Friday, October 13, 2017

Superstitious? :)

I had to do's Friday the 13th, so what better a painting to do than Jason from the horror movie Friday the 13th? :) I wouldn't want to run into him in the woods...he has something against people...wants them all chopped up in creative ways lol...he's especially angry against sexy young teenagers who go to abandoned camp and cottage sights. Have you ever tortured yourself by watching a series of horror movies in a row? Alex and I did that last year, we watched all ELEVEN Friday the 13th movies in one weekend...oh the horror for us lol!

Actually we do start watching horror movies in mid-October, one each night to get us in the mood for Halloween! :) This year Alex downloaded a bunch of mummy-themed movies. It'll be fun. Do you watch movies for Halloween? Are you superstitious today? I'm not particularly, but I have some quirks about me. I toss salt over my shoulder if I spill some...I throw a silver coin out the door on New Year's Day to start the new year with prosperity...I believe in "three's"...when two bad things happen, I'm always waiting on the third...but it works with three good things too! :)

Last night was day four of having turkey meals! I made turkey quesadillas with my Fart and Dart Beans again. I don't have a recipe for the quesadillas, it's basically a tortilla, a load of cheese, salsa and turkey, another tortilla on top, all fried up in a non-stick pan. It was wonderful comfort food! We still have another meal's worth of turkey but it's now in the freezer, we're all turkey'd out! :)

The pack having dinner. Things are going pretty well I'm happy to report! 

I wake up to this each morning now. Frosty mornings below's just a matter of time before it snows, so today Alex and I will be finishing up all of the garden work and I'm planting my garlic in containers today. I have to find time to put up my cold frames VERY soon. And we have to go shopping for winter tires soon too. So many things to do this month!


  1. I love superstitions! I haven't heard the silver coin one before -- I assume the coin is thrown out the door to show that you are so prosperous you can throw money away?

  2. Oooh, you're having colder temps than we are. No frost cover like that for us yet.

    Makes me so glad to hear all five of the dogs are settling in and getting along. Must be a real relief for you, too!

    Friday the 13th has been a good omen for me since that day 40-some years ago when after trying to get pregnant for a long time, my pregnancy with our daughter was confirmed!

    We're having turkey for dinner tonight. And this is even before we've had our Thanksgiving here in the States! We love turkey meat and this is some out of the freezer from the last one I cooked this summer. Yum!

    Cool and scary painting. I know I'm a wimp, but I can't watch horror films of any kind. :o\

  3. Hi Rain. My dad was a bit superstitious like that. I remember he'd open the front door and the back door on New Year's Eve. It was to let the old year out and the new one in. It was a bit daft if you ask me. That's a good painting if you ask me. It definitely gives me the creeps and that's what it's supposed to do. Well done. You're very talented. I could never have painted something as good as that. It's so good it looks like a photograph.

  4. Love the Jason art and all the dogs in a row.
    We have a superstition about coins too, except we put them under the door mat before midnight, and before you collect them after midnight you have to yell loudly to keep the bad stuff away from entering your house. Who cares if the neighbours think I am crazy!!

  5. It was 18C in Toronto today, not bad. Way to go with the horror art, lol. Your food looks amazing.

  6. Oh, what fun! I love all this talk of spooky stuff. I grew up in a culture with a few interesting superstitions. One of them was about New Year's Day. Apparently, the first person you saw or spoke to that day would predict what kind of year you'd have. So if a miserable person was your first sighting, know the rest...LOL :) I'm not really superstitious but one thing that haunts me my whole life is the treatment of other people. My mother used to say that if you were mean/cruel to someone, it would eventually come back to you and you'd suffer some type of bad luck. So all my life I've felt guilty if I ever felt I treated someone badly! I guess this would be similar to karma. Ah well, at least it keeps me honest :)

    I love your artwork! That is such a perfect choice for today. I don't mind Friday the 13th, at all. For me it's just another day.

