Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Jack and an Egg Hunt

Hi Everyone,

Today's theme for the Scribble Picnic is Egg Hunt. (follow the link for more eggie goodness!)

I tried something different today with my watercolours. I cut out a stencil with a very dull Exacto knife...note to self...get new blades...then taped the stencil on my paper and used my watercolour pencils first to colour it in...then applied some water to soften it up. I did the same for the rabbit, I really like the effect!

Good old Daffy desperate to always outdo Bugs, he'll even dress up as an egg! :)

More watercolours! These eggs think they're hiding under the lemon tree...but they're not so stealthy. :)

My little Jack-rabbit...Sunday night, something happened to Jack - we have no idea what. He was howling in pain for hours...our hearts were breaking because we couldn't do anything (again) until Monday morning when the vet opened. We brought him in and the vet was stumped. X-rays showed no broken bones, no spinal damage and no blockages in his stomach or intestine. He seemed to have pain in his right hind leg. He was put on pain killers.

Tuesday morning he slipped on the snow and omg...he yelped and howled...we rushed him back to the vet and this time she saw a "neurological deficiency" in his right hind leg which could mean a herniated disc or some inflammation around one of his vertebrae. She told us he would need bed rest for a month, no jumping up on the bed and no playing. We think maybe one of the 4 other big dogs may have jumped on him or stepped on him...there is no way to know for sure. 

Our savings are sapped from all the vet bills lately. But that is the cost of being a pet owner isn't it? Sometimes it all comes in one shot! Today I'm going to take an old towel and sew him a support-harness to help him up and down the stairs. We can't carry him because of the potential inflammation so I think this will be a good solution. He's on a pain killer and another medication to help with the deficiency. The diagnosis is good, but it takes time for the healing process. Thank you to everyone who sent me their prayers and healing energy! :)

When we got home last night, I made us a nice diner meal of breaded chicken burgers, fries and ice cream sodas. Comfort food to comfort us! :) Alex and I hadn't slept since Saturday night, but we passed out last night. This was such a test on my emotions, we both felt so helpless. But at least the news is good, and if Jack's deficiency can't be cured, then he will take meds long term to help with his mobility and we will get busy building various ramps so he can still cuddle with us on the couches and the bed. We will do anything to help our pets, we love them so much!

Good news from the window garden! Look at my lettuce growing! I hope we can have a good salad in about a month or so. I'll be succession planting lettuce from now on so we always have some on hand. It's been too long since we had a nice fresh salad.

Look at this :) The zinnias that I planted on February 2nd are blooming. This warms my heart today.  Every time I look at Jack, my eyes fill with tears. Every pet owner knows that pain. We were terrified as we waited for the X-rays. All we could think about was that we've only had little Jack for two and a half years, and we were not ready to let go yet. I have to try to get back to normal, he needs me strong! :)


  1. Poor little Jack! I hope it's just a temporary setback for him.

  2. When I saw the title of the update my heart started to beat so fast........I am so glad to hear the news was not devastating. Jack is such a love for you like my Enrique is for me.

    What kind of lettuce have you planted? When I had a garden, my lettuce, spinach and zucchini never stopped producing. Fresh salads year round!

  3. Oh I am so sorry, both for Little Jack and for the 2 of you. So sorry...

    Your water colors are adorable. Love the yellow and orange. Sooo happppy together. :-)

    Btw, our youngest grandson next door, is trying to figure out, how to make a trap to catch the Easter Bunny. LOL. His Mommy said you will make all the other little boys and girls very unhappy, if you do that. ,-) Kids and their imaginations.

    He was also trying to figure out, how to catch Santa, with the cookies, just so he could _see_ him.

    Great that you have the greenery growing, to raise your spirits.


  4. Oh darling Jack! My pack sends you loads and loads of healing! :) He will get better I know it! Just takes time to heal inflammation! I think there is something called Pet Stairs. We always say we are going to get that for Tucker!

    You have flowers!!! Yay for healthy and strong zinnias! I am not even in the garden zone - and not sure if I will be for this year. All depends on what I can do with what I am given! I will live vicariously through you!

    Very cute painting today! So very spring like....we are going down to -21 tomorrow night. I may just cry. A lot.

  5. Awww poor Jack! I hope he will be ok! Yes, get your rest too!
    Your breaded chicken burgers and milkshakes look wonderful!

