Sunday, January 20, 2019

Bogged Down and Slightly Discouraged!

Hi Friends :)

This is my current list of properties I've looked at through ALL vetoed. The big problem I'm having is that in my price range, they are all too close to other houses. And if I'm lucky enough to find a nice little cottage with some acreage, it's usually missing water or a sewage system. I go to Google Satellite to look at the location of the places, so it's a long process. And the handful of properties I've considered possibles - well the agent either avoids questions or doesn't bother replying!

It's getting frustrating. Do you have home buying stories to share? Good or bad? Alex and I didn't think it would be this discouraging!!! Any tips?


  1. It's been over twenty years since we bought a house, so I'm quite out of touch. Just a thought... have you also been looking at sites that list homes being sold by the owners themselves? Or cottage listings? They could be four season, winterized cottages. I hope your luck changes! All I know, is don't settle for something you don't really want. -Jenn

  2. Hey Jenn, thanks for your comment. I've done so many searches...everything from "cottage" to "off grid" to "rural"...and I checked on for sale "By Owner" site. Maybe winter isn't a "hot" season for real estate or something. I do have my eye on three properties...won't be able to visit them until the spring though, they're in NB and NS.

  3. Good that it is all online these days you can keep looking for what you want.

  4. So many folks who have their properties for sale tend to take them off the market during the winter months, and then list them again come spring time. You may see an influx of desirable offerings as you get closer to then.

    I wonder if the realtors are being less responsive (and responsible!) to you because you're looking at properties from "afar." They know you most likely aren't going to be there to (seriously, they imagine) look at the offerings because you're living a distance away.

    I know it's a long, slow, rigorous process but the right place for you and Alex will come up. Just now apparently hasn't been the right time. I know if that forever piece of land for you two is out there, you'll find it!

  5. Hi Christine :) Yes, it makes a big difference being able to see stuff online. A lot of realtors put up videos and drone shots too now, which is helpful!

  6. Thanks Mama Pea :) I thought about that too, that I'm not really being taken seriously...I thought maybe because I'm far away too. I heard that real estate booms in the spring, so I'll try not to be too blue about it right now! I just wish we could buy a plot of land and build on it, but it's not feasible financially! I read today that it could cost from 8k to 30k to put in a septic tank! And I know how much it costs to dig a well IF you find water that is! Thanks for your support as always! xx

  7. Well, you're being very thorough and I hope that pays off for you in the end!

  8. Keep looking! Don't be discouraged. We've been in that boat. It took 2 to 3 years. Hubby was getting so very frustrated, BUT we bought our property in Jan. 2017, after tramping over the acreage in snowshoes! It had 99% of the things on our list and we are very happy here. Heaven does exist!

  9. I'm so sorry to hear this, Rain! I feel you. Having sold a home and bought another in another city, it can be very frustrating. And we nearly lost our minds dealing with real estate agents. Some of them are a pain in the a$$. But don't be discouraged. Winter is typically a slow period for the real estate market. Things pick up around March. Find out what the high period(s) for sales in that area are and keep plugging away. Something will surface!

  10. Rain, honestly Winter is a hard time to look. It is a hard time to sell as well. Keep your eyes open on areas that interest you and then look back in Spring - I bet you will find many more properties available.

  11. Hi Rain! I know it can be frustrating, and it really is tough when real estate sales people are not helpful. When we were looking for our ridge property, we drove around the area and asked a lot of people if they knew of any property for sale in the area, and as it turned out there was a guy who knew a guy that had a property that had been for sale, so we called him... long story short, we got the property of our dreams, without the assistance of a real estate person! We had a couple of real estate people looking for us, and they never got back to us. When one of the real estate guys found out we bought a property, he had the nerve to ask what we paid for our farm, and I told him to look it dang it takes all kinds.! I know you can't go drive around now, but that is the thing I would suggest as soon as the weather breaks... until then, just keep surfing and its amazing what you will learn between now and spring! Don't give up cause each property you look at will get you closer to your forever place!

  12. "...well the agent either avoids questions or doesn't bother replying!"

    I think that's a bad sign. I'd look for another agent.

  13. Personally I would say that yes winter is probably the time and a lot of people don't have properties for sale but that's just been my experience. People with younger kids may be moving in the summer and in general the summer when the weather is warm and dry is when a lot of people move.

  14. You probably will see more properties available as it warms up. Around here April (maybe as early as March) is prime listing time. We're putting on our thinking hats about preparing this house to sell and figuring out what we want in our next (possibly last) home. It's so much harder to muster the energy and motivation at this age, but muster it we must! I have a feeling you and Alec will find a perfect spot when it's the perfect time.


  15. All gave good advice. Winter is a deterrent for those who want to sell. If you can sit tight, that would probably be the best idea.

  16. Rain, when I started looking for a place to settle in 1986,it took me about nine months.Be patient, the right place will turn up.

  17. Oh, gosh Rain. This sounds soooo familiar. It was the same for us too. We had a list of features describing our perfect dream property but kept having to adjust and reevaluate. It took us a couple of years to find our place. I love it except we have a lot of close neighbors. Out our front door we look like we're on a small neighborhood street. It's out our backdoor that we look like we're in the country. Hang in there, your perfect property will eventually come.

  18. Sorry that things are not looking that great right now on a home but hang in there, the right one will fall in your lap. Buying stories...not really and I can't really remember what the houses looked like that I saw before buying. My ex and I bought one that I lived in 7 yrs then I have been in the one I bought over 26...THAT IS WAY to long to look back on things about buying this house!

