Wednesday, October 11, 2017

'Tis The Season!

The weekly "Scribble Picnic" has been postponed, but I wanted to paint anyway. Alex and I are slowly getting back into our routines as the pets all adjust to their new pack! Now that Thanksgiving is over, I am concentrating my thoughts on Halloween and all things spooky! :) I did this acrylic when I woke up today. Fun and creepy! :)

How is this for breakfast? :) We didn't even bother with plates, the pumpkin pie is a thing of the past now!

Oscar has commandeered my yarn basket it seems...these cats can fit into any small space they can find!

A familiar sight...Jack's big butt sticking out from under our covers...he's not as stealthy as he thinks he is. Just as I snapped this photo, I called out "Jack! Where are you?" His tail started wagging but he made no move to come out, too cozy in there! :)


  1. Love the painting! It reminds me a little of the movie The Iron Giant. :)

    I love pumpkin pie. My son loves pumpkin pie. My husband does not. He got banana bread for his Thanksgiving dessert. My son took the rest of the pie home with him. I miss that pie.

    I love Jack's hiding spot! Cozy indeed!

  2. HAHA....Yes those cats can curl up and fit in some really tiny places. Dakota does like Jack funny. Loving your painting. I love Halloween, my fav time of the yr.

  3. Pie for breakfast! How delightful! I do hope that's a mimosa in the wine glass.

  4. Your spooky acrylic is terrific. It's fun and has some creepiness in it also.
    Oh yes, I hardly remember my tween years. I had a lot of attitude though as a middle schooler and cussed plenty. Thank you for dropping by.

  5. Whoa! Great spooky Halloween painting! We've never had an inside cat, but they sure can look cozy, can't they? 'Course, they have nothing on Jack. I wish I could stay snuggled in bed like him when somebody called me to get up and going! ;o)

    One more picture of that pumpkin pie and I'm going to HAVE to make one!!

  6. That picture is scary, right enough! Just the thing for the Halloween season. I liked that pie picture. I love pumpkin pie with some whipped cream on top, and a good cup of coffee while the fire is burning in the hearth and the wind is whipping around outside.

    Your Orange cat looks just like our "Ton Ton MaCoot." He got dumped off in a park in Cincinnati, and run over. My daughter got him out of the park, and he spent two months at a rescue veterinarian clinic. Then he came down here and lives with us now. Like your cat, he is very content with life.

    Once Rufus the ancient Pomeranian came to live with us , I had to move my ferrets out to the apartment over the shop. They like it out there, but unlike the main house, the apartment has a carpet and rugs. The ferrets like to hide under the rugs, and I always have to remember to be VERY CAREFUL where I put my feet.

    Especially as my kids are gone, and it's just me and the wife up here, I'd be lost without my animals. I don't mix much with people, and the animals are my everyday friends.

  7. Lovely seasonal art and that pie looks fantastic!!!

  8. Everyone should have pie for breakfast at least once in their lives :)

    Don't you just love how cats curl into a ball like that? They remind me of wheels of cheese, which is perfectly fitting for your home LOL

    And that photo of Jack made me smile. So cute!

    Oh, that art is wonderfully creepy! I just finished a skull with wings. I could use a lot more practice on the wings but all in all I'm pretty happy with my first effort. I'll have to share it this Friday. And you know, I am just thrilled with all the artists that share videos on YouTube and teach people to draw or paint. Very cool.

  9. Oscar in the basket would make a good sketch or painting. Already looks framed.

  10. Cool paintings, pie as a meal, curled up kitties, warm undercover is good!!!! Love it!

  11. What a beautiful cat! I'm glad that your new economy-sized pack is settling in so well. That sure will make life easier. Great art! LOVE the picture of Jack - he is so adorable. I think that pie should be required for breakfast - it not only feeds your body but it makes you feel happy!

  12. Thanks Dianna :)) Lol...I had to look up The Iron Giant! Aww...too bad you couldn't keep the pie. I just made another one because I had leftover filling. I don't know if we'll eat it now or I'll just freeze it though. Jack heats my feet in the winter under the covers lol!

  13. Thanks Pam :) Halloween is my favourite time of the year too!

  14. Hi Kristina :) Jack is the only of our 8 that likes to burrow. My two pugs used to do that too, I wonder if it's a small dog thing.

