Thursday, August 15, 2019

Thursday Art Date: Moon, Sun and Stars

"That's one small step for (a) giant leap for leporidae"

Hello Friends! :)

Welcome to Thursday's Art Date! Our theme today is Moon, Sun and Stars. I love to paint night scenes. There is something about a night sky that I find so beautiful and there are so many ways to paint them!

I think Bugs Bunny is the first of his kind on the Moon! I did this painting in acrylics.

Actually Alex got an action shot of me painting it!

Watercolour Sun. The sunny days are still with us here in the mountains, though the nights are really starting to get chilly. Fall seems to be so close and my tomatoes are still green! Eek!

An acrylic starry sky. :) I painted the Pisces Constellation, which represents my Zodiac sign. Do you sky watch? One of these days I'd love to get myself a really good telescope. Maybe I'll discover the Rain Comet! :)

I just wanted to share a little of the Nature that is all around me - it's so beautiful in the mountains!

Ham and Jarlsberg sandwiches with delicious with a honey Dijon mustard!

This dish is so fresh and so easy to make: Tomato Bocconcini Pasta. I made the Bocconcini myself and it pairs so well with tomatoes. We didn't have any basil, which I usually use, so I substituted fresh from the garden green onions instead.

Recipe Notes: I'm spending some time over the next few months - maybe throughout the winter - to re-write my recipes on the Rain's Recipes Page and include a printable version of them. This might mean that links won't work so if you are looking for something, please send me a note (Contact Form on the sidebar) or leave me a comment!

That goes for Rainy Day Cheese Making as well. I totally re-designed that web site last week and it looks pretty good! Cheese recipes may be missing as well, so again, let me know if you can't find something!!

Jack - waiting for a snack. Such a beautiful hound dog! :)

My first cartoon drawing in January of 2018

August 22nd: Next Thursday's theme is Comics/Cartoons. Click on the link for ideas and inspiration! Remember it's all about creating. You can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, baking, poetry...whatever you like! :)

Thursday Art Date With Rain. Click on the link for a description of the art date as well as a list of upcoming themes.

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! Please don't include a link unless you participate in the art date!



  1. OMG - your office looks so neat and orderly! And how cool to have your artwork on display. That penguin pic is just so adorable! Any reason for French Fries is okay with me! Hugs, RO

  2. i agree with RO. what a nice office! i could give you tons of basil. this is the basil/tomato summer! they have both done so well. that stream is wonderful. you are so lucky to have such wonderful forests all around you.

  3. We are all noticing your very neat office and are impressed. Painting can be messy but you are a very organized lady.

    The mountains in the summer are so beautiful and peaceful. I hope there is enough time for your tomatoes to ripen. If not, you can do the paper bag method. I have already done that with tomatoes that have dropped before their time.

  4. Lovely sun moon and stars interpretations Rain, your love and talent for art shines through! Your food beats any restaurant from what I can see! I know what you mean, I need summer for a bit longer, at least I can stop weeding soon.

  5. Oh i absolutely LOVED your new image and you office photo dear Rain :)
    actually it took while me to keep looking at your setting there :)

    gorgeously managed room indeed ,the display of painting looks sooo cool on wall ,i found laptop bit higher fro your neck and eyes though ?

    bugs on moon is awesome ,i bet he can't sty there for long if you will not send the daffy to join him soon lol

    Oh jack is so adorable . thank you for tranquil spring image !

    your food is SPLENDID like always !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    each dish is COMPELLING :)

    your beautiful world reflects your serene well groomed mind dear Rain :) and each time i peek in my heart fills with peace and joy

    sky watch is incurable habit for me ,day or night no matter what the weather is whenever i step outside in the yard my eyes automatically turn to the sky as i am trying to stair to get up lol

    night skies are so COMPELLING i can't resist to watch them for long before sleeping every night

    more happiness to you my friend!

  6. Sure feels good to be back with you ... your posts are always way beyond what anyone I know could do ... from your art to your cooking to your photos. Oh my, if I were young again, I might just come join you up there :) Thank you for starting a new artsy meme.

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  7. Sorry to repeat, but my first link took me to the wrong place on my blog ... I sure am out of practice. Hopefully, I'll get it right over time :)

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  8. I can't blame you for enjoying your artwork! You're so good at it! Love the recipes for sure. Do you make your own fries from scratch? Yes, your pictures of nature are beautiful. When Jack looks at you all I can think of is that song "the look of love"! LOL! That dog is smitten with you! Such a sweetheart he can just tell by looking at him. Have a good week and keep up the drawing and cooking and gardening and cheese making...did I forget anything?

