Thursday, April 8, 2021

Thursday Art Date: Evening

Hello Friends!! 😊😊

Welcome to Thursday's Art Date, today our theme is Evening. Tweety Bird and Sylvester are enjoying a cozy evening by the fire as the spring peepers serenade them through the open window. 

Spring peepers are the very first sign of spring in my opinion. When I hear them chirping away in the swamp nearby in the evening, I know spring has sprung!

I have an interesting parallel for the Evening theme. I chose the word "evening" from a movie and from a song. Firstly I love Jim Carey! Especially his dramatic work. In the movie The Truman Show, one of his catch phrases is "Good morning! Oh, in case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight!" This movie is so well done and very moving! (ink/graphite drawing)

Here is the trailer.

If you want to see a really good psychological thriller with Jim Carey, check out The Number 23, here's the trailer.

On with the "Evening" theme! One of my favourite songs from the 80's is Bryan Adams' "Summer of '69". One of the lyrics in the song is "Spent my evenin's down at the drive-in...and that's when I met you, yeah!" I thought I'd draw a drive-in scene as two young lovers watched Jim Carey's movie The Mask.

Here's the trailer.

Bryan Adams...a genuine Canadian rocker! 😊 Here he is in charcoals from his 1984 album release. I had such a crush on him 30-ish years ago! My how time flies!!

Here's the music video for "Summer of 69".

Dinners have been of the Italian cuisine lately...I'm hooked on that way of cooking!!! Above I have Spaghetti, 4-cheese pizza and lemon curd cheesecake.

I had a gallon of 2% milk that needed to be used so I made Ricotta cheese with it. Then I used it for my "Ricotta Night"! Shells stuffed with Ricotta and spinach, Ricotta bread and "Castagnoles" - sweet dough balls made with Ricotta. Loved Ricotta night!

I'm currently going through a bit of a transformation! I've been working very deeply on healing, self-care and self-love. It's a challenge. One of the things I do for self-care is be out in nature. I found a 6km hiking trail and I hiked it yesterday with Charlie my was raining, but we didn't care. It was therapeutic!

Geese formation: more signs of spring! I found a small (9-page) book called The 7 Day Mental Diet. (I'll share the PDF here). It challenges you not to be negative for 7 days...of course, we all have negative thoughts, but the exercise is not to vocalize them or allow them to attach themselves to your thinking process. It's supposed to recondition your thought processes to more positive ones. When you notice a negative thought popping up, just notice it...observe it and replace it with a positive thought. This goes for complaining and judging as well. It's very hard to do! I had to restart a bunch of times! It's a little unsettling how many negative thoughts, ideas and patterns just pop right into my head and I run with them without thinking. Anyone else up for that challenge?

I'm linking up with these wonderful bloggers today, or at least trying (!!), please visit them for some really interesting posts! And why not join in on the link parties? You can meet some really nice people!! 😊

Friday April 9th : Paint Party Friday
Saturday April 10th: Eileen's Saturday's Critters
Monday April 12th: Angie's Mosaic Mondays

That's all for now folks! Please check out the link gadget below to see more "Evening" artwork!


April 15th: Next Thursday's theme is Coils. Click on the link for ideas and inspiration! Remember it's all about creating. You can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, baking, poetry...whatever you like! 🎨

Thursday Art Date With Rain. Click on the link for a description of the art date as well as a list of upcoming themes.

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! Please revisit to make sure you don't miss those who join in a little late! Also, if anyone adds a link that has nothing to do with the art date theme, it will be removed! The link gadget expires Friday at midnight (EST).



  1. What a cozy evening with Tweety and Sylvester. Ohhh I so love dramatic movies with Jim Carey. Well done my friend. Yumm Yumm on the food. The walking in the rain in the wilderness is the best. I follow the rule that if I say something negative and I have replace it with a positive. I am going to look at your PDF. Have a great evening.