  6. Awwwww poor baby Jack. It is so hard to see your furbabies in pain as they don't understand what is going on. Time to build ramps for couches, beds, outside to the car. Love your artistic talent. We have a running account at the vets, sigh.

  7. oh no.....poor jack! i am so sorry to hear this. i used one of those carrier/helpers on my first chow when she had acl surgery. they work very well. i hope jack heals soon. hang in there rain!

  8. I can certainly share your pain and anguish. Not only did I go through this with Peanut (although he was small enough that I was able to carry him safely), but Lovey has re-injured her ACL and is back on pain meds. I will say that, with a month of lock-down (Peanut was crated), rest and pain meds, Peanut has rallied and is back to being his too-bouncy self. But I still spend a lot of time holding my breath and cringing. Sending hugs to you, Alex and all your furry kids.

  9. You have a green thumb for sure! Lovely easter pieces especially the one for SP! So glad you doggy will be ok but yikes on vet bills.

  10. Oh Rain, my heart breaks for Jack...We are dog lovers, and now only have the one, but she's 14 and getting slower. I was so glad to see the harness because we may have to do that for Molly since we live in an upstairs apartment.

    Your watercolor stencil is darling. What a clever idea. And of course we all love Daffy.

  11. Dogs just give and give and ask nothing in return. Please tell him I said he is a good dog. I’m sending him a scratch behind the ears. And a hug to you.

  12. I am so sorry to hear about your dog. That bed rest sounds like it might be challenging. I hope not.

    Your art is cute as can be.

  13. Poor Jack! :(

    I know it just breaks your heart. Is that his stuffed animal with him?

  14. So sorry your pup is in pain. I hope that things turn out better for him. I love your painting. Great job with the stencil and the painting technique.

  15. oh my gosh, that is scary,, all I can say is Jack is a very lucky boy indeed to have you two as his family!! Sometimes these ailments disappear as quickly as they appear,,
    Your indoor garden is flourishing!! Oh and your art work is beautiful, very clever !!!
    Your meals always look so good!

  16. I have been reading and enjoying your blog for some time but never posted a message. Because I went through the same thing with 2 different dogs of mine (at different period), the best advice is to crate the dog and let him out just for him to go outside to do his business then back in the crate. The very best healing tool is rest along with the meds. If he gets constipated from lack of exercise, pure canned pumpkin will help. Hang in there!

  17. Poor Jack, poor you and Alex. Vets are so expensive but most of us will spend what is needed for our beloved pets. I would and have done so - even for a Guinea pig years ago. They can not tell us what is wrong and seeing them in agony is so hard. I hope Jack heals quickly.

    Your colored eggs are lovely.

  18. I am so sorry about Jack. It is heartbreaking when our pets are crying and we can't do anything to help. It is also hard on our pocketbooks but they are family. I hope the meds do the job and he feels better soon. Nancy

  19. It's no surprise to me that people compare pet owning to parenthood. That's why I've avoided falling in love with another dog.

    Hugs and well-wishes to Jack.

  20. Aw, poor Jack. I hope he gets better. I love your windowsill garden. I bought a rosemary plant that starts from seed and am waiting anxiously for it to start growing. I added some water, gently as I could and I'm worried some of the seeds came out b/c I'm not supposed to bury the seeds. I also bought a little succulent from Trader Joe's. You inspired me.

  21. Oh, my. How do you put a pup on a month's bed rest? With the help of the pain meds, just having him pain-free will help him heal. And enable you and Alex to survive this latest bump in the road. Hugs to you all.

    Your watercolored Easter eggs are some of the most beautiful I've seen. Nearly enough to make me want to color eggs again! (Well, maybe not.)

    Can't believe you got your zinnia plant to actually bloom inside! You do, indeed, have a green thumb. And an artistic thumb! And, of course, you're wonderful with the furry family . . . all of them.

  22. Those dogs are so lucky to have you and I’m glad to see that he’s hopefully getting better. But yes, it always seems that an animal needs attention right on the weekend when is very difficult to take him to the vet, etc.

    As I mentioned on Instagram, I love your stencil work! You are very brave to have done that especially with a dull exacto !

    Ha ha, I think I always preferred Daffy duck over Bugs Bunny for those very reasons. :-) I love what you’ve done here too. Great job, rain. Thank you so much.