  7. I did watch some of jason movies and it is quite before .now since my parents died i became little weird and lost interest in horror movies mostly reason is also my youngest son who is so scared of such movies .

    no i am not superstitious though but my grandma was and i still remember her mumbling over my refuse to follow her instructions .

    This food is irresistibly INVITING!

    glad that your pets are doing great!
    below zero brrrrr...
    here below 10 is horrible

  8. No frost here, yet. I can't do horror movies, too tense waiting for something to jump out. My husband loves the old horror movies, mummies, Dracula, etc. I'm not superstitious. I think I'm ready to throw out the last bit of turkey, but your supper looks very good! -Jenn

  9. HOW do you get all the dogs to eat calmly side by side like that without fighting is what I want to know!! Are you a dog whisperer :) Having a territorial "rescue" lab along with a food aggressive beagle, this amazes me.

    My husband and I binge watched the first 4 seasons of "The Walking Dead" and are definitely hooked on the whole apocalypse/zombie genre haha!

    I want to say that I don't often comment, but your blog is one that I faithfully check in on and read every week! Keep up the good work and the great pictures!

  10. Hi Debra :) The coin-tossing is a bit of hoodoo good luck where it brings prosperity and keeps the house safe at the same time. But I like your take on it!

  11. Hi Mama Pea :) It's SO cold out each morning now. I have to go buy some winter boots, the ones I've been clinging to for the last 3 years are all leaky! The tires are ordered too so I'm really glad that's done, and we found a tire sale, phewf!! :) Oh, I like your Friday the 13th good omen!! It'll always be a great day of good things for you, based on that memory. How nice! :) I'm a wuss too, don't worry you're not the only one lol...I often have to watch these movies with my hands over my eyes and just peeking through my fingers lol...I hope you enjoyed your turkey!!! :)

  12. Hi Terry :) I've heard of that tradition of letting the new year in too. And thanks! I really like my spooky paintings a lot, they're fun to do! :) I'm glad it gave you the creeps! :)

  13. Hi Jenn :) Oh I love your tradition! I'm sure over the years my neighbours have thought I was a bit nutty too with all the things I do're not alone, but really, who cares!! :)

  14. Hi Christine :) Thank you! Ha, I love that "horror art"...I'm trying to keep in the spirit of the season :) We may get up to 18 tomorrow and it's going to pour it'll be nice and humid, ick!

  15. Hi Martha :) The spooky stuff is fun huh? I have definitely heard of that superstition about the first person you see predicting your year to come! I heard that it's the first person to walk through your doorway though. So for us, if someone knocks, we won't let them in lol...We always go outside at midnight though, so we are always, ourselves with the dogs, the first to cross the threshold!! Yes, the Karma thing...I really believe in it. I believe it comes back threefold though. It's all about the energy you put out there, I think negativity brings negativity etc...keeps me honest too :)

  16. Hi Baili :) You saw those Jason movies too...the first ones were scary but then they got so ridiculous...watching all of them in a row really was not the best plan lol! I agree that below 10 is horrible's not cold enough for the snow suit, but the cold really goes right through me. At least in the winter, I feel more cozy with my winter clothes! I'm so glad the pets are all doing well was a worry for sure, but things seem to be improving daily! :)

  17. Hi Jenn :) I'm getting sick of the turkey at this point. I even brought out some chicken last night and thought twice...I need a poultry break! I think Alex got a lot of old Christopher Lee and Boris Karloff movies, we're going old school this year! No more modern horrors for now anyway! :)

  18. Hi Lisa :) Answer? I have no idea lol...we just have good dogs I guess! But actually we were lucky. With our three, we got them one at a time and we taught them that way. I used to do that with my pugs because they were such pigs lol...we have to stand close by though because one or two of them will sneakily try to push the beta dogs away if we don't catch them! Plus I've discovered it's not so hard for the new dogs because they really like to follow what the pack is doing.

