Tuesday, June 13, 2017

We're Crazy, But In A Good Way! :)

Well, before I get to the craziness, I wanted to show you guys some garden pride! We ate our first radishes and really liked them! They were a little peppery at the finish for our digestions so we probably won't plant them again, but we're so glad we tried them! :) We've been eating fresh lettuce and spinach salads almost daily now, I have to plant some more to keep up.

I also picked lilacs to make a lilac simple syrup so I can make the lilac lemonade. The time frame to get these nice and fresh isn't long! I'll let you know how it turned out, the syrup is in the fridge (hopefully) thickening.

I got the finishing touches done on my porch. Sheers on one side for privacy, those will stay there until winter. Also, I put up removable white curtains to shield me from the sun so I don't bake! I didn't want to cover everything up so I still had a view of the yard and the dogs.

The happy couple! :) Alex and I went for a walk while the car was at the mechanic. The alternator is replaced and the car is running like butter! :)  Our mechanic is wonderful and we trust him completely. He said he heard a little...."fart" (translating from his French!) in our muffler, so we'll have to get that looked at next oil change. He said it was nothing urgent and we trust him. There are trails everywhere around here and it was a nice walk by the river. We decided on some alone time before the craziness began!

You may note that there are FOUR dogs here...I'd LOVE to say we adopted another one, but we're just babysitting for a friend. He just moved back from overseas and asked if we could babysit his little border collie/mix Pavlov until he found an apartment. Looks like Pavlov will be with us for about a month or so. He's such a timid and affectionate sweetie pie, fits right in!

This is Alex giving out treats. Four dogs and three cats. I'm loving this! Pavlov fits perfectly into the pack and everyone is getting along swimmingly, no fights! :) We're fortunate to be able to stay home 24/7. Since Alex works from home, we can spend most of our time with the pets and they all have a pretty good life here. :)

After a long day, four sleepy pups on OUR bed. There's just enough room for us to squeeze in at the top of the bed, lol. For us, this is slightly crazy. We already have our plates full with 6 pets. Our friend actually has 2 dogs, but he found another babysitter for his other one. But we both would have loved to babysit both his dogs. We're not the types who make the pets stay down, they can be up on the beds, couches...wherever they want because they are our family...our vacuum is getting a good workout!

When our friend came over, we had dinner on the veranda. I made homemade coleslaw, burgers and chicken burgers and homemade hamburger buns, Joyce's recipe from Octoberfarm. They turned out amazing, thanks again Joyce! We toasted the buns and grilled the burgers...a little cheddar, Blue cheese, fresh picked lettuce and some tomatoes and it was a perfect summer dinner!

We really thought we'd be up all night babysitting and separating dogs from dogs and dogs from cats, but to our surprise, we've had no issues. So we were able to make some cocktails and spend some time in bed watching movies. Alex had ginger ale with limoncello and I had mango soda with some spiced rum. I caught myself thinking that another dog would be a great addition to our fur family lol...but Pavlov is taken!  We'll wait until we own our property before adopting more pets though!

Black Fly Bite Count: At least 25 now, with two on my right temple, sigh...so itchy...now the mosquitoes are out...eegad they are bad this year! I tried a baking soda paste and it actually took the itch away for a bit. Aloe is helping too. Coconut oil helps with healing but it doesn't take the itch away... I'm tempted to put on the hydrocortisone cream...it might be my last resort. I don't like using it too much but desperate times call for desperate measures!!!  :)


  1. You've got quite the pack there!!! :)

  2. I have been known to move to the couch because Poppy takes up my part of the bed.

    Sorry about the black flies. Kymber posts about them as well. Sounds abysmal.

  3. All your critters look so happy, they are lucky to have you two. Have you done much research into essential oils for bug bites? I love lavender on my bites and have good luck with rosemary EO too. Not all EO's can be put on "neat" or undiluted so its good to do research first of course.

  4. You lettuce and radishes look good but I have to admit that I don't plant radish anymore. Well I do plant the long Chinese daikon radish which is mild and grows close to a foot long at times. They can be cooked like turnips only they taste better. Anyway we are getting some lettuce but I didn't get to plant any spinach which is wonderful in salads.

  5. Try roasting your radishes. I roasted more last night. It takes the pepper-i-ness out and they are delicious that way.

  6. Hi Rain, the blackflies are wicked here this year. I use a 'spent' teabag on my bites. Make sure its damp then rub firmly against the bite and then press on the bite for two or three minutes. Let air dry. No scratching! Takes the swelling and itch away. It's the tannins in the tea that work the magic. Herbal or green won't work.

  7. Good times! Well, except for those blackflies.

  8. hey...glad you enjoyed the buns! i would be in the hospital with that many bites. isn't there some sort of natural repellent you can use. when i am out in mosquitoland, i burn incense. it works very well.

  9. Those radishes are looking good! I grow them for my husband, I can't eat them - too spicy for me! I can't even use black pepper as its too spicy for me! :) I am such a delicate creature.....

