Sunday, November 18, 2018

Digital Art - I Don't Know What I'm Doing!!!

Winter Mountains
Hi Friends :)

I've been playing around with a digital painting program the last few days. I really have no idea how to use all of the features and I don't think I have the right computer for the job! But I came up with a few pieces I wanted to share.

Snow Queen
Someone familiar with the software would likely breeze through these paintings, but they took me a long time to create! I'm starting to think that I'd like to someday invest in one of those pens I can use as a mouse so I can draw digitally.

Full Moon
Just for "fun" I looked into an IPad and a drawing pen to go along with it. EEEGAD...we're talking over a thousand dollars for that set up (minimum)!! And that's not including the appropriate software!!

Don't Look Out The Window
I guess for now I'll make do with what I have! I'm going to download a video that shows me all of the features of this program and how to best use them on my laptop. That should keep me busy this winter!!

Speaking of winter...

It's getting colder and colder, sigh. The dogs love being outside, but their tolerance is getting lower. I'm going to have to start sewing some homemade dog booties soon!!

Comfort food is needed during cold weather!! We made a Tomato Pizza Fondue last week and it was SOOOOO GOOD.

Alex wanted something sweet after so he decided to "roast" some marshmallows over the fondue burner. It actually worked!! :)

My little Jack rabbit...not meant for the cold!!! :)


  1. Oohhhhh, that little face with snow flakes all over it!!! Where DO you get your recipe ideas from, Rain? Man, that fondue looks good! I have never attempted any digital art, so no comment from me on that. It looks good, however you did it. -Jenn

  2. Thanks Jenn :) My little Jack...oh he's adorable. :) I use mostly Williams Sonoma recipes from my cookbooks and online. One of the authors of my favourites Williams Sonoma cookbooks has a booked called "Fondue" and it has dozens of fondue ideas! That pizza fondue was luscious!!! :)

  3. Know nothing about digital art! ,-) But what you have done, is very, very cool.

    I see that Jack has a vest on, already!!!!! :-)))))))

    Oh yes, their poor paws! Plus, any ice could cut them, as well as the snow/ground being so cold.

    Fondue and roasted marshmallows! You do have fun!!!!! :-)

    "Please Mommy, let me in..." :-))))))

  4. Pizza FONDUE? Eyes wide.

    I would put my whole head in there and you would probably never invite me over again!

  5. Good for you trying digital art, I have yet to do that. Always good to stop by and see the good food too!

  6. I believe you have a future in working out the digital thing. Love the topics.

    Must go check out the tomato fondue.

  7. No reason you will not be able to master digital art. It is just another skill set to learn.

    I do not think our dog Poppy could keep any boots on long enough to use them.

  8. Hi Rain! I know you will master that digital art, and you'll soon be creating masterpieces like nobody's business! I think the snow queen is mysterious and yet I know just enough about technology, to be dangerous! Jack is just precious!...please video for us when you put the boots on for the first

  9. I think your digital art is pretty darn good. New computers are ridiculously expensive. I have 2 graphic artists in the family and if you ever do decide to go for it they say a Mac book is the best for artwork.

    Poor Jack. You could send him to my house for the winter. We have tons of Canadians here getting out of the cold. We can tell who they are. They are the ones in sandals and shorts while we have coats, socks and fur lined boots on.

    How do you make your doggie booties?

  10. I think those drawings were awesome! I love the mountains and the moon...all great! It;s better than I could do for sure! I just threw your pizza in the oven...well, your crust that I had frozen. Do you preheat your stone?
    Oh, Jack that precious boy! The fondue looks so scrumptious and I'm sure it was! I am with Alex...I love toasted smores for me...just the marshmallows toasted...yum!
    Love your posts so much!

  11. Wow, digital art ! That’s exciting! Oh my gosh that fondue looks so good, so do the marshmallows, that jack melts my heart,,,

  12. Wow, I don't know what to comment on first! Your really interesting digital art, the fondue or the snow!

    I think your digital dabblings are really neat. I so know what you mean about learning a program like that. I've only played around with paint programs but have no idea how folks can become so proficient. I think you've got potential! Really like the mountains.

