Thursday, September 5, 2019

Thursday Art Date: History

Hello Friends!

Welcome to Thursday's Art Date! Our theme today is History. Once again I stumped myself picking this theme. I was struggling...but then it came to me! I was born in 1968 so I thought I'd create a few pieces that celebrate pop culture history of that year. :)

Roy Jacuzzi invented the first self-contained, fully integrated whirlpool bath, and named it the Jacuzzi in 1968. Yosemite Sam is cooling his jets after a long day of chasing varmints...little does he know Bugs isn't about to let him rest just yet! Alex asked me why Yosemite Sam has his clothes on...honestly I figured he might be too shy to take them off in front of everyone lol!

In 1968, the first Big Mac went on sale at McDonald's, costing 49 cents. Does anyone remember Officer Big Mac? When I was a kid, my grandfather always took us to McDonald's for lunch on Sundays. A few times each season, one of the McDonald-Land mascots would be at the restaurant and it was fun to see them! Those were nice memories!

I always preferred a cheeseburger over a Big Mac. I loved Mayor McCheese too! (RO this is for you!) 

In April of 1968, 2001: A Space Odyssey was number one at the box office. I only watched it recently in its entirety, it's nearly 3 hours long! Interesting fact: I read that people were calling this film "Twenty-oh-one". The director, Stanley Kubrick, asked journalists to refer to the film as "Two thousand and one" in order to try to influence people to change how they referred to that year and the movie.

And finally in pop culture news, in February of 1968, a little gal named Rain was born. Curious how close I am to the wine glasses... 😋

This last week was a lot of fun for me. I made two more wheels of cheese - both of them Italian Fontina. I made the wheels back to back, each with different bacterial cultures so that when they're ready, we'll be able to do a taste test to see which culture suits the cheese better. I'm become more courageous in my cheese making this year! By the way, if anyone is interested in cheese making, please visit my blog Rainy Day Cheese Making. I've revamped the look of it and I'm adding lots of content every week!

Remember those career aptitude tests they made you do in high school? Did you do one? My chosen profession was "farmer". I remember being relentlessly ridiculed by the snobby rich girls in my school - their life goals were to be better than everyone else - I HATED that school! And I couldn't stand that crowd at all - I never fit in. I was such an outcast but I'm happy for my education. I guess "cheese maker" wasn't on that test! But I think that "farmer" is close enough to my chosen lifestyle! :)

Alex finished up my standing desk! He used an old side table for the top and sanded down the 70's looking yellow pine colour; and added legs to it so it would hold my new laptop stand at the right height for when I'm standing up. It's so solid and didn't cost a penny. It stops me from sitting too long and it's helping with my sciatica and piriformis pain!

I got these measuring spoons this week. In cheese making, sometimes a recipe will call for 1/64th of a teaspoon...aack...what's a girl to do??? These are called "mini" measuring spoons with old-time labels on them.

Tad = 1/4 tsp
Dash = 1/8 tsp
Pinch = 1/16 tsp
Smidgen = 1/32 tsp
Drop = 1/64 tsp

Cool huh? :)

I've been getting more interested in food photography lately! I made some Pumpkin Spice Muffins and was going to take a photo of one on a plate with a pat of butter, then I decided to add some orange zest...then Alex suggested some fall greenery. This was pretty fun to do, and the muffins are delicious to eat!!

Jack and Marlene - snoozing butt to butt!

It's funny how the summer goes...I looked at my Blogger dashboard and for the last 5 weeks, I've only posted once a week here. I used to post 2-3 times a week! I guess winter will afford me more computer time!


Just one pumpkin this year sigh...I planted 30 seeds!!!

September 12th: Next Thursday's theme is Harvest. Click on the link for ideas and inspiration! Remember it's all about creating. You can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, baking, poetry...whatever you like! :)

Thursday Art Date With Rain. Click on the link for a description of the art date as well as a list of upcoming themes.

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! Please don't include a link unless you participate in the art date!



  1. Oh Rain. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. Or should I say history that I lived through! I was in the middle of my teen years when you were born.

    I was not considered part if the "in" crowd in high school either. That's ok with me. Nearly 50 years later and so many of the "in" crowd are no longer here on earth.

    Your cheese looks yummy. I don't think I have ever tried a fontina cheese. Must try one sometime.

