Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Dog Days of Winter

"Cheese Please". I wonder if I'll ever be able to sneak a little piece of cheese without turning around to see this gathering?

I'm just doing a quick post today to keep in touch! The migraine is gone! Yay! My two-day stomach flu is gone! Yay! It's pizza night! Yay! 

Do you feel this way? When you've been in pain for so long and finally it's gone, you feel like a new person, a million bucks? 

Here is an eleven second video of Jack (I hope it works). When we give the dogs treats, sometimes he swallows them without chewing...competition you know. So Alex fills the water bowl with little pieces of chicken to coax Jack into drinking water to make sure the treat works its way down. Well, Jack found a sneaky way to get to the chicken bits without drinking the water. Put the sound up, you can hear the air bubbles as he dunks his face in. He exhales as he's in the water and licks up the chicken from the bottom of the dish. Anyone who says animals aren't clever are very wrong!!

How is everyone doing? How is your week going? Do you have Christmas spirit? Any decorating or baking going on that I should know about?? 🌲🌲🌲


  1. Awwww ... look at those faces πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ
    I recently felt like a new person when I got a wisdom tooth removed that had been bothering me for a while. I actually just noticed afterwards how much it had been bothering me.
    We just did our 1st round of baking today ... good old sugar cookies for the kids to cut out and decorate.
    We alao made a batch of baylese fudge ... not for the kids ;) just for us adults.
    We are just digging out from a 35 cm snowfall ... iy looks beΓ utiful out. I will post some pictures. It looks a lot like Christmas out there πŸŽ„πŸŽ…

  2. BAHAHA! That photo. Oh my gosh, that is funny. There is hope in their eyes, though. HAHA And it looks like an image you'd use on a music album :)

    Jack...sneaky and smart and hilarious! I laughed out loud hearing those bubbles. The little stinker :)

  3. Oh, those accusatory eyes as you enjoy your cheesy treat without them!

  4. Your dogs know how to work you to get treats. If they get any of your cheese, they are lucky dogs.

  5. So glad the flu bug and the migraine is gone. They can really mess with you. Loving those sweet baby faces! ADORABLE!!!!

  6. So glad you are better!! Cute video, sneaky Jack!

  7. what a handsome group they are, you are very lucky. I'm glad you feel better,, its not fun to been under the weather but its even worse when its the holidays, and they are coming fast!! I have been baking, I send a package of Christmas baking to our son who lives further north than we do, he is an air plane mechanic , he works on bush planes in the far north, there are no roads to many of the communities there and air travel is very busy during the holidays. I really enjoy following along on your cheese making,,

  8. Heh heh. "Release the food, human, or we will just continue to sit here....watching...."

  9. It's always so fun to peek at the members of your family, and they make my day. I'm so sorry that you've not been feeling well, but thrilled that you're back in full form and ready to eat something yummy! There's talk of possible snow here on Friday which will cause everyone to run to the supermarket to empty the shelves. Never mind that our weather has been in the 60's, so there's little chance of any snow sticking around, as much as I would like it. (lol) I fear my best chance of getting a White Christmas is to catch a plane to where you are. (lol) Hugs...RO

  10. Oh they look so PRECIOUS!!!

    how amazing that you managed them to pose for you :)

    I am so happy to hear that you are by the grace of God having your perfect health back and feeling free from stomach flu and migraine , yes i agree that when we get relief from any kind of hard time it feels like finally sun broke out the thick layer of dark clouds and start shining upon you :) May you enjoy always this state of happy feeling dear Rain!

    enjoyed the fun video of dear Jack ,you are right he is very smart to pick up his food straight from water

  11. I got to see my 4 legged grandson a few days ago. Oh how I wanted to bring him home. He was so excited to see me too. I sure miss him around the house. As for the holiday spirit, I made cashew brittle, and hope to start some more candies. I ended up with 6 scarf orders after the craft show, and have 2 made and 4 to make, not including one to gift to a daughter. I hope to get them done in a week so baking can resume.

  12. what a smart pup! i am so far behind this year. i don't even have my tree up yet!

  13. That is a riot! Jack, you crafty pup, you. I don't know that I've ever seen such a pack of cuteness. All my cheese would be theirs, and that is saying something. My Christmas spirit is draggin this year. I am hoping to snap out of the mediocrity and get some cookies going. The worst thing about being GF is that you don't get any of your old favorites, like molasses crinkles. I've tried the GF version and they are NOT the same.