    The fondue looks heavenly. What a perfect winter meal.

    Can't say I envy your snow though. It looks pretty, but I'm happy to enjoy it from afar!

  13. My daughter recently had a fondue dinner and it brought back nice memories from years ago. It is a fun eating experience.

    Look around more for an iPad and drawing pencil. My friend just bought one for a lot cheaper than $1000.

    Your art is lovely.

  14. The digital art pictures are really nice! You can try for used iPads and such. I got a used Ipad from them last year for around $225 :) Love the pictures of the dogs in the snow! Lisa

  15. Poor Jack...he is not looking like he is liking the cold at all. I know my rat terrier Dakota can't stand the cold and we don't deal with the snow and cold like you guys do. Love the pic of the other babes in the snow. I am not a fan of digital drawing and or a lot of editing to change a photo. I do lighten or darken, turn some black and white but to change the real look of the photo...not for me.

  16. Marshmallows roasting on an open fire, LOL. I love it.
    Our little Butch is so short that he gets into snow drifts and we have to help him out. Bless his little heart, winter is not his favorite season.
    Have fun playing with your photos . . . I think playing around and experimenting with all the photo functions is the best way to learn and get what you want from them.
    Have a sweet day.
    Connie :)

  17. pizza fondue sounds so good! jack looks so sweet covered in snow flakes. it is thanksgiving cooking marathon here and we have tons of rain.

  18. I think those digital pictures are very good. I can't wait to see what you create once you know what you're doing! :)

  19. Sweet Jack. I can totally relate. We both aren't meant for the cold...LOL

    The art is fun! The best way to learn anything is to use it and learn as you go.

    Oh the food, Rain! Every time I visit your blog I get hungry. HAHA

  20. Oh, Jack. What a precious face. I keep forgetting fondue and I love it. I will have to write myself a note (and try not to lose it). Digital art is challenging, all right, but I hope you are not giving up your watercolour work. While I can appreciate the efforts and effects of digital art, to me, it doesn't hold a candle to paper/pen/pencil/brush work.

  21. Rain, it'll be worth the money especially if it's something you really want to learn about and do. I like your winter mountains one. It almost looks realistic. Yeah, I think a stylus would be a handy tool. My dad has one for his iPad.

  22. Experimenting with art is fascinating, and therapeutic to the soul.. I agree with you.. I always make do.. and usually it feels very satisfying.. love your doggies inspecting something in the snow!

  23. How fun to try something new! I have been wanting to create digital patterns for my wood projects.
    I like the first one...looks like snowy mountain peaks. Is that what it is supposed to be? lol

  24. I actually think those paintings turned out pretty cool. Looking forward to seeing more.
    My dogs dont like the cold much anymore either...

  25. They are all up in age snd rather snooze the day away in the house. And Daisy, the pup wants to play in the snow but gets cold very fast and starts shivering.
    We are in a deep freeze as well but dont have much snow yet. Just enough to cover the ground.
    The fondue looks delicious and so does little Jack ❤

  26. Hi Wisps of Words :) The weather has been frigid the last few makes life harder, but the dogs are getting used to it!

  27. Hi Sandi :) YES!!! Pizza fondue, omg I laughed so hard at your comment!!! :)

  28. Hi Christine :) Thanks, I want to keep trying to learn the program. It's always fun to try new ways to create art! :)

  29. Thanks Susan :) Let me know if your daughter makes the fondue!!

  30. Thanks TB :) I find the programs complicated, but I'm going to take my time to really learn everything without getting too frustrated!

  31. Hi Dino :) Thank you :) The dogs are already wearing the boots but I'll try to get a video one of these days. They look adorable in them and surprisingly don't try to kick them off!! :)

  32. Hi Marsha :) Thank you :) Oh yes, those computers are really expensive. If I can just find that pen for my laptop, I'll be happy. I laughed at your comment, it's so true. When April rolls around, people here wear shorts even if there is still snow on the ground!! I'll do a post about the dog booties when I get my act together, but I wrote you a comment on your blog about it.

