Thursday, April 23, 2020

Thursday Art Date: What A Mess!

Hello Friends! 😊😊

Welcome to Thursday's Art Date, today our theme is What A Mess! Poor Bugs isn't feeling quite himself today. He's a mess! 😊 A little too much of the jolly juice...oh I've been there! 😊

Thanks so much to everyone for your foodie suggestions last week, they were all brilliant. I feel so relieved knowing that Alex and I won't suffer too much without refrigeration for the first few weeks after we move! Shopping day was yesterday so I'm spending the next few days cooking and canning!

We are living in quite a mess ourselves. But somehow Oscar has found a comfy spot during all of this! The futon mattress actually fell over onto the tires...and it became a cat bed lol...When I saw this I couldn't stop laughing. Cats can find a bed pretty much anywhere!

We've had some early spring snowstorms here in the mountains, but a few days a week we have such lovely sunny days! The girls love this weather, they sit out on top of the snow for hours!

Jack prefers the porch! 😊

That's all for now folks! Please check out the link widget below to see more What A Mess! artwork! 


The lake is slowly melting and the geese have returned - a sure sign of spring!

April 30th: Next Thursday's theme is Signs of Spring. Click on the link for ideas and inspiration! Remember it's all about creating. You can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, baking, poetry...whatever you like! 🎨

Thursday Art Date With Rain. Click on the link for a description of the art date as well as a list of upcoming themes. 

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! The link gadget expires Sunday at noon (EST).



  1. Love the photos os your furry family friends. My cat used to sit in the laundry basket, or on top of a pile of books. They always find a comfy place. Glad everything is well underway for you, good luck with the preps. Bubs look like he had a night on the tiles! Stay well and safe, hugs, Valerie

  2. I am happy to read that you are cooking and processing for your supplies after the move.
    The bunny is drawn in a great scene again, the poor.
    Your animals I like your photos what they do ... cats and dogs.
    I wish you success and good moving times take care of you!
    Greetings Elke

  3. Love your artwork.
    My father always said if you want to find the most comfortable place in the house follow the cat and see where it settles. He had a point.
    Stay safe, stay well - and leave the carrot juice to Bugs.

  4. hi Rain, lovely pictures of your pets - think where you live they are made of strong stuff - sunbathing on snow! Hope your packing and moving progresses well. Betty

  5. Cats are great/ Oscar looks so pleased with himself, lol.

    Very exciting to hear about your move! Moving is always the worst part!

  6. Congrats on the move. Can't wait to see the new home you are going too.


  7. The jolly juice. Hahahah. I never heard that saying before. It cracks me up. Jolly juice.

    Glad you and Alex feel that you won’t suffer. So many fun foodie options for the travels, even without the fridge. One year, but this was a cold North Winter … our fridge died. We took coolers and planted them on the back deck, which was surrounded my snow. It worked so well. Then inside, I made stuff that didn’t need to be kept cold. Really, I tell you, I had a lot of fun with it.

    Hahaha, on the cat finding a new bed. Pets are the best.

    Jack looks content on his porch. Ours our in the office with me now. I love dogs. THIS MUCH!

    Stay well, be safe and have fun, Rain. Cheers and boogie boogie.

  8. Eww bugs eww! Good one Rain. All the best on your big move, will look forward to updates on how that goes.

  9. Happy you took time to post; you must be super busy right now. Good luck on the big move.

  10. Good that you are adjusting well after your move Rain
    Happy Thursday. STAY SAFE


  11. Not only are you packing and planning the move. You have a lot of "helpers" too. :) And, cats, yes, they can sleep pretty much everywhere.

    Take care, stay safe.

  12. Love the art and I really enjoyed the photos of your pets.

  13. Still with the snow. Wow. I cannot imagine (and The Ravishing Mrs. TB would not like at all).

  14. LOL how they just adjusted seamlessly to the packing chaos around them.

  15. Hey Rain! Glad to hear everything is going well! Love your bunny art! LOL! So cute! And, I love seeing your fur babies!!! Be Safe! Big Hugs!

  16. Poor hungover Bugs! Hey, I've been there too, buddy.

  17. Always love when you post pics of the furry fam and yay to more cooking and ideas for recipes. You already know I wish we had that snow here. Sending lots and lots of your hugs your way! RO

  18. Yes, Rain, cats do know how to relax anywhere and Oscar has the right idea and so does Jack! Glad to read that things are moving along and that you received a lot of suggestions on food storage. Hope all dcontinues to go well with the big move and glad to see the weather is slowly improving, even if I would not want to see piles of snow still around. Thankfully, we have none here now, just rainy and windy days.

  19. Same weather around here! I've actually woken up to winter scenes. At least it melted quickly. You must be excited! Tired, for sure, but also excited. So happy for you! You'll be in your new home soon :)

  20. carrot juice makes me feel the same way. look at that snow! i know how busy you must be!!!

  21. Love the Bugs Bunny cartoon. So fun to see pictures of your pets. I am so out of the loop that I didn't know you were moving and would not have electricity for a bit. Good luck...I know you will do fine. Stay Safe- Diana

  22. Have fun canning! G;ad I could help.

  23. It's exciting to see you're packing up!

  24. very cute - lay off the carrot juice, lol. Hope all is going well and you are moving along.

  25. i can see you are so busy with packing dear Rain ,haha yes Oscar looks so curious about all the rush in your home lol,cute :)))

    this is great that you got some wonderful ideas for cooking that can help you to stay at home after moving for while ,i know it is so tiring but still very exciting too :)

    oh what a relief that i can see trees around your residence and without snow ,long wait indeed but views are rewarding !!!

    loved the bunny painting :)
    wishing you all the best for your ventures ahead my friend!
    love hugs!

  26. I do like the photograph of the lake slowly melting and the geese there.
    Sending my good wishes for your move.

    All the best Jan


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!