Thursday, December 5, 2019

Thursday Art Date: Flavours and Aroma and Paint Party Friday!

Hello Friends! 

Welcome to Thursday's Art Date, today our theme is Flavours and Aroma. Tweety Bird is having a nice cinnamon café au lait. I think the cup is a wee bit too big for him! He loves how it smells and tastes! 

Oh pizza, how I love thee...the flavours of olives, green onions, Parmesan, Mozzarella and my homemade Goat Cheese - so delicious!!! :) Alex had this pizza all ready for me on Tuesday when I got home from my grocery shopping. You guys know I do monthly shopping...well I decided to drive myself nuts and do a SIX WEEK shopping day - DURING THE HOLIDAYS. 😵 It took me five days to plan out the meals, snacks, desserts, holiday treats, gifts and dinners, pet, car and household needs. After I got the plan ready, I listed the ingredients I needed, checked the flyers, then wrote the shopping list with my projected expenses - all while trying to stay within my budget! Yeegods...what a task but guess what??? I don't have to drive out to the city to shop before January 20th-ish!!! That's great news for me! :) It's worth the work!

Besides the trauma of grocery shopping, it was a tough week for me...I had to go back to the dentist for a chipped tooth (grrr)...Oscar the cat's mystery allergies flared up and despite our attempts to treat him at home...we had to bring him to the vet. All they did was give him more meds, poor thing. We really think it's something in the house that's bothering him but we can't figure it out. We are hoping that when we move next year, it'll clear itself up.

Having said that, I want to thank everyone for their comments on my last few posts...I'm so sorry I haven't had time to respond! I hope you understand!! I haven't had much time for art either!

But I did find some time to do an oil painting. I thought about how I just love the smell of wood burning during the cold winter nights. The aroma makes me feel warm and cozy. I guess you could say this is my dream home! :) I love's SO relaxing and I really needed that this week!

It's been frigidly cold outside too lately - some Italian brandy before bed hits the spot with its lovely aroma and delicious flavour!

That's all for now folks, please check out the link widget below to see more Flavours and Aroma artwork! And please join me on Sunday for my food and pets post. 🐾🐾🐾

I'm also linking up with Paint Party Friday tomorrow!


Baby Oscar and Jack cozying up for a nap

December 12th: Next Thursday's theme is Cozy. Click on the link for ideas and inspiration! Remember it's all about creating. You can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, baking, poetry...whatever you like! 🎨

Thursday Art Date With Rain. Click on the link for a description of the art date as well as a list of upcoming themes. Check out the themes for 2020 here!

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! The link gadget expires Sunday at noon (EST).

⚡⚡⚡⚡  Be forewarned ⚡⚡⚡⚡ If you include a link that doesn't follow the art date theme, it will be removed! Thanks for your understanding and for respecting my fellow artists who put their minds, hearts and souls into creating art for the themes!



  1. Tweety Bird is very sweet and hungry !!!
    beautiful your painted picture.
    Since you can really sleep well with the good brandy
    the poor cat will hopefully get better and get well with the tooth for you. That was a lot of what you experienced!
    greetings Elke

  2. Love Tweety and your painting is wonderful, so atmospheric. Glad you took time to do something for yourself when you had so much stress. Hope your poor cat is soon feeling better! Pizza - yummy, always wonderful! Look after yourself! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Groceries every six weeks? I don't know how you do it, but if you can avoid the crowds, well worth it! I love the smell of wood smoke in the evenings as you drive past homes that have their woodstoves going. -Jenn

  4. Cute tweety, so sorry about the tooth. I am always at the grocery store, 6 weeks will be an accomplishment. Thanks for hosting as always. The pizza looks delish! The oil painting is lovely in cool blues.

  5. My hubby is ill, I had to go out and do groceries. It was not bad, as I went to a smaller market. Good to have choices.

    Good luck with the cat. We've had so many mysteries. Sady licked ice on a window and hurt her tongue. Daisy chewed the Christmas tree lights.

    Good luck with your health, too.

