Thursday, March 28, 2019

Wrapping Up March

Hi Friends :)

I hope you're doing well! I managed to get out the other day for a THREE hour snowshoe trek, my gosh it was invigorating! It was a nice sunny day and again, hardly anyone was using the trail. 

Is your March predicted to go out like a lion or like a lamb? I just saw the weather forecast, and go figure...OUT LIKE A LION here with 20cm of snow over the weekend. Sigh. 

I was playing with my watercolours and acrylics this morning and came up with this lonely old tree at sunset. I decided it was probably housing some bats too. :)

Check out what I discovered this morning:

Planting a PIZZA GARDEN...I think this is really a neat idea! You plant all the ingredients you'd enjoy on a pizza! What a nice project! Although, I think I'd rather it look like this:

One can always dream...

I wanted to show you another little treasure of a house that I found. It has electricity, water and septic...but it's not on a cement I don't know if the bank will be okay with it. I'm gathering a list of properties to send to my mortgage specialist and I'll ask him to okay/veto the list in a week or so. It's a small house, but get's $49,900 with 32 ACRES!!! Here is the Realtor link: Little House With 32 Acres.

Here is the cadastral map that shows the acreage. There is a river running through the property! Isn't that just so dang cool? :) And the yearly property taxes are under $500. Very affordable. It's on the list of possibilities!

So...just like Bugs Bunny...I'm still on the hunt for that perfect home! :)


  1. I hope the bank will let you get that one! Your pizza garden project sounds fun!

  2. Given the seigneurial layout of the land lot, is that little house in Quebec? Or are there land lots like that in the Maritimes too where Acadiens had settled? I hope things work out for you!

  3. What a cute house. All that land around it.....heavenly.

  4. A pizza garden! What fun. Homegrown ingredients would be the best.

    That's a cute house. I hope you find the perfect fit for you!

  5. Perfect little homestead and that acreage will be excellent for veggies! I really love the pizza garden! that is so cute and creative! By the way, that lonely old tree is happening!!

  6. Oh thats a nice piece of land and I know that river...would be just perfect for the two of u :) you can do a lot on 35 acres !! The house is cute. I will go check out the link in a minute.
    I love your watercolour painting. Beautiful.colours. G. Once painted a set of 3 buffolo paintings in exactly those colours. FAVOURITE !!!
    March is going out pretty quietly over here. Temperatures around 0 and here and there the chance of less than a cm of snow ... I hooe we are not in for the big finale in April :(
    Love the pizza garden !!! The second one especially ;)

  7. Looks cozy on the inside. The river is breathtaking. I love the sunroom !!! Upstairs would be a great office / studio ... but then ... where does the second office go ?? Its lovely !!!

  8. You could barely buy a closet here for $49,000! Go for it I say!

  9. The house and property look like a fantastic find! Will your government let you do anything near the river? Ours has buffers that are off-limits to property owners. Would you be able to access the property on the other side? Such an exciting possibility!

  10. Thanks Christine, I hope so too! :)

  11. Hi Debra :) That one is in NB, I'm finding many parcels of land separated that way!

  12. I know Marsha! It looks great! :)

  13. Thanks Martha :) Still looking...I am definitely going to do a pizza garden in the future!!! :)

  14. Thanks Dino :) I have such big dreams for my garden, I can't wait to figure out where we'll be living!! :)

  15. Hi Nik :) Isn't is just a perfect spot? Or seems so! Alex and I decided that if we end up with a small house, that we'll build an outbuilding for a second office. And I thought about getting an old trailer and re-vamping it so that I could have my painting studio in it! :) Lots of ideas! I love those sunset type of colours with black on them, I'm sure G's painting was lovely! Oh haha...yeah, wouldn't it be nice to have a magical pizza garden where they are already made, topped and hot? ;)

  16. Hi David :) Thanks for visiting! I laughed when you wrote you can't get a closet for that price hee hee...

  17. Hi Leigh :) Isn't it a great find? So far though, we would need more photos and information about the surrounding areas and thank you for that information about the buffers...never even came to mind, that'll be something we ask the agent. But again, it all comes down to the evil bank lol! ;)

  18. Pizza garden! Well done.

    Love the house, but not on a cement foundation would worry me. Rain and wet soil are not reassuring. I'd say keep looking. Sad. It is almost perfect otherwise.

  19. The house looks amazing. 32 acres is amazing. But I would be a little concerned about not being on the ground.

  20. That is an amazing price for that many acres. Here in the Bay Area, it's over a mill for even just 3/4 of an acre. Good luck with your list.
    In seeing your art scribbles, I don't know if you print them out? You could totally art journal with them.

  21. I wonder if you can build a foundation. 32 acres-- heaven!

    Pizza garden... :)

  22. Rain, you sure do fine some great places, and they are so affordable! Canada really is a land of opportunity. So much of it is not built over. Down here they are paving everything over just as fast as they can. Cutting down the forest and blowing the tops off the mountains. Glad I'm 66, I'll be checked out by the time America is completely turned into a Third World slum.

  23. Hi Susan :) Yes, pizza garden!! :) The 32 acres...and a river, and the's a tough thing to find such a great place, but the house isn't too stable.

