Friday, December 1, 2017

The Countdown Begins!

December 1st already...time is going way too fast for my liking! We had a snow storm last night and this is how my camera phone caught it. I had the flash on. It looks like something out of an apocalyptic movie! The sky is falling!! ;)

Does anyone make their own Christmas countdown calendar or Advent calendar? Or do you even bother? I know that they are usually for kids, but Alex and I are very young at heart. :) I make one each year and fill it with goodies. It makes the countdown to Christmas a little more exciting. All of this stuff was acquired at the dollar store and cut up for my purpose. The numbers were from a pre-made calendar, which was pretty low in the quality department, but I figured out how to make it all look nice. :)

And here it is! :) I have to say though, sewing 24 little stockings together made my hands ache, but I'm so glad I got it done, I would have regretted not making one this year. Excuse the low lighting of the photos today, I'm still in migraine territory so the curtains are drawn and the lights are very dim still. It's almost gone though, the pain is very low, but my head feels a little "floaty". That usually means I have a few more days to go. I should be better by Monday though. This was a long one!

A few months ago (pre-Pavlov and Stella-sitting), I had the "rich lady" idea to fill each little stocking with a miniature liqueur bottle. I got the idea from browsing on Pinterest when I saw that someone made a countdown calendar out of bottles of wine! about rich! :) That would be nice day I'd love to walk into my wine cellar and ponder over which 24 bottles of wine I'll be using for this year's calendar, then which wine I'll be opening for dinner that night...big dreams! Lol...

I haven't bought those mini booze bottles in...25 years maybe? It's been a long time...I remember when they were about $2 a bottle. Now they are upwards of $5 and $6 a bottle! That would be about a $150 countdown calendar...ouch, I think not! But maybe I can buy a few each month in 2018 and do it next Christmas. I just had the romantic notion of Alex and I sharing a nightcap each December night before Christmas! Instead I bought liqueur filled chocolates for $8. So, we can still have our nightcap lol... :)

Dinner time chez moi. The dogs are continuing to come together as a pack. And they are loving the snow. It's so nice to see them playing all together, finally without any scary fighting between the alpha girls! 

What are you all up to this weekend? I have cookies on the brain again. But I will force myself to make less...we still have gingerbread cookies to finish. I have a lot of Christmas spirit though...I'm thinking of more fun things to do to make our house all cozy and festive! :)


  1. Love the "bottoms up"shot, it was like that in my house for several years when i had 3 Spaniels and 2 cats. The cats were in charge needless to say really.

  2. the advent calendar is beautiful! I haven't made one in years,, your fur babies are beautiful, even from the back end lol,,

  3. My uncle used to collect those mini booze bottles. He had, like, a million.

  4. cute Advent calendar! Stay warm, it was 6c in Toronto today, went for a nice walk.

  5. We are still at almost fall temps right now - 21 C in the days and 10 C at night.

    The advent calendar is very nice. The girls just get one from Cost Plus with the little chocolates inside.

  6. I like your advent calendar, I wish I was more crafty but H likes the boring old chocolate one anyway! Glad to hear the migraine is almost gone but sorry you had to have one at all. Have a great weekend! We are decorating our tree tomorrow.

  7. My you've been creatively busy! Good for you! And what a great dinner shot! Wish our cats got along so well.

  8. I love your advent calendar! That is so adorable. I never thought to make my own. What a neat idea. How wonderful that the dogs are all getting along so well. That must be such a relief. Now if only humans could do the same...LOL My weekend will be quiet. Today I'll be meeting up with my brother in Vaudreuil for coffee and a chat. In fact, I'll be out the door within half an hour. Have a super weekend!