  23. Poor Jack ... ill keep u in my thoughts little boy ... and your mommy too 💜💜💜
    Wow i can't believe your zinnia is blooming. So cute and tiny. Really ... spring must be out there somewhere

  24. Poor Jack!

    If one of the drugs they gave you for him is Rimadyl be aware that it is an NSAID, and just like the human NSAIDs there is risk of stomach upset, ulcers, and kidney problems. And just like humans, some dogs are more sensitive than others. My Apollo is one of the sensitive ones, he ended up on a short term course of Rimadyl after spraining a "wrist" and ended up with an ulcer because of it. And because he's a stoic doof we didn't realize he was having stomach issues till it was really bad. So just keep an eye on Jack, and if he goes off his food, consider calling the vet about giving him generic (human) pepcid for a bit to see if that helps protect his stomach!

  25. fingers crossed that pooch will have a speedy recovery, I hope you all have a happy Easter :)

  26. I hope your fur baby is much better. That is really scary. I have a cat that I adore. She's the first pet of my own. She had breathing problems once and it freaked me out. I took her to the vet and found out that she suffers from asthma. Thankfully it's not severe and easily managed. I switched up her diet and her litter, and so far so good.

    You have such a great blog! Those eggs are so pretty and colourful. I couldn't comment here before and now I can. YAY! Thanks for visiting my blog :)

  27. Hi Rain. I do hope Jack is much better. What a scare that must have been. Sometimes the not knowing is the worst part of all. If only they could speak and tell us where it hurts or what's bothering them.

    The eggs are so pretty! What a lovely splash of colour to brighten up your home. I used to dye eggs for Easter but I haven't done it in years. I don't do much of an Easter celebration since my girls grew up and left home. In fact, if we don't have any type of family gathering this year again ( we didn't last year), George and I will go out for brunch or something like that.

    Daffy Duck is great! I always preferred him to Bugs Bunny. And he always got himself into the craziest kind of trouble. Such fun memories with that show!

  28. Your flowers turned out so soft and springy! I also really like the eggs with the lemon tree.
    Poor Jack--but he's fortunate to have you guys to take care of him.

  29. Easter is my favorite holiday, for message and dyeing eggs and candy. I love jelly beans.

  30. My heart FELT for Jack dear Rain!

    i know how much you love your pets and are emotionally attached with them!
    i can imagine the fear and terror gave you his howling my friend and yest sometimes it is one shot that takes all the saving away .
    in these wintere as family we all suffered with suborn flu bug which made us visit regular to the docs for more than moths and keep paying bills regularly.

    this is nice that he is on painkillers now but you r concerns for his safety are right as other pets can harm him.
    hope this belt you making for him will be great help .
    I LOVED your lettuce growing so nicely:)
    and the other plant with lovely flower!
    sending you lots of love and tight hugs!

  31. Thank you Debra! I hope so too. :)

  32. Thank you Marsha! :) The lettuce is butter crunch and it's delicious. I'm envious of your year-round fresh salads! I know how you feel about your Enrique, it's tough. Thank you for your comment. xx

  33. Hi Wisps of Words!:) That's funny about your youngest grandson, I hope he catches Santa one day LOL! The little window garden is really doing wonders for my spirit. :)

  34. Hi Dianna! :) Thank you for the healing energy you sent. I looked into the pet stairs, and some ramps, my gosh are they expensive though right? Alex built a ramp and so far Jack is doing very well with that one. Yes, I have flowers! I hope you can really get your garden going this year, even if it's only a few containers! :)

  35. Thank you Jenn! Today is Saturday, and he's doing a little better. I'll blog about that tomorrow. :)

  36. Hi Tewshooz! :) Yes, it's very difficult to watch them in pain. A running account at the vets, that sounds just awful!

