Sunday, February 9, 2020

Sewn Pencil Case

Hi Everyone 🌞

It's a very cold Sunday morning and I'm hibernating today. So are the pets! I don't know how Oscar can sleep with his face all squished into the pillow like that!

The amount of art supplies I've accumulated is enormous! I've run out of spots to put things. I have yogurt containers filled with pencils, brushes, supplies...pads of paper stacked was getting out of hand! Alex offered to buy me a pencil case for my coloured pencils but I decided to make one with supplies I had at home instead.

This is leftover fabric I had from when I made my pj's at Christmas. One hour of sewing and I have a 46 pencil case that didn't cost me a penny. I love it! 

I took this photo a few days ago when we had milder weather. I love the patterns and shapes of the ice in the river. Today it's covered with snow. I can't wait until spring!!

I made a Feta and a Cheddar last week. We're going to try the Feta tomorrow, I'm excited, it's the first time I made Feta!! I got this book as a gift and I'm so grateful. I've been wanting it for a long time. It's a very in-depth explanation of the entire home cheese making process with oodles of recipes!

Sorry I don't have foodie photos and recipes to share, we've been eating from the freezer again! But Valentine's is coming up and I have a nice fondue planned with cupcakes for dessert! I'm also hoping to find time to make some homemade pasta. We had a conference call with our New Brunswick real estate agent yesterday and he's raring to go to help us find our home. He even has a good contact in Nova Scotia if we find a place there. I'm putting the house hunting into overdrive this week! We have four months until the end of our lease, it's not that long!!

See you all on Thursday for our art date! The theme is Love. 💘💘💘


  1. Love the pencil case--fabric AND idea! Good luck on your house hunt. I know how daunting that can be. Not sure if you know that my son and I own a real estate business. We have been swamped with business this past year and finally hired a transaction coordinator to process for us as I am stepping back. It's a crazy business but one I love. xo Diana

  2. Oscar is so precious, bless him! Love your pencil case, great idea. Now you can take your pencils to bed and the case will match your pjs, great! I need to sew some new cushion covers when my fingers are better. I looked in the shops and they are asking astronomical prices, no way! Great river photo, too. Enjoy your new book and have a fun hibernation day! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Great pencil carrier. I love the photo and well the cheese making is so much fun.I have made feta before and it turned out perfectly. I actually have a kit.

  4. Best of luck with your house hunting! Are you wanting a place with land? I'm surprised that there isn't someone out there wanting to sell their place in these 'slow' winter months. Fondue sounds like fun for Valentines day! -Jenn

  5. Beautiful pencil case! Good luck with the New Brunswick house hunting! That is a happy cat!

  6. i didn't realize your lease was up in 4 months! that is very motivational! what a good idea to make the pencil holder. oscar is too cute!

  7. Hello rain,
    oscar can do that, laugh! The pencil case is very nice and so practical, great sewn!!!
    the river photo is wonderful, i love it too !!!
    Delicious a feta all good that it tastes delicious!
    4 months is not long and hopefully a good decision you make with the house!
    Good luck with everything you do !!!
    hugs Elke

  8. Good luck with the house hunting, Rain. I love the thought of making my own cheese. I love brie, camembert, and feta. Pretty pouch for your pencils, too.

  9. What a beautiful pencil case! Well done! And yes, art supplies pile up after a while, don't they -- right now mine are occupying a couple of dresser drawers but pretty soon I'm going to have to buy a new cupboard just for them. I predict a trip to IKEA by the end of the year.

  10. I love your stylish pencil case. Practical AND beautiful.
    It is just after six in the morning here and I am drooling at the thought of fresh fetta, and envying your wintry landscape.
    I continue to send positive thoughts your way for the house hunt. And lots of them.

  11. The pencil case is perfect. And costing nothing other then time is priceless. Animals always amaze me with how they can sleep in some if the weirdest positions. I am so hoping you find your off the grid forever home this year. I remember how disappointed you were last year when things didn't work out.

  12. I love your pencil case! Very clever. I love that cheese book too. I checked it out from the library last year and tried a couple of the recipes and techniques. And I'm with the others on cheering you toward your dream home!

  13. wow didn't realize you have a deadline to find a house - hope you find just the perfect one with lots of room to do your crafts, and cooking and making soft places for your babies to nap which right now Beanie my cat is under the blanket on my bed because it's a dreary day here and i'm just hanging out in my room on the laptop. You sound like me - i have so so many pens, pencils, color pencils, watercolor, acrylic guoache sets and these days I mostly do digital, lol...i only need a pen and color pencils to do a sketch i want to paint in digitally.

    love that photo of the ice.

    and i admire that you are that person who can think of doing something like making a pencil holder and then you just go do it. I would still be thinking about it days later.

  14. I envy you the beautiful wintershot. We have not even have winter yet. Only two times we has frost and a little snow. So, this will be a winter without wintershots. :(

  15. Great sewing job!!! Good luck with house hunting, fingers crossed! Sounds so cold there !!!

  16. What a nice pencil case, Rain. Oscar is so cute! And that picture of the river is amazing!!!

  17. I’m always so impressed with your cheese making! And I will put you and your house hunting quest in my prayer journal. May God lead you to your forever home and that it be all you dreamed it would!

  18. Cats are so funny! Oscar sure is adorable.The icy river is beautiful, but like you, I can hardly wait for spring. Hope you find just the home you want.

  19. I love how cats sleep!
    That is a lovely river.
    What a great pencil case. I ought to try one. I have three little ones, store bought, but could make a bigger one. Good inspiration.

  20. Oh, that Oscar...what a cutie he is~ I can't wait to hear how the feta turns out. I use it a lot! The cheese book looks fabulous and your pencil case is wonderful! I love the fabric. It just seems perfect for art pencils. The photo of the river is gorgeous! Have a great week!

  21. Such a sweet photograph of Oscar.
    I do like your new fabric pencil case.
    Wishing you lots of luck with your house hunt - exciting times.

    All the best Jan

  22. Not seen that done with a pillow case however several, several years ago I had my mom sew me up one like that out of two clothe place mats. Mine has two rows, one above the other and it is for my paint brushes. My reg craft brushes are in a Pampered Chef utensil holder, works great. But the brushes for my oils are in my sewed up mats. Then to close it, I just row it up. It was easy this way when I was going to class. Great job by the way. I love what you have done.

  23. Very cool pencil case, Rain! I have a lot of art supplies too, mostly leftover school supplies. I've got to find time for art! Your book looks like an excellent resource. Good luck with your house hunting, Rain! It will alll work out! XOX

  24. Rain,

    DH bought me a pencil case, so I didn't have to deal with the tin that they came it. It's just too cumbersome to deal with. You did a fabulous job making yours! You ought to share how-tos on this project because I'm sure someone might like to duplicate your results. The wintry river freezes me just to look at it but it's a beautiful scene. :)

  25. That pencil case is adorable! Not only does it not cost you a dime but it's also one of a kind! Oh, Oscar...hahaha... How cute!

  26. That pencil case is perfect! You're so creative!

  27. That pencil case is so cute. Beautiful job. I wish I could develope some kind of joyous relationship to my sewing machine ... lol

  28. Look at the melting snow. Terrific job on the pencil case; the fabric is super cute. I reuse tea tins for my color pencils and pens and store them in the buffet, LOL.

  29. I love Oscar! So cute! Your pencil case is fantastic! Gorgeous picture of the lake! I love Feta! I bet your's came out amazing! Hugs!


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