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  2. I said I couldn't play this week, but Valerie's post reminded me I COULD play. Ialso had a brain freeze until I realized I had several new mediums I used in my second look post.

    I've used Big Huge Labs for photo editing where they also have those different software images like Bugs used on you. You (or should I say Bugs) draw so well, too.

    Wow, you did a lovely job with those pens. That skull is out of this world. It's certainly impressive.

    It's amazing how long all those sauces have lasted and all your canned goods you made before the trip have lasted. You certainly planned well. Now I'm hungry for spaghetti. Hope your day goes well and you stay safe. Happy belated Canada Day, too.

  3. Your diffent medium work blows me away - as all your art does. Your meals look pretty damn good too. And certainly make me hungry.
    Perhaps instead of burning paper/cardboard you could add it to compost piles?

  4. The bunny painted the rain everywhere .. it looks great in coffee or in the snow globe! Great digital work on the subject!
    A great idea with the barrel and still to use it, and yet it fits well with the topic why not!
    Have a beautiful Day, hugs Elke

  5. You have a great post today. I like that you had some fun with PhotoFunia. I had forgot about this kind of software. Have used some in the past.
    I also liked your skull. Normally I am not that found of skulls but yours looks happy :) And I like what you do with your "fire station" I have to mention this to my daughter. :)

    Thanks for a great post!
    Take care!

  6. Resim için değişik bakış açısı...:)

  7. i smiled over the design you shaped for barrel dear Rain :) your creativity is spontaneous and amazing indeed

    this sounds lots of work ,nice that you are improving by all means for this new settlement :)

    Oh i so enjoyed your pose for bugs :))) ,you are so skilled to do it various ways and each is amazing ,i liked theater most :)
    great that you got your new fridge
    food looks delicious as always !!!!!!!!!!!!

    hope you enjoyed your shopping in new area
    more joys to your lovely world!

  8. I had the grandies painting pet rocks this week! Lots of fun.
    You are amazing with your reduce/recycle work. Good for you.

  9. That photo software is so neat! I like pen and ink. I need to get my rear in gear and get back to doing some art. I have backslid tremendously since not being able to attend art classes.

    When I was a kid, we had a burn barrel. In those days, we burned all garbage. Sheesh, eh? In fact, that was one of my chores. Take out the garbage and burn it.

  10. i love that you had bugs paint you! and that!!! i'm glad you found a burn barrel. can you use the ashes in your garden?

  11. Your meals look delicious, considering the circumstances you would never guess. The barrel 'sculpture' works! You have taken every precaution. Such fun with Photofunia. Outstanding pen and ink with those pigment liner pens. I am not sure about pen and ink either but maybe I should try. It is so permanent, you can't make changes on the fly.

  12. Your ink drawing came out very cool, and Your food looks yummy too ~ I love your burn barrel that's a terrific idea, and yes your stone design is a new medium and turned out very nice :) Enjoy the rest of your week!

  13. Uhhh yeah Rain this was a tough one for me. I hope I did ok with the challenge. You did fantastically. Love bugs painting you and the skull..... Well you know that is my most favorite. Good job on the burning barrel too. You two are getting a lot done.
    P.S. I will be sending you photos of inside of the barn later today. Have a great day.

  14. I like how you were able to insert your image in so many things, such as that cute globe at the end of your post. You are so talented.

  15. Pretty nifty software!

    I miss burn barrels. So much that could be reduced to go to landfills if we just did things properly.

  16. I think you did well with the theme …
    Your ink drawing looks great and your cheese enchiladas with homemade salsa do look incredibly yummy :)

    All the best Jan

  17. another fun post to see and read. Just today I was once again playing with fotofunai with some of my photos.

  18. The heat of the fire will break those cinder blocks after a couple of fires. Better to find some big rocks to hold your bin.

    I'm canning salsa this weekend.

  19. Cute art! Is the software free online? Great burn set up. Some people bundle card board with wire for burning in fireplaces, etc. Heat your home for free. Looks good!

  20. Oh my goodness, Bugs has outdone himself, Ha! I love your self portrait and I have used PhotoFunia before ... what a hoot. I wouldn't call that brain freeze, I would call it cleverness. As for your big black sculpture that actually burns trash, it is the best kind of useful art. How is it that you can draw yourself looking like yourself? I have tried the self portrait and I can't even come close ... is that your special talent, of am I just a goof? Of course you awed me with your cooking again, especially the cheese enchiladas ... I am drooling and now I am hungry and it is not time to eat ... hmmmmm. You are so much fun that even your skull is laughing ... and how do you make a skull laugh? You light up my every Thursday, Rain ... Stay well and be safe :)

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  21. We have our burn barrel set up on a patch of gravel. Well we dont right now actully, our barrel was shot so it will have to be replaced. I love the burn barrel tho.
    Have u checked out the grocery stores or markets around you yet ? Are you far from town where you will do your shopping ??
    Bugs did such a great job:)
    Your food looks delicious ... no cooking in the house for us right now. We are celebrating the bbq. It is too hot out to warm up the house ...

  22. you are so clever with your art. All the variation and even your coffee drink, all so cute!

    Yes, try ink pens in a few ways before you give up. I would have never guessed that I would enjoy it, but I do.

    Your food looks yummy.
    Wishing you a lovely weekend!

  23. Thanks everyone for the wonderful comments! I'm sorry I can't find a moment to respond to each one. That was always a fun part of my blogging. I guess when winter rolls around and there aren't as many house emergencies/repairs to do, I can get my routine back. I really miss my routine...I'm not good without it. I just wanted to answer a few questions:

    Elephant's Child: Great idea to use the cardboard and paper for composting. Right now I don't have a compost heap/station set up but I will next summer for sure.

    Joyce: I was watching a video on which plants love ashes. Usually it's plants that need potassium or love alkaline soil, like the brassicas. But I did read that it's wood ash that gives them what they need. I plan to burn a LOT more than wood in the barrel...I'll have to do more research on that. But we also plan to heat with wood this winter, so I can keep the wood ash for next year's garden.

    Nicole: You did AWESOME for this week's challenge!!!!

    Jo: Thanks for that advice, we will keep an eye on things!

    Nancy: Yes! Photofunia is free online.

    Sis: The closest town is a 40 minute drive. It has a few stores and so far I've found pretty much all I need there, but NB prices are higher than where we lived before, so that will take some getting used to.

  24. Rain,

    Bugs did a great job! Please pass on my thanks for the new online photo-editor. I glanced quickly at some of the filters and even played with one but will do more at another time, so I bookmarked the site to jog my memory later. Your ink sketch turned out nicely. I'm too afraid to try because I will goof straight off properly so I'm reluctant at this time. I need to overcome my stupidness and to it. :) The spaghetti looks so yummy good! I haven't made any in a long time and need to correct that. Have a good weekend, my dear!

  25. Oh my gosh, Rain. I LOVE THIS! Bugs did an excellent job and I have a huge smile on my face. Super duper flippin' fun.

  26. I think putting any carbon in the atmosphere is more dangerous that landfill... of course recycling or not generating it in the first place is best... great artwork and the meal looks good enough to eat.

  27. My coffee totally looks like that too! 😂

  28. Your posts are always so much fun! Great art, good food, wonderful feeling... Love it all!

  29. Love your art and I also have used Fotofunia - I've done so much of my art and put it on different themes.


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!