  6. that brandy idea is good... I was totally with you til you liked wood smoke. I'm so allergic to smoke, that just getting a whiff of it from a neighbor gives me nosebleeds!!! started as an adult too, grrrr. Poor kitty, my poodle son Cole had food allergies that caused a lot of issues, maybe it's food? We put him on Science Diet zd and they cleared up without meds, which told us it was food, but then we had to put on detective hats to learn which foods. As long as we stayed away from them he was well without meds. LeeAnna

  7. You are the most organized person I know. Planning for six weeks of meals is something I could not do. It is mid-morning and I have no idea what we will eat tonight (and really can’t remember what I ate last night). You are a Superwoman.

  8. Love your dream home painting, Rain. That would be mine, too. :) I often do a few big shopping trips before frigid weather settles in. While we don't get the amount of snow you have to up in Canada, trying to maneuver a shopping cart in a snowy or slushy parking lot is a serious pain. Anyway... we've had cold weather sooner than normal and I haven't done this kind of shopping yet. It's also been easy to be lax this year, for some reason. This may be the winter it doesn't happen. :^/ Come January I may end up being that cranky lady trying to run her shopping cart roughshod over the thawing/freezing again ruts & ridges while the cold wind takes my breath away. Goodness... I would have not likely survived pioneer times.

  9. I don't know how you do it. I could say, well, she is younger than me so she has more energy, but then, I don't think I had your energy or ambition when I was as young as you ... so what's your secret? Maybe we just pour our energy into different things ... that sounds like a good excuse, right? Anyway, love your aromas and flavours (once again find myself wishing I lived closer to you) and Tweety is the cutest. Sorry about your kitty ... we have two diabetic cats so I know how disheartening it is to have to rely on medication. I hope you finds a solution :) Have a great week and how nice ... no shopping for 6 weeks. My husband would love it if I wouldn't have to shop (ie spend money) for 6 weeks, Ha!

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  10. I can't even imagine how many grocery carts it would take to fill a 6 week grocery list! Did you get everything in one store, or did you have to go to two or more?

  11. I love your oil painting, it's magical. Sorry your little kitty is unwell, some animals are affected by things we burn in scented candles, just a thought. Hope you find the source of the irritation.

  12. Like you, "oh pizza how i luv thee"


  13. #8 is the correct link up
    My apologies for the wrong ones


  14. All of these are perfect but I have to say that I love your blue painting. For me to say that is pretty good because blue is NOT my favorite color at all. Well done indeed.

  15. Your Tweetie is SO good.😊

    I'm so sorry to read about Oscar's problems. I'm not a fan of meds, at any time. Hopefully this will pass or you can find the cause. Also, sorry about your tooth issue. I'm spending some time "in the chair" lately , can't wait to put it behind me.

    Your hubby sounds very thoughtful.😊,

  16. Beautiful painting, love the colours. Hope your Ginger boy gets better soon.

  17. what a lovely post filled with beautiful things- food, art , drink, and fur babies!!Tweety is adorable:) Love the beautiful blues in your oil painting. How I love the smell of burning wood...but alas, we don't have a fireplace...
    be well. Happy PPF!

  18. Hi Rain Tweety is really enjoying those aroma's just as your must have been with that wee tot of Brandy before bedtime, that's something my dear Nanna would insist on before she retired to bed, bless her.
    It's a busy time for all of us we can only do what time allows us but i'm so glad you was able to share your wintery oil painting it's fabulous.
    Happy PPF Tracey x

  19. Oh that glow of fire through your cozy house made me want sit there dear Rain :)
    such an ELEGANTLY done painting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    you succeeded enchant our senses with it's amazing dazzling beauty :)
    loved the tweety holding his favorite soup ,i can imagine through expressions you painted so well :)
    what else can be delight more than a bowl of hot soup yum!!!my flu is still giving me tough time ,running final round though :)well hopefully

    best of luck for your budget venture my friend ,how sweet of Alex to make such delicious pizza for you ,it is always peace to find some food prepared already when get back from market tour

    i am sorry for oscer is having problem which has not detected by you ? i hope he gets better soon ,looks bit lazy in image poor thing !
    hope your tooth is completely fine now by the grace of God Rain
    wishing you ALL THE BEST in days ahead !!!