  24. Hi TB :) Hope you're doing well! The lack of foundation bothers me too!

  25. Hi Stefanie :) I like the idea of printing out my scribbles! but we don't have a colour printer here...or should I say we don't want to pay for colour ink! :) The reason why we are moving to that area of Canada is because we can't afford to live below or even within our means if we stay here or go anywhere West of here. The property prices are so ridiculously high!

  26. Hi Sandi :) I thought about that too...Pour in a foundation and have the house's an idea, but we're still looking each day! I know, pizza garden...drool... ;)

  27. Hi Harry :) New Brunswick and Nova Scotia especially are the two provinces where property prices are very VERY reasonable. Here in Quebec, we'd be looking at over 100k for the same type of place, and anywhere West of here, you can probably multiply that by 5- 10. So it's not all of Canada, but there are definitely good opportunities here as long as you stay pretty rural - which is what we want for sure. Another great thing about those two province is the lower population, and the fewer big cities. Since we don't have to leave the house for work, we can go anywhere and we're so happy about that! I'd rather struggle with a dirt road all year than a paved one, that's for sure. That's such a shame about what they are doing in your buy a place thinking you have your little sanctuary and then it all gets developed and overrun...we are hoping that won't happen to us, but you just never know!

  28. This is really exciting! I’m going to go to the realtor link now!

  29. OMG that is the cutest!!! Maybe the bank would be okay if you said you would pour a slab? What do they care? I get so tired of rules and regulations! No wonder people can't 'make it' nowadays as they put roadblocks in their way every time. People can't sell, can't buy, can't have livestock or chickens, can't sell things out of their home like in the old days. They take all the hope and motivation out of people. If I was younger I would go to the wilderness where they couldn't find me! Yet the people with money can cheat and get away with it....oh, don't get me started on the corruption in our country right now! LOL!
    Becky's homestead on You Tube built her own cabin from a kit. They also have those little houses at Home Depot that I think they just deliver! It might be an option? Do you have Home Depot in Canada? I will pray that everything works out perfect for you. There are lots of videos on You Tube about finding your homestead too. I watch them all the time! LOL! I like Prairie Homestead, and Hollis and Nancy are great for urban gardening...I love You tube...can you tell?
    Love your drawings and paintings!

  30. Hi Linda :) Yes, this is a very exciting time! :)

  31. Hi Sam :) I loved that rant thank you! ;) It's all so very true, and I agree with it all. I have no sympathy for the banks if they get "stuck" with a house they have to sell. I don't think people should be shady, but the working class has a much rougher time than the board of directors at major banks. That's one thing I'm really looking at - zoning. I want to make sure it's zoned rural/agricultural or not zoned at all to make sure I can have chickens and goats and maybe rabbits.

    I've watched Becky's homestead, she packs a punch lol...but she does have some good videos. We do have Home Depot in Canada...I never saw those cabins in a kit there, but I'm going to check out their website and see! I think that if I lived alone, I'd be gone already. I'd have bought a plot of land, an old trailer and parked myself there while I built my dream home. But I'm with Alex and we have the 6 pets, so I can't just run off into the woods on my own lol...we talked about that actually, but we also don't have enough cash flow to set everything up we need on a piece of empty land, so we have to go with the bank, ugh.

  32. I can't get over how affordable land is there! I know you're going to find something that suits you all well. While I'm sure you are looking forward to the search being over, I'm enjoying the vicarious house shopping.

  33. Rain,

    March 2019 is now in the past. How did that happen? I would've visited last week but I had stomach issues to hit and it kept me down. It took me all weekend to recoup but am still not 100%. At least I'm far improved. :)

    Nice painting. I have yet to dabble in paints but I'll get there eventually. I love your Bugs sketch!

    WOW, a small house and 32 acres for only $49,9k? You can't even buy a small house with half an acre at the price in Knoxville. You said the house isn't on a cement foundation, what's it on? Our house hunt continues, as well. It's not an easy job and we find ourselves getting frustrated at times but I have to remind myself and DH to relax, enjoy the process because this will be our last time to do this sort of thing. :)

  34. Hi Becki :) I'm glad you're enjoying the vicarious house shopping! ;) Yes, in those particular provinces, the land is very inexpensive, it's a blessing for us! :)

  35. Hi Cathy :) I hope your stomach is better! Being sick isn't fun, wishing you all the best! I know...March is gone, it's insane to me. Time never flew this quickly when I was younger lol! Most of the time if there is no concrete foundation, those little cottages are on cement blocks, sometimes, and I've seen these...they are directly on the GROUND. Those are not meant to last nor are they meant for winter! The ones on blocks, a lot of the time the crawl space is blocked in by wood. They're not really meant to be winterized, but you can definitely do it by insulating the pipes and the crawl space, protecting under the cottage well with a good enclosure. I lived in a cottage once that was on blocks and I was fine with a few rugs on the floor - but that's because I had an awesome wood stove that heated (overheated) the entire cottage!

    Yes, I feel your frustration! :) It can be very frustrating! But I agree, it should be exciting and fun, we want this to be our first and last house we ever buy!

  36. Hi Rain! I hope everything is going well. Happy Easter!
    This house looks great!!! Crossing my fingers! Big Hugs!


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