Thursday, May 16, 2019

Thursday Art Date: Drips Drops and Splatter

Hello Friends! :)

Welcome to Thursday's Art Date! Our theme today is Drips Drops and Splatter! Wile E. Coyote is dripping with sweat as he anticipates the splatter he's about to experience as he drops off that broken ledge! When will he outsmart Road Runner??

A little splatter of light. I tried to re-create a know the ones on birthday cakes? I painted this with acrylics.

Here are some drips, drops and splatters of watercolour! I don't know why I decided to enclose a rose in this painting - but there it is!

In hindsight, I was probably inspired by the rose in Beauty and the Beast!

Speaking of drops, I made some drop cookies the other day. I think I found the PERFECT Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe!! I'm a big fan of anything Williams Sonoma and I found this recipe on their blog site. I used Lindt chocolate instead of chocolate chips and they turned out so delicious! :) I found those little cardboard containers at the dollar store, aren't they cute? :)

Monday's dinner was an Asparagus and Fontina Tart. I found the recipe in my Taste of Home cookbook. With a splatter of lemon zest, lemon juice and olive oil - this recipe was a hit! I'm not usually a fan of pre-made anything, but frozen puff pastry can't be beat! :)

How I love dripping hot cheese!!! Tuesday was our monthly fondue night. I ended up taking a nap and woke up to wonderful fragrances coming from the kitchen. Alex decided to make my Welsh Rarebit and Bacon Fondue - and it turned out so good! We had it with cubes of my No Knead Bread - talk about a food coma! Yum! :)

Thanks so much for stopping by!


May 23rd: Next Thursday's theme is Emotion. Click on the link for ideas and inspiration!

Thursday Art Date With Rain. Click on the link for a description of the art date as well as a list of upcoming themes.

Don't forget to add the URL link to you post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations!



  1. Rain,

    Your Loony Toon cartoon characters always make me smile. I sketched Wiley Coyote and the Roadrunner last year, here. I really want to pursue drawing cartoon characters more. You keep reminding me that this is what I want to do with each of your features. I'll eventually get going on it. ;)

    Your dots and splatters artwork is nice. I, especially love the splatter of light in the second one. Very nice!

    Mmm, those chocolate chip cookies look fabulous! Now, you got me wanting some! Oh, you're such a bad influence on me! :) I'm sure DH will appreciate knowing that you're rubbing off on me. He loves cookies!!

    Thanks for hosting the first installment of TADwR! Have artastic week!

  2. I think you covered drips and splatters beautifully! Yummy as well, I have many taste of home recipes in my collection, I have had really great results with their recipes, I will love to join your link challenge! Beautiful work Rain!

  3. I'm a big fan of frozen puff pastry too! Your tart looks delicious!

  4. HAHA.....I beat you with posting early hours this morning and not having that link! I could not go to sleep so I was up and doing....but the doing was sitting on my rear computer doing! LOVE your drawings and your drop cookies. You amaze me at all you do. Thanks for doing this, going to be fun.

  5. By the way~ did the coyote EVER catch the Runner Roader?

  6. Delicious food as always, your acrylic pour makes a great background for the rose! Beautiful fun art pieces Rain. Thanks for hosting.

  7. As always, your art is wonderful. The rose painting is probably my favorite from this group. Hooray for fondue............double hooray for Alex making it! He is a keeper.

  8. Yummy Drops! Yummy Drips! And perfect art to make it a very nice package of Awesome!!!!

  9. Hi Cathy :) Thank you! I went to check out your Wile. E. Coyote and Road Runner - very well done!!! I couldn't leave a comment but wanted you to know I saw it and it's really great! I love drawing the characters too! :) Ha ha ha...I'm sure your hubby will love those cookies! Especially if you use the good chocolate bars!! TADwR...I like that! :)

  10. Thanks Laurie :) Isn't Taste of Home a great resource?? I have a few of their cookbooks and I subscribe to their daily recipe email too. Easy and yummy food! :)

  11. Thanks Debra, it was SO good!!! :) The lemon really made a nice flavour combo.

  12. Thanks Pam :) ha ha did beat me lol...and I had the post scheduled for just after midnight lol...and no I don't think poor Coyote EVER caught the Road Runner...but I like his resolve lol...

  13. Thanks Christine :) The painting was a lot of fun to do, I love the motivation and sharing with everyone!

  14. Thanks Marsha :) The fondue was so good!!! Melted cheese is great comfort food! Yeah, I was so happy to be served dinner that night!! :)

  15. Mmmm, everything on your post looks so good. Pleasure for the eyes or the mouth.

  16. I was like Pavlov's dog, when I saw that cheese fondue! I need to find a good GF alternative and make it myself. I'd love to join your drawing group - maybe if I can finally get my garden in...

  17. Hi Susan :) I've been trying to manipulate you for a year now through my photos to get yee a fondue cookin'!! LOL...I hope you find a gluten-free way to make it. The fondue is the easy part, you could probably use Tapioca Starch as a thickener...and maybe dip in some veggies and meats instead of the bread? Or even you gf bread would be good! Oh the garden...mine is sitting in the window for now, it's insane how cold it still is, I think you and I have pretty much the same weather. I hope you'll join in the art group! That would be so much fun!! :)

  18. i'm not much of a fondue person but yours looks so good! so do those cookies. your food always looks wonderful!

  19. Thanks Joyce :) The cookies are long gone!! :)

  20. Oh, I agree, Rain, home made puff pastry is an effort too far, I always buy ready made! I'm sorry your moving plans took a hit, but your list of positives; health, woods, dogs, not to mention love and trips along the bike paths sound good to me.

  21. Thanks Rosemary :) It's still a sore spot, having to rent another year, but I'm not going to give up hope, I'll have my nest soon enough. :)

  22. I enjoyed seeing your artwork, Rain. I've always like Wile E. Coyote and the Roadrunner. What really speaks to me is the blue and green background in your rose picture. I want to dive deep into it and swim. I can resist your scrumptious cookies, because Terry and I each just scarfed down a big piece of pineapple upside down cake. Have a great weekend!

  23. Thanks Louise :) Oh my gosh...Alex loves pineapple upside down cake, thanks for mentioning it, I should make one! :) The rose background turned out really well, I love how the colours mingle and flow! Enjoy your weekend! :)

  24. Love your artwork, Rain! Anything Bugs-Bunny-ish always makes me smile. And you know, I always wanted that poor coyote to finally catch that roadrunner. LOL

    And now, if you don't mind, I'll reach into the screen and steal a cookie or two :)

  25. Thanks Martha :) Oh at least the coyote has several millions lives lol! :) Sorry...the cookies are gone! :)

  26. Oh man those cookies look so good! I like home baked sweets the most. Candy can lose its luster for me.

  27. Thanks Stefanie :) The cookies are SO good!!!


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!