    I haven't ventured into "The Walking Dead" yet. It's on my list to check out, we have so many tv shows to watch, but not much time anymore! :) But we're happy, that's all that counts. We are currently "binge watching" Survivorman, we're finished 4 seasons of 7, but that'll be on hold soon for the mummy's! :) I'm so glad you enjoy my blog and I'm happy to see your comments! :)

  19. I wish we were having your weather, Rain. It should be much cooler here, in the seventies during the day. But for the last week, we've been setting records here for heat and humidity. It's been in the high eighties and very humid.

    It's time for cold, crisp weather and I can't wait. I envy you up there in Canada.

  20. It is exactly like that, Rain, about the first person that walks through your door. But some people I know have taken it to a more extreme level where they won't even look outside their window or answer their phone in case they see someone or speak to someone they don't want being the first person they interact with!

  21. I'm not really into horror films - your painting is enough to scare me, haha!!!!

    Frosty mornings - I envy you Rain - I want one here to zap the mozzies who are still biting whenever I step outside!
    Those doggie photos are so adorable!

  22. As you can probably tell from my blog, I'm no fan of scary movies these days, but as a kid I adored them. Give me action, laughter or romance any day! That turkey quesadilla is a really good idea, and one I need to try. Hugs...RO p.s. - that pic looks pretty realistic! (lol)

  23. Hi Harry :) I read on your blog about the humidity...I can actually say I'm glad that's over with for the year. Once it gets cold and autumny, I don't want summer back! I'm ready to put my snow suit on, that's for sure! The change in season is hard for me.

  24. Martha, I'm one of those people lol...although call-display does help lol! :) I wonder if I should not even look at my email in case there is a nasty one...okay, that is just a joke, that would be TOO extreme! :)

  25. Hi Mary :) Oooh I'm glad my painting scared you! :) Honestly, we still have some mosquitoes too and it's insane because it's too cold! They are getting a little too used to the cool weather...I hope they all die off soon for both of us!

  26. Thanks RO! :) I find scary movies a little dull, but then there are some that send my nerves through the roof...probably not good for my anxiety disorder lol...Make yourself a big old turkey and you can have enchiladas for a week! :)

  27. Love the painting! I love horror movies, but good ones. Not the junk they spew out nowadays. It is ritual in our house to watch the Rocky Horror Picture Show the weekend before Halloween, as well as It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. And anything else we watch is just bonus! Those 2 are a MUST in our house.

    Well, we woke up to snow Saturday morning. It was gone by noon but that really put a damper on my weekend and mood! We are getting killing frosts now for sure also.

    Just look at all the furry bums! Love that pic! :)

  28. I know what you mean Dianna :) The newer movies are all about gore and blood and trying to gross you out I think. When I lived in Montreal, back in the day, I used to go see the Rocky Horror at this old second-run film theatre called the Seville. They had it playing on Halloween night each year and it became a tradition with my friends for about 5 years! And yes, I watch Charlie Brown too lol...I never get tired of it! :)

    Oh my gosh...snow already. That's insane, but we did get snow last October 15th from looking at my far it's just frost now!

    Furry bums are the cutest lol (on pets of course) ha ha ha! ;)

  29. Oh you're so brave. When my mum was preggers w/me they made her watch The Exorcist. I can't take horror movies. I cried at Kujo.

  30. OMG Stefanie...were they trying to induce labour???? That was one of the scariest movies I saw in the theaters!!! I couldn't watch Kujo either. I usually watch these movies through my fingers, sometimes with my eyes closed lol!

  31. It seems like I have no time these days to watch any movies. But thats ok :)
    I used to love watching spooky movies. They are still fun ... like everything about and around Halloween .
    We've had some frosty mornings and my garden and such is put to sleep for the winter. Can't wait to see your winter garden. I want to be inspired for next year :) i learned that I will have to move my garden next year for more sun so I am not much motivated to plant any more this year.

  32. Hi Nik :) Well, no matter what's going on, Alex and I always watch a movie at night together. Most of the time we spend our days doing our own thing, so it's important for us to do that. Of course, with all 8 pets in the bedroom with us, it's never really ALONE time lol! I learned a lot this year too with the garden. I'm glad I did containers since this place is temporary, but I can't wait to have a real garden when we buy!


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