  2. Lovel post, Rain, I just got up here and your food is making me sooooo hungry, it looks incredible! Great art, films and photos, too. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  3. Tweetie and Sylvester look so cosy together. Love it.
    And thank you for the peeper photo. I have heard of them, but never seen one.

  4. Tweety Bird and Sylvester have made themselves comfortable by the fireplace, sweet the picture!
    The cinema screen is painted great and fun und das gezeichnete Porträt!
    Ricotta night, delicious everything, I would like to taste it!
    That sounds good and damn important for yourself. It's great that you do something for yourself!
    7 days is a long time and there is a lot of rubbish in the thought processes. Try it out!!!! a good idea!!
    I wish you a lot of perseverance and a fabulous week with everything you do Hug Elke

  5. love your first Evening scene. :) Loved also the little Spring peeper, so good to see. Where I live I have not seen any frog for several years. Probably 10. :(

    Hope you are fine.

  6. I have a favourite local pond where I hear Spring Peepers every year, and I am sure they are now in full voice, but with the current lockdown it would breach the restrictions on movement to go there, so I may have to take a pass this year. Lockdown - partial freedom - lockdown - partial freedom - lockdown.........this is really becoming tiring.

  7. Nice cozy evening piece with Tweety and Sylvester! So many talented Canadians became famous actors and performers. The Italian food looks amazing. I will look at that challenge to work on positive thoughts thanks!

  8. ...I hope that you continue to enjoy many evenings!

  9. I love Italian food. It all looks amazing. I want to try a new lemon dessert recipe soon, but we are still eating carrot cake I baked. Have a nice week.

  10. Beautiful art, delicious food, and signs of spring! I would like an invite next ricotta night please. I love the challenge. I've been doing something similar with writing down simple pleasures. Being out in nature makes it very easy to find lots of little things to appreciate.

  11. Rain,

    I like your Sylvester and Tweety drawing. You draw both characters super well. I'm not nearly as good as you but hope to be one day. In today's A2Z Looney Tunes' sketch I'm featuring Granny which turned out nicely but I didn't do very well on Tweety. I have trouble when I try to scale down in size, so I'm hoping to draw a larger format Tweety to get the feel for how to capture the little canary.

    Your charcoals are excellent, as always and your foodie pix make me very hungry!

    We did see the film, The Number 23. I can't remember if we liked but I do believe we thought it was a little weird. I love Jim Carey in The Mask!

    I hope your self healing process goes well and you're feeling the rewards of your efforts. We must first take care of ourselves in order to take care of those we love. ;)

    Thanks for hosting the art date, my friend. Have a good weekend!

  12. That food looks sooo Yummy!!! I know that simply 15 minutes in the woods will change the direction of my mood, and lift me to such peace and light. To move through negativity really takes a lot of work, but that work is so much easier when surrounded by the beauty of our Supreme Creator! Thanks for the link! When you can dig your hands in the dirt, that also helps to bring the lightness into our souls! We have been digging in the dirt lately, and it’s amazing how centering and clearing that can be...well, that and a good pot of sassafras ! Have a perfect week, Rain!

  13. A creative interpretation of "Evening," Rain!

  14. Great art......I played along again. HAHA....As always, amazing and yummy looking as always. Would love to sit with you and enjoy a meal like that....YUM. I find small tree frogs from time to time around the house but not many. Course if you remember when I was living here at moms house right after her death, Lily found one in the den that came in on plants when I brought them in and it lived in the bathroom with me for months. I bought frog food to feed it and I left it there to live through the winter. Once spring came I let him go out in my ivy. I remember taking a couple of showers with him!!! haha....But we never kissed to see if he would turn into a prince.

  15. I laughed with joy and admiration. "I had a gallon of milk so I made cheese from it." Do you know how special that is? Most people would maybe ramp up the day's cereal, maybe make a soup that had a milk base or bake it away. You made cheese. WOW. I know this is something you do, but it is so beyond my imagination -- I love it!

    All look delicious and like a very grand time. And of course I love the art. Happy week. Or weekend, I guess!