  37. Hi Joyce :) Thank you :) In the end, I couldn't use the helper on Jack because of his very sore tummy...but I have it for the future just in case :) Hanging in there! :)

  38. Hi Susan! :) I know that you feel my pain and anguish. You've been through a lot with your pets too. I'm glad that peanut has rallied back, it makes for way too much stress when they are so ill... Thanks for the hugs! :)

  39. Hi Christine! Yikes is right about the vet bills. I'm sure if it were up to them we would be back and they would charge us more. Thank you for saying I have a green thumb, I think I'm starting to believe it! :)

  40. Thank you Wanda! :) I tried the harness, but Jack is very sore under his belly so we can't use it. Alex did build a ramp though so that is helping him a lot. Aging pets...heartbreaking at times, but they definitely need us. Hugs to your Molly xx

  41. Hi Birdie! :) That is so true isn't it? Our pets live to please us, I told him on your behalf that he is a good dog and I scratched him behind the ears and said Auntie Birdie sends you the scratch LOL! Thank you! :)

  42. Thank you Tammie Lee! :) The bed rest will be challenging I think, because when he starts to feel better he'll have his energy back and he'll want to be out of the cage. We just have to be strong!

  43. Thank you Sandi! Yes, my heart is breaking just watching him. And yes that is his stuffed animal, the stuffed animals name is Mr. Curly, named after one of the Stooges. :) Jack carries him around constantly. He feels comforted with Mr. Curly by his side :)

  44. Thank you Lorraine! :) Today, Saturday, he seems to have improved very slightly so I have great hope! And thank you for the compliment on my painting! :)

  45. Hi Laurie! :) Thank you so much :) we will do anything for our pets. That meal was definitely needed, only comfort food in this house! :)

  46. Hi Anonymous! :) Thank you for visiting and commenting. It's very sad to have to go through this, I mean, it's hard on us, but it's devastating to us to know that he's in such pain. You know that feeling, and you're right, rest is what he needs. Thank you for the tip about the pumpkin! I'm hanging in there! :)

  47. Hi Starting Over! :) Yes, the vets are expensive, it just bothers me when they suggest very expensive procedures, treatments and tests. We told them going in we had a certain budget, they tried to work with it but kind of made us feel guilty about it too. I hope Jack heals quickly too. :)

  48. Hi Nancy! :) Thank you, I hope he feels better soon too. Definitely difficult on the pocketbook, but I guess it's an expense we have to accept right?

  49. Hi Tpals! I'm sorry that you avoided falling in love with another dog, I know how hard it is when you lose a pet, I lost my two pugs (one in 2011 and one in 2014). Those two were the loves of my life!, it is like parenthood. Thank you for the well wishes and hugs! :)

  50. Hi Stefanie! :) Thank you, I hope he gets better soon too. I'm so happy that you started a rosemary plant! I tried starting rosemary from seed last year, but I think I waited a little too long, and it never grew. Also, I didn't have the right soil for it, I hope that it grows for you! Keep me posted!!! Having some plants indoors makes life so cheerful! :)

  51. Hi Mama Pea! :) Thank you, Alex and I are trying hard to survive the latest bump, as I mentioned, the bed rest is basically that he lives in his cage only to come out to pee and poop. He's very comfy in there though. The watercolour Easter eggs were fun to make. And yes! I have a zinnia plant! And, I will post a photo nasturtium is blooming! Just in time for Easter :)

  52. Thank you Michael! :) I'm A Bugs fan, but Daffy makes me laugh. Poor Daffy... LOL! Yes my exacto knife was very dull, I promptly went out and bought new blades the other day. I'm going to have some fun with some new stencils this week I think. Yes, it always seems that one of the pets get sick either on a Sunday night, or during a long weekend when everything is closed. He's resting now and he's more comfortable than he has been in a week! So relieved... :)

  53. Thank you Nik! :) Jack is doing a little better today. I know, I really can't believe the zinnia is blooming. I planted it in June last year outside, it never bloomed! Maybe it likes being inside LOL! :)

  54. Hi Ruth! :) Thank you for your comment, it was very informative. The medication that was prescribed to him was Tramadol, and then something called Gabapentin. These are two painkillers that are low in anti-inflammatories, so they were supposed to be easy on his stomach. I'm going to blog about this tomorrow because I think information needs to be shared about these meds. They seemed to have been making him worse and we are at the point of easing him off them to see how he does. This morning he's so much better not having taken those pills...of course, the vet didn't believe me when I told her I thought the pills were making him sick...

