Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Foggy Morning and App Night

I complain a lot about the winter when it hits about mid-March; but really I do love the seasons and all the weather that comes with it. Of course, I can say that because we are not getting the snow that lots of areas are getting right now! This morning was super foggy and it made for a really nice walk.

Because it was so hard to see more than 30 feet ahead, the dogs were having a great time thinking they could hear all sorts of things without seeing them. It was funny to watch them today. The river looked really nice surrounded by fog.

This is the covered bridge that leads to the "village" side of the river. I park the car just next to it so I don't have to walk that way. It's just a little creepy. If it were nighttime, all I'd be thinking of was the Headless Horseman lol! Today will not be a garden and yard day. It's pouring rain, so I'm going to (try to) catch up on housework before this place is condemned. ;) I think it's a great day for a big comfort meal, I'll likely spend the day in the kitchen!

Last night was appetizer night. I guess a more technology-obsessed person would have seen my title and thought I was speaking in computer "app" means appetizer! :) I wanted to use up my fresh basil so I made a Bruschetta. We also had some pita bread leftover from souvlaki night, so I cut them up, oiled and salted them and baked them for chips.

I also had leftover drumsticks so I made them like I make my Chicken Wings. We had some fries to go along and it was a great dinner. After dinner, we were both so tired again, we went to bed to watch an old Film Noir called Niagara. I love most of the Film Noirs, at least the thrillers and mysteries...I'm not big on romance...I don't have that "girlie" quality about me! This one was great because it was a thriller set in Niagara Falls. I'd been there many years ago, but it was nice to see how it looked in the 50's! When I went in the 80's it was simply a tourist trap with overpriced museums and restaurants. The falls were stunning though.

Hey look! We finally cut up our first Meyer Lemon! The company said we'd find them sweeter than store bought lemons...ummm...sweeter? I wouldn't say that. There's nothing sweet about a lemon lol...but it did taste more like a sour orange. I have it wrapped and I'm going to squeeze the life out of it today and make a shot glass of lemonade for us! :) Maybe by NEXT spring, the 6 green lemons growing on the tree will become a pint of lemonade!!

I got this nice gift in the mail today from my Blogger friend Kymber. I love getting books, it's such a treat! So thanks again to Kymber for the lovely gift! :) (I guess she'll read this once her internet is back up and running!!!)


  1. I love those foggy pictures ...
    We're still sitting in a foot of snow waiting for more to come :(
    The lemon looks great :)

  2. Looks as though you'll get a rest day from your gardening endeavors! Enjoy it so you'll be ready to hit it again when the weather is more favorable.

    We have a kind of fog here today, too, although ours comes with ice crystals falling from the sky. More coating of ice than we had when we got up. Most expect the power will go off before this is done. Times like this I'm glad we have the option of being off-grid!

    Your lemon looks perfect! And juicy, too.

    Time for me to put the last touches on lunch. Expecting two visitors to eat with us today. Potato soup, a small tossed salad and blueberry pie.

  3. Hi Nik :)) I hope your snow melts really fast, even though you're getting would really be discouraging if we got snow here. Sending you positive sunny (or even rainy) energy!

  4. Hi Mama Pea :)) The lemon does look pretty nice! The photo is kind of hiding the green side, but now I know it doesn't need to be completely yellow to use. I definitely need a rest day. I get so carried away and I always do this to my body...totally exhaust myself because I get lost in having so much fun, even though the root-removal was a pain, I loved the whole process! :)

    Oooh your lunch sounds amazing! I haven't had pie in a long time...hmmm...I wish I had enough lemons for lemon pie! :) I LOVE potato soup, I usually put some bacon, chives, cheddar and a dollop of sour cream on it for a "baked potato" soup! :)

    I hope you don't lose power, I can't wait for the day to be off grid myself. I hate relying on the astronomically-priced Quebec Hydro. :( boo for them!