  15. Hi Debra :) Oh yes, it was most definitely a mimosa, sans the champagne though. I had to use sparkling wine! :)

  16. Thanks Stefanie :) Creepy paintings are a lot of fun for me to do, I was just waiting until after Thanksgiving to start! :) I was a bit of a rebel myself in my teen years, I just never fit in with the crowd!

  17. Thanks Mama Pea :) I kind of felt like my skeleton man this morning, all creaky getting up lol...It was especially hard to "roll out of the rack" this morning because it's SO COLD out!! The cats can make any spot cozy for them...our Leo, who we call "Hobo Leo" finds a lot of comfort on top of old newspapers and cardboard boxes!

  18. Hi Harry :) The image of eating pie by the fire while it's cold out is awesome. We do have a fireplace here, but it's an energy waster so we try not to use it too much or our Hydro bill goes LITERALLY through the roof! I can't wait to have a wood stove though.

    I can see how you'd miss seeing the ferrets burrowing...sometimes I even forget that Jack is under the covers until I nearly sit on him! Who needs people? Lol...pets are just fine by me. :)

  19. Hi Martha :) We figure if we can have breakfast for dinner, why not pie for breakfast? Jerry Seinfeld made a joke about mothers always saying "you'll ruin your appetite!" if you eat cookies before dinner...there is always another appetite just around the corner so he doesn't care! (Of course, he said it better lol)...

    Ha ha about Oscar the cheese wheel! He does fit my lifestyle perfectly! Now I just have to keep him away from my lemon tree...little brat is way too curious and I've tried my best to barricade it! I can't wait to see your art this week! :) I have something planned for tomorrow...the 13th!!! Oooh scary! :)

  20. Thanks 1st Man :) Life is really good, I think the "hectic-ness" is finally over thankfully.

  21. Thanks Nancy :) He's the apple of my eye alright, and a pretty good "heater" to warm up the bed for us!

  22. Hi Susan :) Besides all the sugar, I think pumpkin pie is VERY healthy so it should be a breakfast staple! :) Lol @ economy-sized pack...they are really settling well. It's still very sad to me that this situation happened. Those two dogs are so starved for attention that they are super clingy which is fine because we like dogs like that. Pavlov has settled with me and Jack, and all the girls hang out with Alex now! Thanks, I had a lot of fun with the painting! More to come!! :)

  23. Your pie was beautiful and I was sure it wouldn't last long. My cats just lay on my chairs but Miss Peeps will get under the covers on my bed right after I make it! Jack is too funny and the picture you had of all the dogs waiting for their supper was so precious...I meant to comment on it before. I'm glad they and you are able to settle into a routine and they are very lucky to have found a home with you.
    Your Halloween painting is are definitely an artist! It is really creepy!
    You should make your own greeting cards and sell them. Although you have your hands full already! I looked on Thrift Books for William's Sonoma cookbooks and there are 14 pages of them! I just placed and order for a Halloween book for me and Halloween books for the grands but I put some on my wish list for next time. Take care! Hugs ~ Sam

  24. That's funny Sam, our cats never burrow at all! I think they need to know what's going on, where the dogs are at all times so they can quickly escape lol. And thank you, I feel like we are lucky they are in our lives now temporarily? Permanently? Who knows. But until we know for sure, we treat them like they're ours. Pavlov won't leave my side, he's definitely a mama's boy, and Stella clings to Alex. It's really cute! :)

    Oh, I'm glad you found my art creepy! That's the goal! Ha ha...there are SO MANY Williams Sonoma books...the more modern ones...kind of iffy with the recipes. I'm traditional. Kale on pizza doesn't cut it for me lol...and lots of the newer cookbooks try a little too hard to be different, so best to check out the table of contents before you buy. But that Thanksgiving book is really great. No disappointments in that one! I should check out Thriftbooks for Halloween books too, that's one thing I think is lacking in my bookshelf!

  25. Haha oscar reminds me of our cats. We had a basket outside the big window in the muddroom. The cats took turns sleeping in it. So ... i bought three more baskets. One for each cat ... and still they are all taking turns sleeping in that one
    Jack is too
    Love the painting ... and mmmm pumpkin pie for breaky 💜

  26. Hi Nik :) The cats are silly! Even if we bought three baskets, they'd all be fighting over one of them too!


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