  9. If we sent rabbits to the moon they would become the space aliens of our stories. The ears are like antennas. Hey, I may be on to something here....

  10. Rain,

    Bugs is the first hare on the moon! :D I love your night sky painting!! We enjoy watching the evening sky when we can, but it's not often and the only place to do that is in the mountains. The city lights are too distracting. Oh goodness, I gained 5 pounds looking at your marvelous meals!! Your fries look heavenly. Please send some this way asap. Have an artastic day!

  11. I love your work space with all your art around you, what an inspiring space.
    Love the constellation piece! Hope you are all enjoying the summer!!

  12. I love, love, LOVE your starry sky painting with the constellation Pisces in it! Just beautiful!

  13. Loving you art have been growing in that area the past yr. Very proud of you. Nicely done. Food always looks amazing. Seems either it always makes me hungry or I am hungry when I look at your food. haha

  14. You have a great space to paint. The enviroment around where you live is lovely.

  15. I do like your work space with all your art around you, it looks great.
    Wonderful food pictures and I love the nature scene too, it looks so peaceful.

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend, take care.

    All the best Jan

  16. OMG! How can any being in this world resist Jack! He'd be as fat as a walrus if he were mine. I so get wanting treats! Woof! Woof! Give Alex a big hug for capturing you at work ~ great photo! I was blown away by the stars I saw in Nova Scotia while I was there. We have so much light pollution here in Aurora, and it had been a while since I ran along the Milky Way in delight. If you find a home in western Nova Scotia, you must go to Keji ~ Kejimkujik National Park ~ the wooded section, not the seaside. It's a Dark Sky Preserve. I've only been there in daylight, but maybe at night next year. There is nothing in this world like the starry night sky! Your watercolor of the sun really speaks to me. I'm a Pisces too. I knew a guy at Acadia, He was interested in me. I ran from him ~ been running all my life. Sometime I'll face that in my blog. I always felt badly about how I dodged him ~ nice smart guy, but such a geek. Anyway, he went on to discover a very famous comet. Now I can't look at the night sky without being reminded of my awkward, unkind behavior. LOL I was very happy to learn that he found someone wonderful! Take care!

  17. You are so talented. Love it! And that Pisces painting, I love it. 2nd Man is a Pisces, I'm an Aries. You should get on etsy I would totally buy those if you sold them, ha.

  18. Fabulous Rain! Enjoy all your luscious meals ! That Jack just needs a kiss oh his sweet face!!!!

  19. I love your star constellation - I am Pisces too. You live in a beautiful place which undoubtedly is great for artistic inspiration :)

  20. I feel like I find the weirdest things to comment on, but I have to say... I love Bugs Bunny's face guard on his helmet. I don't quite know how to explain why I like it so much, but I like how you captured the reflection that might happen on such a thing at night.

    Now I need to say, I must remind myself to not come in here when I'm hungry. Oh my goodness. I'll be foraging all afternoon now just to find something as tasty as any one thing you've pictured here. lol

  21. Oooh! I meant to say also say that I love seeing you in your office/studio painting!!! Sweet!

  22. Hey Rain. I need to go back and look closer at your office. Seems most commented on your office while I was stuck on your cowboy hat. You look so nice in it. I have always loved a cowboy hat, but being the self-conscience person that I am, don't have the nerve to wear one. :( Well I did wear a black one occasionally, a few years ago. Your little cartoon penguin is adorable.

  23. Thanks RO :) I love having my art around me, it really does motivate me to keep painting and drawing! I agree about the fries! :) Right now I'm trying my darndest to come up with a decent oven-fried onion ring!!

  24. Thanks Joyce :) How I wish it was a tomato and basil summer for me!!! My tomatoes are still small and green, I'm getting worried...I hope our September will be like yours! We could switch and we'll both be very happy because the nights here are so chilly!

  25. Thanks Arleen :) When I read all the comments about my neat office, I kind of giggled because I find it very cluttered most of the time, but when I really look at the photo, it's true, I have an organized mess I think lol! :) I may have to do the paper bag method, though I hope not!