  5. Hi Rain!

    I would LOVE to walk that covered bridge at night....I am all about the spook factor! :) What a perfect day to me. Fog, fog and more fog. Here on the prairies we do not get as much fog as I would like. Which is a shame. Today we are sunny but its deceiving...its chilly out. Still! They are promising warmer days ahead, but tomorrow they promise some snow. Sure, why not. :(

    I like the idea of appetizers for supper. We do that sometimes...makes for an interesting evening. Sometimes we can have many different flavors all thrown together. But that's ok too!

    I would watch more movies if I could stop falling asleep. I am incredibly, incredibly sleep deprived which is why I cannot watch movies. If I sit, I fall asleep. Does not matter if its first thing in the morning or right after supper. Which is why I don't sit down in the evening...and if I do you'd better get out your cattle prod to keep me upright and awake :) :) I am missing out because I know there are movies out there that are fantastic...sigh.

    The lemon looks perfect! I hope its makes the lemonade just right!

    Have a good evening,

  6. yummy food! we have lots of covered bridges around here. i love them. i like fog a lot too. we are going to be in the 80's here today.way too hot for this time of year.

  7. Th lemon looks great! I use fresh lemons in my homemade hummus. Yum!

  8. I remember square foot gardening when it was first on TV, seems so long ago. I have the original version of the book but don't use it now as I have a huge garden now and space is not problem. Maybe as I get older I will have to go back to it though.

  9. Oh yes that bridge looks creepy I wouldnt be going over it either, another lush looking dinner I really must try harder when I am cooking just for me :-)

  10. Snowbird friends of ours just got back from Arizona with a big bag of Meyer lemons from their backyard tree. They are running out of lemon recipes to use them up.

  11. Hi Dianna :)) I love the spook factor too! I once went walking in an apple orchard at dusk and scared the bleep out of myself lol...Fog is so beautiful :)

    You know, if we start a movie after 9pm, I fall asleep within the first 10 minutes every time, even if I like the movie. I hate that! But then again, I'm an early riser and we eat so much comfort food that once we sit in bed, it's way too condusive to sleeping! A lot of the time we try to watch a movie right before we eat if I can get the prep timing right. It's something we try hard to keep a routine because it's our "couple" time after dinner :)

  12. Hi Joyce :) I'm envious of your 80 degrees! I wouldn't say it's too hot for me :)

  13. Hi Kristina :) I haven't made hummus in a long time, it's so good with the pita bread!

  14. Hi Gill :) I like the idea of the square foot gardening, I guess I'm kind of adapting that idea without knowing it though. My plan was to do pretty much what he recommends in the book! :)

  15. Hi Dawn :)) Honestly, when I was living alone, I didn't put so much effort into the cooking. I love cooking for Alex and we really enjoy food, it's our main hobby! :) So I put a lot more into it now! :)

  16. Hi Debra :) I wish I had so many lemons that I was running out of recipes!

  17. How do you keep the 3 pups from getting all tangled on your walks? They always look so well behaved in your pictures. I imagine myself trying to walk our lab, golden and beagle all at the same time and it would be a tangled mess as they dragged me down the road, haha!

  18. Hi Lisa :)) Alex and I worked really hard at training them! Plus they wear training collars, otherwise, I couldn't handle them by myself! I usually have one in the left hand and the other two in the right. It gets hairy in the woods sometimes! But when I say "everybody stop, everybody sit"...they obey and I can de-tangle them!! They're really good dogs :)) But there was a time when I was walking just Charlie and she sent me flying a few times!!!

  19. I love walking in the fog. It makes the world seem so isolated and far away and muffled.

    Good book - although I see old Mel has cleaned up a bit since the original version of the book that I have...

  20. Hi TB :) Fog-walking is very relaxing for me too! I love it, though I miss the sunshine a little bit!

  21. I love your photographs! Especially the one with the covered bridge and the dogs. There is something rather otherworldly about those bridges when it's anything other than sunshine. App night is a wonderful idea! It's all my favorite food. You will really like that gardening book - it is the one that I started with when I first moved to my place and had managed to put up only two raised beds.

  22. Thanks Susan :)) I love that area of the village. It gets especially foggy this time of year as the river rages under it and the snow is melting. I already started reading the book and I'm really enjoying it! I wish I could get out into the yard again now, but it's too rainy out!!! :)


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