  14. Jack is a smart dog. He's dog diving for chicken!

    I like the picture of all the dogs looking up at you. Reminds me of the cats when they hear a can opener in our house. If you are standing between the living room, by the fireplace and the kitchen when the can opener starts making noise, you could be trampled in the stampede.

    Glad you are feeling better. It really drags a person down to pick up something like that. My wife gets flu shots, but I don't because they make me sick.


  15. I am glad that you are feeling better.
    Yep, once you give dogs treats when you are eating that is what will happen. Makes for a wonderful photo!
    Your pup is pretty clever in that water bowl.
    Lovely day to you and yours.

  16. Oh yes, I too cannot even walk into the kitchen without having a trail behind me...I feel like the pied piper some days! :) No matter even if I am just going through the kitchen to another part of the house - MOM MIGHT HAVE TREATS! I know that's what they are thinking.

    Glad you are feeling better!

    Jack is a clever chicken....what they won't do for food eh? :)

  17. The picture of your five pooches is priceless - especially with the explanation that you were eating some cheese (or at least I think that's what you're saying there). I watched the video before I read the paragraph below. I wondered what that sound was. lol These doggies must entertain you greatly.

  18. Hahah smart dog!! I am so glad to hear you're feeling better and it's pizza night!! I always hated being sick and seeing all the not-sick people carrying on with their lives, it always felt great to get back to normal!!

  19. We have the same thing when we open a baggie......ours always thinks it's a carrot. Your Jack is quite resourceful. I do love the looks on all 5 of their faces though, while you eat cheese. Did you even feel a little guilty? Mine love cheese too. About the only thing they dislike is green stuff lol.

  20. Those are very beautiful dogs.

    We don’t appreciate how good it is to feel well until we feel bad.

  21. Thank you everyone :))

    Sorry for the "group" response, I usually love to respond individually, but my gosh...time is not on my side lately! I hope every one is well and trust me, the dogs got cheese after that photo! ;) I guess anyone with a pet knows the drill lol.

    A lot of you are going through this too, so I'll jump in and say please forgive me for not going to your blogs as much as I used to! We are swamped with pet care and just taking care of each other at the moment. We are also sadly trying to decide if we ask that guy to find someone else to dogsit or not as of the new year, we are riddled with guilt, but it's really too much work and neither of us is sleeping well or functioning at our best. Stella and Pavlov are so dear and sweet...but they whine and pace constantly if we are not right beside them. Our place isn't very well soundproofed and we hear everything - no rugs! I wish it weren't getting to us as much as it does, thank you for letting me vent again. It's a big challenge.

    I'll try to post a little more around Christmas time! And visit your blogs a little more often too! xxx Thanks for sticking with me! :))

  22. What a smart and funny dog. I hope to make some cookies. Last weekend went by in a rush and now it's the weekend again.

  23. Hi Rain, I'm sorry you are so overwhelmed. It is completely understandable. You have so much on your plate. I feel great sympathy for Stella and Pavlov. Being dumped on you like this must have caused them a lot of stress and I imagine they are afraid of being abandoned. But this is not your fault, and certainly not your responsibility. Your health and wellbeing have to be taken into consideration at this point. The one who is at fault is the owner of these innocent animals. He can't just up and abandon the two dogs and expect someone else to care for them. Don't worry about blogging or visiting. Pop in whenever you can. And if you need some support or somewhere to vent, don't hesitate to email me! I listen very well ❤

  24. What a wonderful photo! Such sweet faces!

    So glad you're feeling better. Enjoy it!

  25. I love each and every one of those beautiful dog faces. Merry Christmas to you all!

  26. Thank you so much for your recent visit ^__^. I hope you are still doing well. The photo of your canine crew makes me smile.

  27. So glad you are feeling better....me too but what a time to get sick! The video is a hoot. They are so much smarter than we ever give them credit for. They can be sneaky too which takes a bit of smarts! Love the picture of them all together. I'm cooking/baking today for the first time in a week! So glad to be back in the thick of things. Stay well my friend!

  28. Hahha, what a msart dog, Jack is there! Never heard of doing that before either btw.


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