  26. Thanks so much Christine :)) I think you'd agree, that art makes life wonderful :) So does good food!!!

  27. Thank you Baili :)) I really do love my office/studio. All of the pets hang out with me all day in there, that's why I have all the chairs everywhere, so they will be comfortable! The laptop is high because it's at a good level for me to stand when using it! I only sit when I'm painting or drawing now. Daffy is probably jealous of Bugs being the first one on the moon lol! ;) I'm like you, I need to really be watching the sky all of the time, it's so fascinating and very beautiful and magical! :)

  28. Thanks Andrea :) I'm so glad to see you! :) I'm happy you joined in this week! I fixed your linky link, no worries! I hope you keep joining each week, I always love your take on the themes! :)

  29. Thanks Sam :) I haven't yet been able to make good fries. We buy the Cavendish brand and they're pretty good, though you can kind of taste the "air" in them...they're not too potato-ey...I decided until I get a deep fryer, we'll buy our fries. The oven fries just don't cut it! :) I tried to deep fry on the stove, but the oil smell lasted for days and made us both sick! Yes...I think you're right (and I LOVE hearing it!) that Jack loves me!!! :))

  30. Lol Sandi, you have a good horror movie idea! :)

  31. Thanks Cathy :) That's too bad you have city "light pollution" in your know how beautiful the mountain skies are! I couldn't live without them! :) The meals...I'm sure I gained more weight this year lol! :)

  32. Thanks Jenn :) Yes! So far the summer has been really nice, but you know, it's getting too cold at night too soon!

  33. Thanks Pam :) I think the more you practice, the better you get at least that works for me. I found when I stopped (during the house hunting time), I had a hard time even drawing Bugs again!

  34. Thanks Stefanie :) This is such a beautiful area! The only thing driving us out is the politics.

  35. Thanks Jan :) I'm fortunate to have a lot of wall space in my office/studio! I love looking at my art work, it makes me feel proud. :) Hope you're having a lovely weekend too!

  36. Thanks Louise :) Well, I for one CANNOT resist Jack. Those eyes...filled with hope and love! :) And hunger...or just the desire to eat I guess lol! I'm so glad you were able to see the great sky and the Milky Way again! How interesting about the Dark Sky Preserve!!! That is something I will definitely want to see at night! Awww...touching story about the "geek"... ;)...good for him for discovering a comet! I wonder if he still pines for you Louise!! :) Fellow Pisces, we are sensitive souls, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Our water sign symbolizes our hearts, our flowing love and emotions! I know that describes me pretty well! :)

  37. Thanks 1st Man :) Oh what a compliment! I thought about an Etsy store down the line...So you're a fire sign and 2nd Man is a water sign...some say fire and water extinguish each other, but I think they compliment each other very well! Passion and emotion! Lovely pairing! :)

  38. Thanks Dino :) Jack always needs kisses and I'm happy to give them to him!!! :) Hope your harvest is going well!

  39. Thanks "Unknown" :) The area around here is definitely inspirational. I really love all of the nature surrounding me!

  40. Thanks Becki :) Seeing my office/studio in a photo really makes me like it that much more! It's fun to be there, I feel so creative in that space! And thanks about Bugs! At first I was going to paint something like the Earth's reflection, but he's on the Moon so I thought it needs to be a little on the white side! :)

  41. Thanks Henny Penny :) I love my office! It's very cozy. Oh the cowboy hat...I'll tell you something, I only started wearing hats about 4 years ago. I was way too self-conscious too. Actually I was made fun of many years ago by family members when I wore my first cowboy hat. That stuck with me and ever since, I thought they looked too big and goofy on me. But once I started to wear them, I just can't leave the house without one on! I have 7 hats now, ranging from Western to Australian, a Fedora style and a straw hat (looks like a Western style). I even wear them all day in the house! I think you should try to wear one!! My next purchase will be cowboy boots! :)

  42. Love, love, LOVE your Bugsy take for the art date! Nice pic of you working in the studio too.

    Jack is adorable!

    Now that I'm over the flu and chest infection, I might be able to get on board for the art date.

    I hope you enjoy the rest of your week!

    Serena :)

  43. Thanks Serena :) I'm happy to hear you're feeling better! I hope you'll join in, I always loved your brilliant art work!

  44. I love where you paint!! Great photo! I love bugs in space!! You are so creative Rain! All your food makes my mouth water, but the Tomato Bocconcini pasta did it for me this time! LOL! Thanks for the recipes! Big Hugs!

  45. Yummmmm...maybe Inshould go eat before I continue reading ... lol


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!