Friday, October 27, 2017


I think the weather is getting to me...I have zero energy this morning! It's very overcast, cold, windy and damp out. I have had a mystery zap! pain up and down my left leg for a few weeks now. I'm doing a daily yoga routine to help my body limber up some more. I also started a regimen of omega fish oil supplements, a B-Complex, and a fruit/yogurt shake every morning. I'm hoping that in a few days I'll feel a difference. If not, I'll be buying some Glucosamine (thanks Harry) and hope that helps my aches and pains. I separated my right knee in 2008 in a skiing accident. Some little dweeb was "hot dogging" between lanes on the ski hill to show off to his ski-boarding buddies and rammed right into me. I think that my desire to ring his neck was more intense than the pain of separating my knee lol...It's been nearly 10 years since then and I still feel that pain this time of year in my knee. Not to mention my hands ache too lately...I'm falling apart lol! 

As you can see, Pavlov agrees about the windy day! :) I have some great news though - at least it's great for me! After 5 weeks of slight chaos in our home since picking up Pavlov and Stella...I am finally back to another one of my important routines...morning dog walks on the mountain!!

This is so important to me...not only do I get my daily exercise, but the dogs get to be out in the woods and on the mountain. I do, however, have to make TWO trips...I can't possibly handle all five at the same time! I take our three first, then the two fosters/adoptees! Alex and I still walk them after dinner, but it's really just a small stroll around the village. The morning walks are for exercise! 😊

We "fall back" an hour next weekend in November, so it'll make the mornings lighter earlier. I was out at 7am and the woods were still dark, the sun was just peeking out as we got to the top of the mountain - on the first walk! I'm speechless about how grateful I am to live in these mountains...I missed my Nature Therapy! :)


  1. Get that snow shovel ready! Soon you will need to make dog trails.

  2. Oh my gosh Gill, I don't even want to think about that lol! In the winter, we don't climb the mountain, the trails aren't cleared and we all sink too much! We usually have to stick to a long walk around the village...mind you, only the big dogs. Jack hates getting his little toes cold lol! :)

  3. January is my "tired" month. Its also my "cranky" month. I usually am not the happiest in January. I wish for you energy and no pain!

    We had snow yesterday. And in typical stupid city people fashion, 97 accidents to go along with the snow. This city has stupid people in it. Not sure if I have ever mentioned that....

    Its cold today, we went from 26 degrees last Friday to -9 with a wind chill last night. No time to acclimatize!!!

    So lovely you can get back out in the mornings for you walk. Its the beautiful, simple things isn't it!?!

    We don't "fall back" until the weekend of November 4th/5th. I wish we wouldn't do that - let's follow Saskatchewan. They are smart. Leave it as is and carry on!

  4. Hi Dianna :) Oh gosh, silly error...we fall back on November 4th/5th too lol, I'll have to change that on my blog. Am I getting ahead of myself?? See how tired I am lol? ;)

    That happens here too, there are PLENTY of stupid people in Quebec. They drive too fast, much too dangerously and never adjust to road conditions. Also, many people try to get away with summer tires as long as they can, they don't realize how dangerous that is.

    I'm VERY happy about being up on the mountain again. It's been too long and I know the dogs loved it too! :) I think January through to March are supplemental tired months for me too lol...

  5. I dread dark winter, brrrrr. I have found that turmeric caps helps my aches and pains like nothing else. Your dogs are so beautiful...happy dogs.

  6. Doggy walks are important but please make sure you take care of your leg. Sorry you had that awful ski accident. I would have verbally slayed that effing idiot.

  7. I used to walk all 3 dogs one at a time, when Sadie and Alias were still with us. Sadie pulled like a horse, and Alias (oldest) liked to smell the roses and take it much slower. Jesse is about the next to perfect dog, but he is not here now (with his master). It's pitch dark when I'm up now, and I don't like raccoon surprises. I hope you find your energy. I just downed a tea infusion of nettle and oat straw (good for body exhaustion, good for healthy bones and hair, and other things). I have to be careful with buying vitamins - most are filled with fillers and soy (a major cause of cancer). Have a nice weekend!