  9. Good morning sis :) i love your calender and the idea of the little booze bottles is really cute but expencive. We dont do calendars for each otjer but if we would, all we'd be able to budget would be a 24 case of beer ... cans probably. Lol
    The kids calendars however are filled with goodies and little surprises.
    The dog picture is precious. One more and you're caught up to us ;)
    We are headed out to the christmas parade and christmas train today. No big deal since we are in a tiny town but there are little bake sales and craft markets all over town so I am sure it will be a nice outing.
    Tomorrow will be the 1st advent already. Time is flying this year. I wanna get out and get a little tree cut for the porch outside the living room window. We'll see if I will get to it.
    Enjoy your weekend sis, xx

  10. We haven't ever made advent calendars. Until I watched a show called "Bad Santa" on tv a few years back, I had never heard of them. They seem like a fun idea though.

    Not doing a lot here. My wife is off taking care of her sister. The cats are tearing down the Christmas tree and every morning I have to sweep up the residue of Christmas ornaments....

    Went to town today and bought a bag of cat food, that's been the highlight of my week I'm afraid.

  11. Hi! Love the Advent Calendar and the picture of the five dogs is adorable. Nancy

  12. That photo does look sort of creepy and I love a good snowstorm! You are amazing to 'whip up' that gorgeous Advent Calendar while dealing with a migraine too! Your ideas are great especially for the little booze bottles but are they really that expensive now? Whoa Nellie! It's been years for me too. I used to buy them for recipes that called for some kind of alcohol as I don't really drink hard liquor...much! LOL!
    I can't believe you made that is so cool!
    It's amazing your 'pack' get along so well eating that close to each other. I put Nitty and Annie on opposite sides of the room but they share dry food and water. Annie has food insecurity issues and Nitty is so good she lets her have her way...Annie always has to be the first when I put new food or water out and Nitty (the Rottweiller) waits patiently while the mini-dachshund gets first dibs. Nitty could definitely shove her out of the way but she doesn't. It's like she understands and gives her a 'pass'. Your dogs are amazing...along with their mistress!

  13. Love the dinner line-up! My two are at opposite ends of the house - each inhales their food and looks for more. It's a good thing you only need about two hours of sleep - or so it appears, given the quantity and quality of your creative output! Love the Advent calendar!

  14. Hi Pam :) The cats are pretty much in charge here too 3 Spaniels, they are one of my favourite dogs, I bet that was fun to have so many of them! :)

  15. Hi Laurie (by the way, I love the new Avatar! nice to see you!!). The back of of the fur babies lol...that made me laugh! Thanks, I enjoyed making the calendar! It was different from last year's when I made it out of cardboard.

  16. Hi Debra :) Hee hee...I WISH I had a million little booze bottles, they'd likely be mostly empty though, lol.

  17. Hi Christine :) Aack..I'm jealous! Actually tomorrow it's supposed to go up to a whopping 2+ but unfortunately I'm seeing 15 mm of rain, then ice then snow...the full circle!

  18. Hi TB :) The calendars are fun. It just adds to the Christmas excitement! I don't know how I'd fare with 21 during the day in December! I complain a lot but I do love all of the seasons!

  19. Hi Jenn :) Lol...the boring old chocolate ones are such a temptation for me, then I remember my big old philosophy of being frugal and crafty! :) We're going to buy our tree this weekend I think, I can't wait to decorate, just hoping the cats will decide it's not too interesting this year to climb the tree lol!

  20. Hi Leigh :) Thanks, Alex and I try really hard to train the dogs to get along and to stick to their own bowls. Otherwise it would be way too stressful for us. Actually Alex taught the cats to sit before they eat too! :)

  21. Hi Martha :) I never thought to make my own calendar either until last year! I get lots of ideas on Pinterest actually. I wish I could have made the boozy one though, that would have been cool! LOL...Humans aren't intelligent enough to all get along ha ha...dogs know what's best! :) I hope you had a nice time with your brother! :)

  22. Thanks Starting Over :) Those little chocolates are really delicious!

  23. Hi Sis :) Ha ha ha...I laughed at your beer cans, honestly I couldn't even afford that! Lol...I have to get to your blog to see your calendars! Oh gosh, honestly...I DON'T WANT to catch up to your dog count. Having the 5 of them is too much work for us at this place. If they were outdoor dogs and had a good set up with dog houses and a nice fenced in yard....MAYBE...but we've learned that three is our limit for indoor dogs. But Pavlov and Stella are the sweetest dogs...still a bit nervous and anxious...but they were basically abandoned, poor things. I have mixed feelings about if and when their owner comes back next summer...anyway...I hope the parade was fun! We're going to find our Christmas tree this weekend!! :)

