Friday, September 15, 2017

Halloween On My Mind!!

Halloween is my favourite holiday! I just love the spookiness, the weather and the fun I make for us each year. It has special meaning for me in so many ways! Wanda from Got a Minute Or Two posted some lovely fall decorations so it got me thinking about what I'll be doing this year!

I've already got a bunch of new ideas. These were four of my five pumpkins from last year. My favourite was the Frankenstein. I didn't think I could pull it off, but it turned out really well! I don't think I'll do so many carvings this year...but I'm hoping they'll be my own homegrown pumpkins!

The fifth pumpkin was for my Grim Hollow scarecrow. I just noticed the snow on the ground...Eeek...too soon...I don't remember it snowing last year on Halloween...I probably repressed that memory lol!

I'm going to do something different this year though...maybe a Grim Reaper or some kind of zombie...

I made little coffins for treats for me and Alex.

And shrunken heads made of apples.

Lunch was a prosciutto head with coffin-shaped sandwiches and little egg men...actually it looked nice and creepy but Alex and I couldn't stomach the prosciutto lol...I went overboard on the yikes-factor lol!

Here's a close-up, pretty grosse huh?

Dinner was easier to stomach! I made "Boo-ritos" with cheese and chicken...and a cheese dip.

I even decorated our wine bottle!

Dessert was a double layer Jack Skellington cake. We had too much cake! The top layer was coloured with carrot juice since we can't handle food colouring.

I think we went through THREE of these last year, oh my....can I get away with saying we were fattening up for the winter lol???

I have so many good ideas for this year, but I don't know how I'll outdo last year's efforts! I still have Canadian Thanksgiving next month so I'm going to try to focus on that first! Do you decorate for holidays and make special dinners? I'd love to see pictures from my friends!


  1. What brilliant ideas indeed, although I don't participate in the holiday but I do admire the effort people put into celebrating. Warm greetings to you.

  2. hey maybe you can make my baked brain!!!? it consists of melting cheese so there you go! just type it in my search bar to find out how to make it. it's wicked good too! i used to decorate soooo much for halloween and had huge parties when my kids were young. now i just decorate for fall. give me a grandkid or two and look out....i'll be back full speed ahead!

  3. you are beyond crafty your last year's Halloween season looks fabulous, very impressive!

  4. Just looking at all your decorated food wears me out! LOL I have a few decorations on my front porch. Happy Halloween! Nancy

  5. Your talent blows me away, Rain. You could be a very successful party planner with so much business you'd have to have a staff of 50. But, wait, that would involve dealing with people and you don't want to do that. (Me, neither!!) Your creative talents are simply off the charts. Glad you took those pictures from last year so we all could see them.

  6. certainly did a fantastic job to celebrate Halloween. Cant wait to see this years creations.

  7. Rain, sorry I haven't been by earlier. We lost power Monday night and didn't get it back until yesterday (or the day before, I can't remember). Getting back to normal now.

    When we had kids at home, Halloween was a favorite holiday for us too. Now a days, we like Christmas best, since the kids come home and visit us then.

    Glad all is well up there in far away Canada!

  8. Your ideas are so much fun! I love those little coffins for sweet treats. What a cute idea. And your carvings are pretty awesome. It's fun celebrating the holidays. Halloween is my second favourite holiday, next to Christmas, of course :)

  9. Thanks Blogoratti :) I really enjoy how the holidays bring out that creativity and playfulness. If I had the time and energy, I'd do a lot more.

  10. Hi Joyce :) I left a comment on your blog, but that baked brain is something else lol...I love it! Melted cheese is always a hit lol..but it looks SO GROSSE I don't think we could eat it! I love to decorate for Halloween and do fun stuff. Alex and I don't have a social life at all, so we enjoy making our days special for the two of us!

  11. Thanks Christine! I have some great ideas for this year too!

  12. Ha ha Nancy! :) It was a lot of work, but a lot of fun to do. We're going out this week so I want to get some things to make my porch a little more fall-ish.

  13. Hi Mama Pea :)) Ha! You know me very well, I wouldn't be very good at any job with people involved lol...but thanks so much for the compliment! :) I'm trying to inspire myself to come up with new ideas. Every time I see blog posts about decorating, I really get into the mood!

  14. Thanks Marsha! I can't wait to figure out my plans too...they may involve papier maché heads or something lol...

  15. Hi Harry! :) Oh gosh, no apologies, you have more important things on your hurricanes! I'm glad you're all safe too and you got your power restored. Christmas for me is a very close second, I do a lot then too. I just love decorating and eating! :)

  16. Hi Martha :) Thanks! I get a lot of ideas off Pinterest, I think that's where I saw the coffins...that or Martha Stewart! I'm stuck on Halloweenie food though, I have to look at more ideas and put on my thinking cap! :)

  17. What a great post!! We go all out for decorating, inside and out. I have a confession, most of my decorations for inside are up all year round :) I asked my husband on August 1st if it was too early to bring out the coffin. My brother and I made an actual 5 foot toe pincher coffin last year to add to my props. I have life size headstones, I have a "girl" that comes out each year on October 1st and waits in the window (she's waiting for Halloween). You should see people's faces when they do a double take looking at our house. Hilarious! The list goes on and on.....I go crazy! The neighborhood kids love it too!

    I am sorry but I don't think I could have eaten that prosciutto head! Quite realistic!! I always make Mexican for Halloween because of Dias de los Muertos the next day....

    Its almost here!!!!!! I am so stoked!

  18. I love Halloween but I will wait till the first of Oct to put my stuff out...but I did put the fall stuff out and my Halloween pumpkins are facing the wall so I don't see the faces....YET! haha.

  19. I remember all this from last year. It was fun planning halloween with u :)

  20. Hi Dianna :)) Oh gosh, I laughed about the coffin!!! I really hope you get lots of photos of your Halloween decorations and SEND THEM TO ME!!! Do you have any from last year? I could always use some inspiration!! There are pretty much zero kids in this village, which is fine by me because you know, I prefer the furry kind no door to door trick or treating. But I still decorate outside just for fun. I remember last Halloween, I sat outside in the dark just staring at my Grim Hollow scarecrow...waiting for him to come to life ha ha ha...

    Yeah...the prosciutto sounded like a great idea, but when it's put right in front of you, you need a strong stomach! Hee hee...definitely has that grosse-out factor I'll try to avoid this year! I'm stoked too! :))

  21. Hi Pam :) Lol...your pumpkins are on a time out until October! It's nice to see so many people who are into this holiday. I can't wait to see your Halloween post too! :)

  22. Hi Sis :)) Last year, I had so much fun because we finally got all settled in with all the pets getting along! This year...I have to outdo myself!!! :)


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