  20. You're amazingly disciplined to plan ahead for six weeks of meals. Rain. But I get what is motivating you ~ Well done! You can cozy up right through the holidays! My approach is to keep the house stocked with all the basics I use, because invariably my meal planning gets knocked off course. And kudos to Alex for that delicious looking pizza waiting for you when you arrived home! ~ Lucky you! Olives are one of my favorite toppings. Tweety is darling, as always. But poor little Oscar! I hope that you figure the mystery out soon! I've got my fingers crossed that you will find your dream home. Trust me, I get that you are very busy ~ and I am thrilled to hear from you whenever you are able to get around! I'm looking at endodontal surgery on Wednesday, followed by periodontal bone grafting and surgery, or (worst case) oral surgery to remove my tooth (surgery because of my medical history). Ugh! Then my body, eyes, and mouth will be done, and it will be time to start on my ears ~ LOL So much to take care of as we get older! Enjoy the run-up to Christmas!

  21. Thanks Elke :) It was a big week, but all is well now! Oh the brandy really is a great way to relax before bed!!! :)

  22. Thanks Valerie :) I was tempted to just post Tweety Bird this week, but I forced myself to paint, and I'm so glad I did. Sometimes I forget that it makes me feel so relaxed to create...just getting started sometimes stressed me out if everything around me seem so chaotic!!! The pizza was so welcoming!!! :)

  23. Jenn, six weeks is a killer to plan. But I had a lot of motivation to keep away from the stores until mid-January. I hate winter driving and all the crowds of people during the holidays!! Wood stoves are the best...I love that aroma!

  24. Thanks Christine :) I enjoyed the oil painting, it started off very differently actually, with browns and greens...but I felt in a blue mood the blues came out! When I lived in downtown Montreal, I was at the grocery store nearly every other day picking things was a big change moving up north!

  25. Thanks Jenn :) I hope your hubby is better soon, does this mean you're better? I hope so! One thing about living so far up north is that we don't have any choices. There is a local store here but they are crazy expensive and the produce frankly sucks. I do the monthly shopping so that I can hit the nice markets, but they're about a 90 minute drive away so once a month or every six weeks works for me in the winter especially.

  26. Hi LeeAnna :) Oh no, allergic to smoke? That's too bad! Well, cigarette smoke ick...but I love wood fires! With Oscar, we tried an elimination diet. He was 100% better - no meds, from April through to November then bam! Allergies started again once we closed the windows and put the heat on. We figure it's something in the house. We're renting and the previous tenants had lots of cats too, maybe their dander is caught in walls...maybe it's mould in the walls...maybe maybe maybe! We know it's not the food. We even changed the litters and our laundry detergents remains a mystery!

  27. Thanks so much Arleen :) Honestly I was never able to do the big shopping before a few years back when I needed to be more frugal. It was necessity at first, now it's a habit and I love not having to grocery shop that often!! I have to be really disciplined about preserving the food though. Lots of blanching, freezing, drying and vacuum-packing for a few days after the shopping day!

  28. Thanks Becki :) The dream home...soon! :) I agree about trying to push those carts through the slush and's such a pain in the butt! I'd be cranky too lol!

  29. Thanks Andrea :) You want to know my secret? Here it is: I HATE grocery shopping lol!!! If I had the money, pantry and freezer space, I'd shop for SIX months lol! I hate driving too so it's really stressful for me to grocery shop. I try to avoid it like the plague. LOL I laughed at your hubby comment, I just grab Alex's credit card on the way out in case I overspend lol...

  30. Hi Debra :) I already responded to you on your blog, but I'll respond here too! I typically hit 8-10 stores. I drive to the nearest big town and go to all of the stores there, depending on the sales in the flyers! It's takes so long but it's totally worth the savings and the fact that I don't have to drive or grocery shop for another 6 weeks!!

  31. Hi Betty :) Thanks for that suggestion! I do burn lots of candles! I'll have to keep an eye on that.

  32. Thanks Laurie, I have DEFINITELY seen enough of the dentist! The tooth was chipped due to teeth grinding at night, sigh. I have since got a mouth guard and my jaw doesn't hurt anymore when I wake up. I hope that it helps to keep my teeth from breaking and cracking. That's always been a big problem for me! Alex is definitely a keeper! :)

  33. Hi Gillena :) I got your link all sorted out! :) The pizza...omgosh I could eat that every day!!

  34. Thanks Nicole :) That is a good compliment!! I started off painting it green and brown, but decided to go with the blues after all! It gave it more of a cold, winter feel!