  19. Rain,

    I truly understand where you're coming from because we're in the housing market, too. To get precisely what we want is frustrating but the good thing is we don't have to make a purchase quickly. We have the leisure of taking our time but we really, really hope to find something this year. We aren't getting any younger and would like to enjoy being a more comfortable setting soon. After Friday's mishap, we decided to include in our search a home that doesn't have many steps leading up to it. lol Best of luck to you in your search, my friend!

  20. That must be so frustrating! Keep up the hope that the right property will come available! Lisa

  21. No stories here, other than we found ours by chance. We rented, the owners filed bankruptcy and we offered to buy. I have heard that with the government shut down that it's caused delays for people buying houses right now.

  22. It must be really hard to 'go house hunting' via the computer. Thankfully you and Alex are still young and able to deal with it all dear Rain - be patient and know the little piece of heaven you are searching for is out there and you will find it when least expecting to.

    Good luck - stay warm - and may Spring bring you all you wish for.
    Hugs - Mary

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. No such stories because our needs were simple. Just a bigger house, for our growing family, in same city. Only criteria I had, was kids not have to change schools. And we found our dream spot. Which of course, 50 years later, has turned into the dream area, of a lot of rich people! lol

    But I hope you don't get too discouraged. Easy for me to say, of course.

    Any possibility, of a little changing, of your necessary details? I know, should not have said that. But... As always, I am being hard headed and rational. :-)


  25. We found our place thru the local newspaper for this area; that was 25 years ago. Now we are looking again and looking thru Zillow, just to see what is out there. Hang in there, you will find your place. Realtors work for the seller, not the buyer and if they think you are vague or just looking they will not take you seriously.

  26. hi rain! i feel your pain! i don't know of many things more frustrating than real estate especially trying to shop online from a distance. i think this is the toughest time of year to look. people probably aren't responding because they think you aren't serious at this time of year. i imagine this is their 'vacation' time. if you find an area your are particularly interested in, i would contact their local community group, introduce yourself and tell them what you are looking for. ask if they have any suggestions. you will find what you want eventually! you are a very determined person! i am still sicker than crap here and our huge snow storm missed us. what a crummy winter so far! hang in there and hugs...joyce

  27. Houses start coming on the market in early March here. It has to do with better weather and school semesters ending. It is good to do your homework now so you will be ready when more houses become available. Buying a home can cause anxiety but it also brings great joy.

  28. hah, my house buying story would just depress you, so I won't go there.

    Good luck in your hunt!

  29. my heartfelt best wishes and lots of hugs and positive energy to you dear Rain!

    12 years before we have bought our house plot so i can feel for you

    i asure you just one thing that the this time no matter how tough it is will pass anyway and while sitting in your new home's porch you will be smiling with cup of tea and while talking to your dear partner over all that has been settle down nicely at the end of the day :)))

  30. I wish I could tell you that it's easy, but it isn't. Especially when you have a budget. When I decided to look for a property, my price range was so limited that I had to look at 35 different properties before I found my little place. And I almost didn't look at it, as it was the last listing on the list my real estate agent had given me and I was totally discouraged. But I decided to at least drive by and -- the rest was history! Courage!!! You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince, as they say. You will find your little bit of heaven. xo

  31. I'm sorry it's been discouraging for you. This is our first home and we're living in the suburbs. We used a realtor and my husband had found her on Yelp. She was extremely helpful, asking what were we looking for in a home and she knew the area very well.

  32. the right house is out there for you. Don't give up until you find it. You will.

  33. Rain, sometimes when something isn't working it's best to set it aside for a bit. Take a breather. Hit it again in a couple weeks. Take a good long drive to the area you'd love to live in, leave notes on doors of seemingly abandoned homesteads or put a note up at the local post. Many time properties are not even listed but if someone sees an opportunity to sell grannies beloved home they might call. Enjoy the process. :)

  34. We're in the same boat and haven't found anything but I don't let it frustrate me because we already own our trailer and just pay lot rent. Plus, there's not point in putting energy into being frustrated. Either we'll find a new place or we won't. Either way, work still needs done and there's plenty of fun to be had.

    Frustration at stuff like this, I just don't have time for.

  35. There are other options for living 'off grid' without sewer or water. I watch several homesteading podcasts and have learned a few things. One is Offgrid with Doug and Stacy. They had no experience when they started and he built a huge water system that provides all their water from rain runoff. They both worked in corporations before they went on this adventure and now they give talks.
    It is hard to find exactly what you're looking for so I would prioritize your wants. I'm not sure you'll get everything but note down those things you have to have for sure. I'm not in the market yet but the place where I want to live is expensive and very little for sale. Good luck!!!

  36. I'm sorry to hear that you are having a frustrating search, Rain. Terry and I have been considering options for three years now, the latest being a senior housing cooperative. That's a no go; but we only arrived at that decision this week, after a lot of research and financial work. I'm glad that I have a thoughtful and prudent husband who doesn't make quick decisions. I trust that we haven't made a decision where to move (or not move) because the time isn't right. Just hang in there. The right place will eventually come. Sending you a big hug!

  37. I found the post I missed! Rain, you will do it! You will be guided to the right place! Hang in there! Big Hugs!

  38. Trying to catch up on all i missed. Dont give up ... it will come to u !!!


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