  8. It must be the weather - and the short days - because I'm right there with you. I used to walk three dogs and it was a little chaotic at best. One was young and energetic, one was old and geriatric and one was a short-legged, stubborn puller. Your environment is so beautiful - it must be peaceful and gorgeous early in the morning. Hope you find the balm for the leg pain - not a good thing when you're trying to get back to your morning walks!

  9. Hi Tewshooz :) Thank you, our dogs are very happy! We're very pleased with the pack :) Turmeric was suggested to me by the naturopath at the health food store as an overall booster for health. She suggested I sprinkle some into my shake each day. I'd forgotten about that, thanks for reminding me!

  10. Stefanie, that little runt heard it from me, and being flat on my back was the only thing saving him from some Rain-Revenge lol...he was like 13 years old or something like that, he was a tiny little boy, but he had velocity on his side. His parents couldn't apologize enough though, they were decent about it. The leg...I'm not quite understanding what is going on. I'm trying my best to avoid the doctor, but if my home remedies don't work, I may have to just go, bah, I hope not!! :)

  11. Hi Kristina :) Our dogs all pulled like crazy when we first got them until we discovered the prong collar. That's the collar that people are afraid of, looks like jaws that'll penetrate the skin, but all it does is tighten and act like a mother dog's jaws on a puppy. It works like a charm, none of them pull anymore on walks...well, Charlie thinks she's leading a dog sled team at times, but she's pretty good these days lol...I think I need to increase my sleep time too actually. My internal clock forces me up around 6am, even if I only get to bed after midnight.

  12. Hi Susan :) The only one who regularly pulls is Charlie the husky...I think she'd be very happy as a sled dog, the leader in fact. She's our alpha and she is STRONG. But we have good prong collars that work pretty well to keep her from pulling me down the mountain lol...I developed a sore shoulder the first year we had her, from her pulling! And you're right, I actually struggled up the mountain today with that darn leg pain. I have to remember the Arnica gel before the walks until the diet and yoga stuff (hopefully) kicks in! The place is gorgeous that early in the morning, and luckily there is nobody around. People are jerks here and let their dogs run loose, but that is usually only during tourist season in the summers. That's when I try to avoid that area completely.

  13. Nice to catch up with you, scary about the ski thing. I take glucosamine and a fish oil supplement too.

  14. You fit so much into your days that I understand why you are maybe not getting enough sleep. Just remember that your body does most of its healing at night during slumber so if you can get a longer night's sleep, your leg/knee may be able to heal faster. A bit of exercise (if you don't overdo it) is also important.

    I was wondering what you were doing about getting back into your routine of walking the dogs in the morning . . . but hesitated to ask because I didn't know how you could possibly manage it with five dogs now. Looks as though you've figured it out, so all is well. Your three dogs are probably saying, "It's about time!" ;o)

    I do believe we all need extra sleep when the seasons change. There must have been a study (or six) done on that. I know my body says it's a real thing! I think I could crawl into bed right now and it's only just past 6:30 p.m. :o\

  15. Hi Rain, sorry to hear about all those discomforts. I do hope you find some relief soon. I take omega fish oil supplements. They seem to help, especially as I'm losing my mind during the menopause years...haha...

    I think handling three dogs is plenty! In my old city, one neighbour asked me to walk her dog one day while she was at work. He's a beautiful border collie, a little larger than the average. Anyway, I went to pick him up and it went well for the most part. Until he saw someone he knows and got overly excited. It was next to impossible to calm him down. That was my first and last walk with him. HAHAHA But that's what he's used to. He behaves that way all the time and his family hasn't done anything about it! His worst offense is that he jumps on people, which is very frightening for some and annoying for others.