  16. It looks like Spring is finally on the way for you! (We are going to hit 32 C here by the end of the week, so Spring was a lovely two weeks).

    I would argue The Mask is one of the greatest comedies in the last 30 years and one of Carey's best films.

  17. Thanks for sharing the photograph of the little Spring peeper.
    Great art and delicious food.

    I hope your self healing process goes well, it's always good to enjoy a walk outdoors.

    Have a good week.

    All the best Jan

  18. I don't think I've ever seen a spring peeper before. It was tiny and adorable. And I loved the art you created. You are SO creative.

    I'm always starving when I leave your post. Everything looks so good. I want that ricotta shells. They look SO good.

    Hope your self healing goes well. I have a friend who created a CD that focuses on self healing and meditation. Hope you have a lovely week, Rain.

  19. Great artwork. Bryan Adams is a favourite of mine. Saw him live a few years ago. It was a great gig. That little frog is so cute. Don't see them very often here, but I remember gathering frog-spawn as child and watching as the tadpoles grew into tiny frogs. Your food pics are making me hungry, so I'm off for some lunch.
    Stay Safe.

  20. Sweet cozy evening with Tweetie and Sylvester ~ great critter shots too ~ lovely variety on your post ~ Xo

    Living moment to moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  21. Happy Paint Party Friday Rain


  22. Lovely paintings. Love the lovely food. Anesha

  23. I love how you always tie everything in from one subject to another!
    What a sweet evening scene with Sylvester and Tweety:) How cute is that peeper- wish we had them near so I could hear them too.
    We have seen some of Jim Carey's movies, and I have a Bryan Adams album;)
    Delicious looking food as usual, so nice to get out and breathe and clean the soul- even in the rain. Happy PPF!

  24. Fantastic art again, just love your faces. That food looks wonderful, shame you don't live down the road. !!
    Have a great weekend.

  25. That spring pepper was a cutie, Rain, and you know how we like frogs! And your ricotta nite sounded and looked sooo good. We also have been spending more time outdoors now that warmer weather is finally here. Afternoons spent sitting by the river have returned as part of our routine several times a week...yeah!

  26. Hello Rain,
    I love your sketch of Sylvester and Tweety Bird. The spring peeper is cute, we have more bull frogs around our yard. The frogs can be very loud. Every one of your dishes would be my favorite. I have made stuffed shells with ricotta and crab meat. My hubby loves the stuffed shells. I enjoy both Jim Carey's movies and Bryan Adams songs. It is great idea to replace a negative thought with a happy thought. Looks like you had a nice walk, neat capture of the geese flying over. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend! PS, I appreciate your visit and comment.

  27. Your posts are always so interesting - probably more than any i visit on the internet, baking, cooking, art, music, ...and a favorite of mine - hiking!! You must have felt so alive and wonderful on that hike. Nature is so healing. Loved everyhing about your post. Your art is always amazing.

  28. Love your art and what beautiful photos from your hike!! Oh your 7 day mental diet sounds good. Ive been working on self compassion so this would be right up my street to try too, Happy PPF on Saturday, Hazel xx

  29. I love Jim Carey too and this is a wonderful art of him. You stay busy all the time, don't you? ENJOY!!!

  30. Oh my, you are north of me and yet our Spring Peepers, at least in my area, are still silent. Hope that doesn't predict a delay in our spring. We are getting buds on our trees and, of course, the flowers are starting to push up through the ever so wet dirt. April is living up to it's name "April Showers". So your Looney Toons continue to out do the the originals. You should make of book of your cartoons and art work :)
    Ahhh ... Jim Carey, a figure of our past sadly. I am not sure where he disappeared to, but I fear it is a sad story as often happens with comedic actors. I was a fan, but my son was a worshiper ... he loved ever movie and watched them repeated, never tiring of his humor. Your drawings are excellent and your trailers brought back memories. I don't think I remember Bryan Adams though his music sounds familier. Good joices all together, Rain.