  55. Hi Tricky Wolf! :) Thank you for visiting! Happy Easter to you and your family too, and thank you for the well wishes for Jack! :) I've just checked out your blog and am now a loyal follower :)

  56. Hi Alex! AKA TB Alex ;) I'm so glad you were able to comment finally. I know there are issues between WordPress and Blogger, they seem to be in some kind of silent war when it comes to commenting lol... Thanks for the compliments! That must have been scary about your cat, it's hard to figure out what's wrong with them. One of our cats has a mystery allergy, we changed up his diet and we changed the litter to a low dust one, but he still has the allergies. We won't give up, but we know it's something in this house that's making him allergic because two of our other dogs developed mystery allergies this spring too. Scary stuff! Happy Easter! :)

  57. Thank you John! :) I have my hopes high!

  58. Thank you Martha! :) Yes, not knowing was the worst part because, as we've discussed, the what ifs started... Terrible! He's doing a lot better today though. I'll blog about it tomorrow, but the meds were making him worse in my opinion. I hope you have a nice brunch with George! We haven't been out to brunch for a long time, one of these days if Alex and I get back on the same schedule, I'll make us a big old breakfast, greasy spoon style LOL! :)

  59. Hi Jolene! :) Thank you! I really like how the watercolour turned out, and the eggs were fun to do. Thank you for the well wishes for Jack. :)

  60. Hi TB! :) Happy Easter to you and your family, hope you have a nice weekend. Jelly beans are my favorite, especially the black ones!

  61. Hi Baili! :) Thank you for the love and hugs! xx Yes, I am very attached to Jack. I'm attached to all of our pets, but Jack reminds me of one of my pugs who passed away in 2011. He's got a special little place in my heart, and it's so hard to see him suffer. But today is Saturday, he's doing a little better. I have good hope! Happy Easter to you and your family! :)

  62. We have had our share this month with vet bills and animals..haven't we? Poor Jack...the pain issue is more than I can bear...I hate to see anyone or anything suffering. I like you idea of sewing something for a harness....I might try that for Nitty too. Grace is eating and seems livelier but I am watching her food intake closely. I have fed her by syringe for 3 days now and she seems okay. I'm so sorry for what Jack and you and Alex have been going through. I pray Jack heals and all gets back to normal soon.
    I thought it looked like a stencil pretty! Your plants are really doing well! Is that a south facing window. Blooming zinnia' really do have a green thumb. Take care and have a Happy Easter!

  63. Hi Sam :) I can't wait to catch up with you properly! I miss you! :) Thanks for the well's so nerve wracking...I bet you're not sleeping much either. I hope your Gracie gets better and heals soon. She's had a tough time. Happy Easter to you too!!! Yes, my only big south facing window is that one...I have a small one in the kitchen that we are going to put a few shelves up in...if we can find the energy!! xx

  64. Hi Raian, I hope Jack is feeling better real soon. I’m sure he will be but that doesn’t stop you worrying about your pets. It’s Easter tomorrow but i’m searching for a religion that doesn’t celebrate doesn’t follow it. I just don’t believe in it.

  65. Thanks Terry :) Jack is a little better today thankfully! It's true, I can't stop the worrying...oh I don't believe in Easter either as a religious holiday. I'm more of pagan leanings but as you know, I love to celebrate with food at any occasion! :)

  66. Things aren't going too well for either of us in the animal friend arena, are they? I hope Jack gets better. Rufus is sick and taking anti-biotics, and still no sign of Miss Bitey. I know what you mean about pet expenses at the vet. I spent a small fortune trying to save my ferret Jiggles, he had two operations for cancer. But it came back in the end.... Two of my other ferrets got adrenal disease, and we tried a new procedure the vet though might save them, but it didn't. Still, we tried and that's what counts.

    You know, I forgot it was Easter this weekend until you mentioned easter eggs.


  67. Hi Harry :) No...we're both having our own pet's a sad situation, and I'm hoping that your Miss Bitey will show up unscathed. I'm sorry about Rufus! He's so fragile. The vet bills are outrageous, but you're right, we have to try. I try to remember that they are not magicians...that they need to sometimes practice process of elimination. But that is an expensive process. I'm sorry about your ferrets. I'm going to post an update today.

  68. Hi Pam :) I'm posting an update today, thank you for caring! xx

  69. I am so sorry for Jack! Sending him healing hugs! Both your art pieces are so cute! Congrats on your window garden! Looking fantastic! You always make such great food! Happy April and Happy Easter! Big Hugs!

  70. Thanks Magic Love Crow :) Happy Easter to you too! :)


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