    I don't like all the daylight we're losing this time of year. I find it quite depressing. I'll be happy when the shortest day of the year is finally year and we can start enjoying more daylight!

  16. Our clocks change this week end, I really dont understand why we mess with the clocks it messes up all the animal feed routines as they dont understand. for this reason we move there feeds an hour earlier so we are still out there in the dark in the morning.

  17. Hi Christine :) Yeah, I didn't even seen him coming, he just plowed right into me. That was actually during a downhill skiing lesson, first and last for me. I think supplements are important. I used to be against them, but my body needs a little more help as I age. Do you find a big improvement with the supplements? I'm especially interested in the glucosamine. I used to work out a lot and very intensely for many years and I know my body was pushed to the limit. I'm starting to feel the effects of that now.

  18. Hi Mama Pea :) I try to sleep by 10pm every night. It's tough because Alex and I are always on different schedules, so I wake up a little when he comes to bed, and same with him when I get up. I think we need to both sleep more! I've found some great videos online for what I think might be my problem, Iliotibial Band Syndrome. I've gone to a few credible medical and physio sites and the pain and ache they describe, where and when is exactly what I'm going through. We found a video on a way to massage the leg, and Alex started that last night. I had a much easier walk up the mountain already! This morning, I did some leg strenghthening yoga and more physio stretching. I have confidence that this will help!

    Honestly, not being able to find a way or time and energy, to walk the dogs the last month or so was really making me sad so your instincts were spot on! I'm so glad I found a way nw though! Now I have to make sure to heal my leg so I can keep it up!! :)

  19. Hi Martha :) Oh my gosh, I can't even talk about the menopause symptoms, they have become insignificant compared to the leg pain, but they remind me now and then that they're still there lol...I used to take fish oil high in certain omegas to help with mood and depression, so I'm hoping it'll have that effect too!

    It's hard to care for someone else's pet, especially walking their dogs because you don't know how they've been trained! We are very lucky that Pavlov and Stella don't pull and that they do behave, but they were "loose" dogs...their owner never leashed them much all their lives...I have issues with that, anyway...they kind of have to learn to walk on leashes, they are a bit insecure, but they learn fast. Stella has a bad habit of nipping ears too, lol..she starts sniffing Alex's ears then licks and nips...we didn't see that one coming!
    Too bad you didn't have a good experience with your neighbour's dog!

    I think the only reason I don't mind it so dark these days is because of November it starts to get a little depressing for me too. But then I have that annoying SAD Syndrome during the winter as well. Putting together the winter garden was one of my ideas to get me out of the house every day and be active, despite the snow and cold. I am hoping it helps with that cabin fever I feel every winter!

  20. Hi Dawn :) I've heard that about the animals and the time change. Even our cats and dogs get a wee bit confused when we feed them an hour later in the spring. It's hard for us too, to get used to that time change. I'm with you, just let things be. If it weren't for society's rules, I'd probably not even consult a clock ever!

  21. Sounds like you're making some positive changes that will hopefully zap the mystery zap!!
    I had a week of feeling tired and no energy, I think it was the weather! Take care Rain!

  22. Thanks Jenn :) I'm trying my best. I was living with this zapping burning pain for longer than I realized and I finally got fed up when it started to really affect my sleep and my mobility! I think it's all working so far though! The walk was easier today up the mountain! I'm sure this change of seasons is making us all tired.

  23. I think it's the change in weather....I'm so sleepy lately with little energy. Do we humans go into a 'hibernation' mode? I feel like it although my appetite has decreased. So sorry to hear you are hurting. I hope you feel better soon!

  24. Hi Rain, Hope your feeling up to far soon. You do a lot with your dogs, cheese making and gardening. Being in pain can drain a person too. I am tired a lot and can't build up my stamina. Been trying to figure it out for some time but none of the doctors know! Did I read in your last blog that you put pots in your cold frame? I was wondering whhy pots instead of planting directly? Nancy

  25. Looks like your pups are really enjoying the autumn weather. There must be interesting smells in the air; I love seeing them with noses upward to catch the scent.