    The first thing I noticed was a 4th dog!!!!! What fun that must be! Our pack is still slightly bonkers with the addition of the puppy but as he gets older (just turned 8 months) he's getting slightly better. At least he sleeps thru the night until 4:30 a.m. now. I am hoping by 1 year old he will sleep until 7 a.m.!!! I hope so!!

    Your dinner looks delicious! Burgers are always a good thing to have, be it beef, chicken, veggie. Tonight is something with chicken.

    We are currently under a thunderstorm watch so my tornado chasing husband is keeping a close eye on the skies....there might be potential!

    Have a great day!

  10. Everything looks great! Enjoying your veranda and back porch pictures and of course stories about the dogs and cats :)

  11. Nice picture of you and Alex and of Alex and the dogs. I can tell you love animals! I need to try to make that bun recipe! I tried making buns once but they didn't turn out. Need to try again! Nancy

  12. Have u tried tea tree oil ? I use it on noseeum bites and it takes the itch away right away.
    Love your pack. If I ever need a babysitter for my 6 dogs I know who I will ask... lol
    Your porch looks lovely !!!

  13. Hi Nancy :) It's a great pack, I wish we could keep Pavlov!! :)

  14. Hi TB :) They are worse than abysmal if that's possible lol...That's funny about Poppy, I don't think I'd move from my bed, but I have been quite squished up in a corner to give the pets stretching room!

  15. Thanks Donna! :) I actually have lavender EO, I will dilute it and try it out, thank you!

  16. Hi Gill :) Thanks for the tip on the daikon radish. I'll try that next time. We love the fresh crunch of the radish, but that peppery-ness upsets our digestions. My spinach is really growing quickly, the mix of really hot days to November-like weather seems to be what they love here.

  17. Thanks for the tip Kristina! I'm going to roast the last ones we have so as not to waste them! :)

  18. Hi Camille :) Tea bags, that's another remedy I didn't know about, but I'll try anything! Donna suggested lavender essential oil. I don't have tea bags, but I guess I can put the loose tea into a coffee filter and use it that way. If it works, I'll be VERY happy! Thanks for visiting! :)

  19. Hi Debra :) You said it. But they're usually all gone by end of June, fingers crossed. Then the deer flies come out, such fun.

  20. Hi Joyce! Yes, the buns were a great hit! :) I'm thinking of using your recipe to make a loaf of bread. I tried a Challah, some recipe I found online and it was a disaster. Your buns taste so good, very Challah-ish, so I'll let you know how that works out when I do it! Honestly, no natural repellent works with black flies, I've tried them all. Just toxic poisonous DEET which I hate using. We both resist using it and that's why we get so many bites. But we do have some when we finally get fed up.

  21. Hi Dianna :) Same here, I've given up pepper completely. Weird though, I used to be able to eat all that stuff...the joys of an aging digestion huh? ;) Charlie and Pavlov played together this morning, so that's a relief. She was kind of growly with him because anyone who takes ANY of Alex's attention away from her is her enemy. There were no fights, but she wasn't too thrilled. I think they're friends now though! :) The pack is doing so well! I make the chicken burgers as though it were a piccata. Pounded thin, egg wash, dipped in breadcrumbs and fried in butter, so yummy! Oh, I hope your hubby is safe! But I do envy that tornado chasing!!! :)

  22. Thanks Lisa! :) I hope you're having a nice summer, bug-free if that's even possible!!!

  23. Thanks Nancy! :) We both love animals, actually more than humans lol...very true. We call them our fur babies. The bun recipe is so good, I ate a few as a snack on their own and I love that I know all of the ingredients. I bought organic sesame seeds and it's the first time I ate a bun with sesame seeds that didn't give me indigestion. Love it!

  24. Hey Sis, no I haven't tried tea tree oil. I'm going to try the lavender first, then the tea bags, and if those don't help me, I'll look for tea tree oil. I'm trying to find that magic solution lol. Omg...I will respectfully decline babysitting SIX MORE DOGS lol...well, until we get our property! :)) The porch is a lifesaver right now!

  25. last year we harvested our pomegranate which were less sweet but this year they taste better .
    i think you should give one more try to your radishes.i am glad that you guys had such fun time with your pets and took beautiful walk together,family means complete bonding and spending time together to me that is what is needed most for healthy and successful relationship .
    How sweet that you let your pets share bed with you and photos reveal lots of love of you guys for them .
    sorry that you were bitten by black flies dear Rain,hope you are feeling fine now.
    please take good care ,stay happy ,i just Loved your white soothing curtains they look lovely

  26. Hi Baili! :) I agree with you about the family bonding. :) Alex and I love our pets as though they were are children and walking time with them is definitely bonding time! For us alone too! :) The black flies are a fact of life in the mountains here but I'm happy to say they have relented a little bit! Thanks for your sweet comment! :)


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