  35. Thanks Geraldine :) I love drawing Tweety! :) Oh gosh, "in the chair"'s a terrifying chair isn't it lol? I hope your dental issues are quickly resolved!!

  36. Thanks so much Anesha :) I love your "Crafting Queen" handle!! :)

  37. Thanks Linda :) We have a fireplace, but it's an energy-sapper! We only light a fire usually on Christmas morning. When we buy our place next year, one of the pre-requisites is a wood burning stove that's for sure!!

  38. Thanks Tracey :) Oh I do enjoy a little snifter (or a big one!) of brandy before bed!!! It's so warming and I firmly believe it's a cure-all to all ills!! Probably like your Nanna did!!! I'm really happy I took the time to do some painting, it's so good for the soul! :)

  39. Thanks Baili :) I would LOVE to sit in my painted house with the fire burning on a cold winter night!! :) I'm sorry you are still suffering!!! I hope you can kick that flu bug soon! My tooth is all better and well, Oscar...he's on the medication now and it's helping him. We tried everything we could think of to help him here at home, but his "mystery" allergy just stumped us. We think it's something in the house because he only has symptoms in the winter when we have the windows shut. During the spring/summer/fall he's perfectly okay!

  40. Thanks Louise :) motivation pushes me to be so disciplined with the shopping/budget/driving!!! I hate grocery shopping, and being around other people so much! I'm so glad I got it done though, it was something. One day I want to have a pantry and freezer so full I don't have to shop for six months. Oh my gosh Louise...your surgeries made me shudder. I hope all goes well and you'll be okay soon! That's a lot all at once!!!

  41. Hello Rain! I absolutely agree with you... the smell of a wood fire is magical and delicious to me. We always try to have a fire several times a week in the fire pit during the summer, and the wood stove burns a lot during the winter. We have used our lip gas fireplace a lot more this winter, and it doesn’t smell woodsy, but gives off a warm glow in a cold dark night. Hope you get some relief for that tooth, and hope little putter man gets to feeling better,too! Have a good week!

  42. Tweety Bird is so cute! Your artwork is always fun and bold and eye-catching. And pizza...yummy. I could live on pizza. If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life, that would be it :)

  43. Cute sketch and your oil painting is very beautiful and dreamy. And I hope Oscar feels better soon. :)

  44. I do like Tweety and your painting is just wonderful.
    Sorry you've had to re-visit the dentist … hoping things have settled down again now.

    Your pizza looks yummy:)
    Take care of yourself.

    All the best Jan

  45. Your painting is wonderful. Thanks for visiting my blog.
    Have a great time.

  46. taht wintery scene of yours are gorgeous. Love the chilly blue tones in it. :)

  47. to bad I did not notice the Aroma theme. We have an apple called Aroma in Sweden :) But, did not have any to photograph anyway.

  48. Hi Dino :)) Oscar is doing better already! I hate that he's on meds, but they do help him and that's what counts. :) I can't wait to have a wood stove. I had one in my last place and had it going from September through to May! I love that aroma!

  49. Thanks Martha :) Pizza's got it all! lol...I could live off it, we have it at least once a week!

  50. Thanks Tarang :) Oscar is doing better, I'm very relieved. It's hard to watch the little pets suffer and not knowing how to help them!

  51. Thanks Jan :) I'm glad you enjoyed the painting! I love the blues, makes it very wintery! My tooth chipped due to grinding at night, sigh, but the mouth guard is helping now, so I hope it doesn't happen again.

  52. Thanks Dani :) Thanks for dropping by!

  53. Thanks Monica :) That's a neat name for an apple, I don't think we have those here! It's funny I started that oil with browns and greens, but decided to wipe it all down and go for the blues, to purposely make it look very cold!

  54. Sorry you're still dealing with that chipped tooth. Next March I'm starting oral surgery again.

  55. Hi Stefanie :) Oh dear, just the words "oral surgery" makes me shiver. My dental work is all taken care of and I hope I don't have to go back EVER...realistically at least for a long time!! :)


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!