    Low energy days are the pits! I always hate them, especially having to push myself to do anything. Fortunately good days are rarely far behind. I hope it's the same case for you!

  26. I so totally agree with the way you are dealing with that nasty, rasty pain in your leg/knee. I believe if you went to an allopathic doctor you would end up with a bandaid rather than dealing with the root of the problem. We have to be proactive in healing ourselves in most instances (okay, a compound bone fracture would be an example of a time I would seek out the modern medical profession!) and I admire the way you go about it. Sending good vibrations for quick healing!

  27. Hi Sam :) I feel like hibernating lol! I know it's the weather, it happens every fall and every winter! Funny how spring and summer don't do that to me though! So far my efforts are working and even though my leg pain wakes me up often, it's easing up a bit. And I'm not getting as much pain during the mountain walks, so that is definitely a good sign!

  28. Hi Nancy :) You are so right about pain draining your energy. And I'll be blunt...I don't think doctors care anymore. I'm sure that is a huge generalization, but it's based on my experience. I've always been able to heal myself much better at home. I won't give up though, I'll keep trying new things until I figure out what works!

    I started the container garden because I'm renting here and don't want to dig up all of owner's grass! But it became a budget issue to be honest. I had grandiose plans to build real cold frames and plant in them, but unfortunately our "friend" who dumped his two dogs on us threw a loop in our finances. Don't get me wrong, those dogs are WONDERFUL...but I hadn't planned on the expense of two other big dogs so suddenly, so I had to make do with the containers I had and I'm hoping for the best!!

  29. Hi Leigh :) I wish I had their nasal power lol...or maybe I don't ha ha... You're right, there are good days ahead, but so far I haven't found one! I'm still chugging on though. Halloween will help my spirit at least so hopefully I can find some more energy! :)

  30. Hi Mama Pea :) Yes, I agree...a broken bone isn't something I would "fix" at home...though lots of self-sufficient people do! :) I'm not that brave lol...but I really don't like the attitudes of the medical profession here...they simply look at you, takes notes, prescribe pills (as you said, bandaids) then give you a referral sheet for a "specialist" who never takes new patients anyway. When I was told I had IBS, I had to wait TWO YEARS to see a gastroenterologist. Can you believe that? Fortunately I cured myself during those 2 years! I also cure Alex's tonsillitis that he gets each winter. It's a 6 week regimen of herbs, salves and fresh juices, but heck if it doesn't work. I think that my efforts are working so far as the pain is lessening. I have to re-learn how to sleep though! I'm a side-sleeper and if I roll over on my left side, I wake up howling. Until I'm fully healed I have to learn to sleep on my back...which is difficult for me! That could be contributing to the tired feeling and lack of energy too. I'm trying to avoid pain killers. Thanks for the good vibes!!! :)

  31. you reminded me the tough winters of my native village dear Rain!

    cold and windy ,quite cruel on body .
    i used to feel little low in my energies even i was young then .
    winters slow don our blood circulations which causes such depression and heaviness in body and stillness in head.

    i am sorry about your knee accident while skiing long ago ,i cannot imagine though how it feels after departing from it.

    So glad that you do yoga and finally managed to take beautiful walik among mesmerizing surroundings!

  32. Hi Baili :) Every year, I find winters much harder to handle. We do everything we can to stay warm, and we avoid really nasty cold days, but the winters seem to get longer each year! I'm such an outdoor person and I get cabin fever during the long winter months. I'm trying to get out each day now before the weather stops me, and it's such a beautiful area. The dogs love it! The yoga really is helping but it's a slow process to heal.

  33. We got so much snow already...well u saw it. I miss my walks across green hayfields already :(

  34. I am not surprised to read that your pains from te accident 10 year ago still affect you so much. My alex still has pains daily, head, shoulder and hip, from a car accident 4 years ago. I am sorry you have that to contend with.


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