  24. Hi Harry :) Bad Santa...I think I saw that one, silly movie! I hope you're not too lonely at home! :) But I guess the cats are keeping you busy lol...ours have been surprisingly uninterested in the tree the last 3 years...I hope that trend continues, we're going to get our tree this weekend. I hope your sister in law is getting better, that's such a scary thing.

  25. Hi Nancy :) Thanks, the dogs are a handful but they are so dear to me now, all five of them! :)

  26. Hi Sam :) Honestly, I found an idea from Martha Steward for the little stockings but I couldn't afford the supplies, I think I got lucky at the dollar store! Those little booze bottles are crazy expensive...I knew someone who collected them from all over the world, I'm sure his collection is worth a good amount now, he never opened them! I will usually only buy a mini one when it's the same as you, for a recipe, I actually have to get some Kirch cherry liqueur for our next fondue night and I hope I can find a wee little bottle. Otherwise it just sits there.

    We were actually worried at first about feeding them all together like that. Charlie and Stella are the alphas and so terribly territorial at times, but now they sleep right next to each other, yet they still fight if we don't want them closely. I'm not looking forward to the heat cycles, they are both the only two who aren't fixed. Jack too, he's very possessive...but we just made sure to stay right there and correct them quickly if anything happened, now it's all working smoothly. It was tough though! I think it's funny that little Annie is the boss, it's like Jack, it's not their size, it's their attitude lol! :) I think you're pretty amazing too! :)

  27. Hi Susan :) Thanks, when I read your comment, I said to gosh she's right. I've been living on a few hours of sleep for the last two weeks. I don't know how I survived, but last night I got a solid ten hours and I feel much better. It's a big competition here too with meal time, but at least they leave each other alone. I make each one of them sit after they're done. When all five are done, I say "okay" and they all run over to lick each other's bowls lol...

  28. What a handful you've got there, and what lovely thoughts. Warm greetings to you.

  29. Thanks Blogoratti :) They are a handful, but so sweet too! :)

  30. omg...the lineup is too funny! i love your advent calendar! i didn't even put mine up this year. i still don't have my tree up! i am a busy new mama!

  31. I know how busy you must be Joyce, and it's such a great way to be busy too! :)

  32. Wow ,i LOVED your advent dear Rain !
    this is so petty and very interesting !

    I am sorry that the migraine is still hurting you but as i read in post above thank God you finally found relief my friend!

    thank you for sharing the photo of storm as never saw such thing before ,it must be frozen out there .
    loved the bunch of finally become friendly sweeties :)

  33. Thanks Baili :) It was fun to make that calendar, but so much little detail work, next year I might try something a bit bigger to save my hands! It rained all day yesterday and now it's an ice rink outside...I have to wear cleats on my boots just to get around!

  34. Love seeing the dogs all eating together. Wow, you make an advent calendar every year? That's amazing.

  35. HAHA....loving that "end" shot and ending your blog post like that....too cute. Great job on the Advent Calendar. I love it. Nope I don't have one but I did make my daughter a charger plate so many days to Christmas thingy a couple yrs ago.

  36. Well, your liquor chocs sound far more reasonable. I remember my mother having those at xmas and how magical the shiny paper was. We would sometimes indulge for the fun of it, but mainly for the chocolate. :)

    Yes, my Alex used to make advent calendars out of little matchboxes filled with a trinket for each day and then give them to some family in need. She did that for many years and they were always so appreciated. She only stopped as her T.H.I. from the car accident some years ago made it too difficult to concentrate in that way.

    Wow! that Photo! It does indeed look like something from the end of the world. At first I thought they were trees but then caught it. It's totally like the Upside Down in "Stranger Things" which you prob have not seen but there you go.


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