    Yes, the food, the food ... once again you make me drool and in fact we are having pizza for dinner because of you (Not home made, I'm afraid, but good as we can get). All for now ... I am trying to lose some weight and walking is a part of that, but sadly I don't have any beautiful walks to soak in the nature around me, so I just enjoy the company of my Izzi. Hopefully it works because Covid lockdown has been a disaster in my house ... we are all fat and all on diets. Hope it works. Be well, Rain ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  31. The Number 23 was an excellent film! Amazing art Rain! Tweety and Sylvester are so cute! Love the Spring peepers! Yeh, for Bryan Adams! Rain, I don't know how you do all this amazing food! Wow girl! Good for you, taking care of yourself!! Enjoy your hiking! Looks like a great trail! Big Hugs!

  32. I like your charcoal drawing of Jim Carrey, a great actor. Your food looks good, too. Excellent suggestion about thinking positive. We must all do that.

  33. I find spending time out with nature is the best thing to reset any negative thinking. I love that you have beautiful places to do this. Glad to see you're keeping up with your art work. And of course, your cooking looks divine (as usual!)

  34. Sylvester and Tweety are so cozy together! I don’t remember them being such good friends, but I am glad they have reconciled ))) ...they’ve maybe been reading the same book you recommended ! I also try to live that way .. in gratitude and thinking positively. It surely isn’t always easy, but it is so much healthier. ... your food is amazing. You are the only person I have ever known who would just casually in an aside say “so I made ricotta.” I’m in awe (and I would love ricotta night). In fact, we had lasagna soup this evening, topped with a dab of ricotta, mixed with parm and mozzarella. (But I did not make any of those )))!

  35. The peach and apple trees are blooming, wild violets galore, MUD, and a few robins are our signs of spring for us

  36. I always love your art but today my attention went to the darling little froggie in your hand!

  37. Beautiful art, Rain. I love that wee froggie in your hand, very cute. The food looks delicious. Have a wonderful week.

  38. Special art again, you are good at that.

  39. What a great idea with the positive thoughts...and I would guess you are a chef too from the looks of your food!

  40. Excellent post. You cover a lot of interesting things. thank you. Your art is wonderful

  41. Happy mosaic Monday Rain.
    I at #12 on the mosaic linky today


  42. Wonderful art and appetizing spread!

  43. Rain - that is a tiny spring peeper! We are still a ways off from any frogs around here! Jim Carrey is amazing - the transformation from comedian to a serious actor - not many have done it! That cheesecake looks so delicious - not surprising for the queen of cheese! We will be having cheesecake for our son's birthday in a week or so! I wish you the best with your transformation associated with negative thoughts - a tough road! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  44. You have been busy between between your lovely artwork and cooking! I love the tiny frog!
    I like the sound of your transformation and Mental diet health diet, I've just been reading some more - thank you.
    Here's to a happy week ahead
    Wren x

  45. oh i envy with bugs and tweety ,they look so amazing and comfy :)

    you are POWERHOUSE OF INSPIRATION dear Rain!

    we loved watching Jim Carry's almost each movie except "number 23" :)
    i am stunned with your painting ,all of them are incredibly great ,you draw each with huge success i must say!

    special thanks for sharing about how to restrain negative thoughts and i am so pleased that you are doing this my friend ,i felt that mediation helps with this and i too feel so serene since i can replace it with positive one .
    your walk in rainy day seems lovely ,loved the water and food is fantastic as always!
    hugs and best wishes!

  46. Tweety and Sylvester enjoying a cozy time together. Love your Italian cuisine dinner and your baking. Both look delicious.

  47. WoW!!! your food is so amazing, your art as well!! bryan adman * swoon *...the summer of 69, certainly reminds me of my youth!!

  48. Catching up ...

    I loved Sylvester Cat cartoons when I was a child! I had a similar-looking cat at the time.

    Your food always looks so delicious--you are a marvelous cook!

  49. You always make me hungry with your food photos. I am liking this spring as it's been cooler than normal.


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!