  33. Hi Sam :) Thank you! :) I hope your pizza turned out well!! Yes, I preheat the stone, actually I usually keep it in the oven all the time. I'm a s'mores gal! I used to love roasting those on the open fire, it was so much fun!

  34. Hi Laurie :) The digital art is intriguing me...but I still prefer paint and brush! :)

  35. Hi Leigh :) Thank you :) Those programs are hard for me because I lack patience to learn what each and every button means, but I'm going to try! Oh yes, the fondue is PERFECT for the winter (or any time!) :)

  36. Hi Starting Over :) Thank you :) Fondue is so much fun I agree. I'm so glad we do this every month!

  37. Hi Lisa :) Thank you :) Actually I did look at and found a bunch of "refurbished" Ipads for around that price. If I take this seriously enough, I may treat myself next Christmas!

  38. Hi Pam :) Dakota probably has as much fur on his body as Jack does, they don't have much insulation. I don't like to edit photos either, but the digital art is something new that I'm very interested in. We'll see how far my patience goes though! :)

  39. Hi Connie :) Isn't that cute about the marshmallows lol...Oh poor Butch!! Alex often has to "rescue" Jack too...poor things!

  40. Hi Joyce :) I hope your Thanksgiving went well!!! I know how hard you were working towards it. That fondue is one of my favourites, I just love it!

  41. Hi Becki :) Thank you! I'm going to take the winter to try to learn all the features, but sometimes I get too overwhelmed. I'm committed to learning it though! :)

  42. Hi Martha :) I'm with you and Jack...seriously the deep freeze is too much for me. Even in a full snow suit I feel it go right through my bones.

  43. Hi Susan :) No I'm not giving up the painting or the drawing! I love it too much. :) I just wanted to try something new, kind of to inspire me in all of my other art forms. :)

  44. Hi Stefanie :) Thank you! :) Stylus...that's the word that escaped me. I think it'll be a fun new medium for me! :)

  45. Hi Gwen :) Art is very therapeutic. I love to create. For now I'm making do, but I'm noticing a lot of "refurbished" computers and I-stuff that I'm keeping an eye on.

  46. Hi Jenn :) Yes! It's supposed to be snowy mountains! :) I think that would be a great idea for your wood projects!

  47. Hi Nik :) The deep freeze is way too early. I expect that in February, not NOW. Though it should end here by tomorrow, we're expecting a lot more snow over the next week, which means milder temperatures thank goodness. When we did the monthly shopping yesterday, we got a block heater extension cord for days like today. The car almost didn't start yesterday!!

  48. I am your newest follower and found you through someone's sidebar. lol...don't ask me who though---I think your art is pretty darned good-especially using a program you aren't familiar with. Keep at it-by spring you will be a pro. So nice to find you--

  49. ps- will put you on my sidebar- I read from there so I won't miss your posts. Happy Sunday Night-

  50. Rain,

    You did a nice job with your digital artwork! It's really tricky to use your finger or mouse to get exactly what you want. I can't do it for anything. After DH bought my iPad Pro I began hinting for the Apple Pencil which he did last year for my birthday. I've learned a lot in how to use it but someone who's very comfortable with sketching with a real pen or pencil like yourself learning curve is even less than mine. I like the winter mountains image. It makes me cold just looking at it. :) Have a pAwesome week and thanks for sharing with me!

  51. Hi Diana :)) Thanks for your comment! I've just followed your blog too! :) Thank you, I'm enjoying creating on the digital painting program, though I'm finding using my mouse as a paint brush a little wobbly!!

  52. Hi Cathy :) Yes! It's VERY tricky using the mouse, actually I have a touch pad. I think a little digital pencil would be very useful! Until I can get one, I think I'll stick to vague kind of landscapes where detail isn't very necessary! :) I'm glad I saw your post on Procreate, it got me interested in this medium so THANK YOU!!!

  53. Your art looks fantastic Rain! I love the puppies in the snow and Jack looks so cute! Pizza fondue?? I will be right over! LOL! Big Hugs!

  54. Come on over Stacy!! :) Though you have to be quick, fondue does NOT last in this house lol! :)


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