  2. Wow! You are young! LOL! Or I'm old? I graduated high school in 1967 but you have a better memory than me about what was trendy then. I didn't watch much t.v. at all. I was either working or studying or both! LOL!
    What a darling little girl you were! Still are! I put the pumpkins in the back yard on the edge but the fiber guys destroyed it back there with their trucks and fiber digging so no pumpkins for me this year!
    Love the drawing of you as Farmgirl! It looks just like you!
    I love Fontina cheese....congrats on that one! Standup desks are all the for me at my age I don't mind sitting down for a bit after I've been on my feet awhile. Take care!

  3. Rain,

    I remember the McDonald's commercials growing up but there wasn't one near my childhood home. I remember this kid in high school art class how he LOVED McDonald's french fries. I had not eaten at one. The first time for me was after we got married in 1979 but I'm not even sure of how soon after, so I was at least 17 when I had my first Big Mac or it might have been the McCheese burger because like you, I prefer cheese to plain burgers. :)

    School-aged kids can be so cruel. They are far worse today judging by everything I've seen in the headlines and social media. What spoiled, privileged brats! I tell you if I acted the way these kids do today, my mother would've taken me to the woodshed (figuratively speaking). In other words, we would go somewhere private and she let me have it with a switch! Oh, the abuse NOT. :D That kind of upbringing shapes a person, holds them accountable, builds character, and instills good virtues.

    I recall being tested in high school but I don't know if they ever revealed my best career choice. I always hated taking those things. My reading scores were always lower than my grade. Lack of confidence (followed me right through adulthood) and a teacher belittling me didn't help in elementary school.

    Your husband (Alex, right?) did a great job on your computer stand. You guys are quite inventive. Those measuring spoons are cute. I have a set with one that reads 'dash'. It has odd sizes rarely used but help when you're in a tight pinch. Mmm, those muffins look good. I'm ready for some autumn treats such as this!

    I love your whimsical artwork. Your always do such fantastic work. I'm not too pleased with mine this week but it shared it anyway. That's the way art goes, you shared the good and the bad, right? That's the only way to grow.

    Thanks for hosting and giving us the opportunity to get creative each week with your amazing prompts, darlin'. Have a doodletastic week!

  4. You came up with wonderful ideas for the history theme. Was the Big Mac only in 68? Good job on the standing table Alex!

  5. What an amazing post. Wow. Great art. Great photos. I love your new desk.
    I had only one pumpkin, as well! I don't know what went wrong. sigh

  6. Your doggies look so comfy! :)

    "My chosen profession was "farmer". I remember being relentlessly ridiculed by the snobby rich girls in my school - their life goals were to be better than everyone else - I HATED that school! And I couldn't stand that crowd at all - I never fit in. I was such an outcast but I'm happy for my education. I guess "cheese maker" wasn't on that test! But I think that "farmer" is close enough to my chosen lifestyle!"

    It's funny. There are more people like you than them! Ha ha. I should say us. I am not a farmer or a cheese maker, but somehow in our modern world I became a housewife and teach my kids at home. That is weird, isn't it? Weird, but good.

  7. wow..look at that cheese! you should sell cheese at farmer's markets. i've been inspired and keep think more and more about trying to make some of my own. one of these days! it feels like fall here today!

  8. I just love your art and whats more that creativity of your thoughts. Great job. I played along today! haha....oh by the way, I know that 1968 is history but come on I was only 8, oh wait, that is a LONG TIME ago so I guess it is history....hahaha

  9. Alex is just so amazing and handy! More cheese - yay! I used to be a serious toy collector, but I still have all the kid meal toys from McDonald's and Burger King. I also have the Simpsons toys and LOTR toys from back in the day with Burger King. You know what else i have and love? Furbies!(lol) Thanks so much for the wonderful reminders of all that cool stuff. As alway, I adore your artwork. Hugs, RO

  10. Love all your art work and photos! You are so talented!

  11. No key limes???

    I just moments ago read, in horror, on The Low Carb Diabetic blog, that you can not get key limes where you are. What? Really? WHY?

    I am not sure why it struck me and I rushed over here to ask. :) Maybe I should find something to do...the dishes...nah.

  12. I just love your posts, you manage to put so much great information in and super photographs.
    Love Farmer Rain and your cheeses look delicious, gosh I wish I lived nearby as I would really like to taste your cheeses.

    Enjoy the rest of the week, I really don't know where the days go!

    All the best Jan

  13. Well it was fun dipping back into our histories, though mine took me back quite a bit further than yours. I was pregnant with my daughter when you were born ... OMG those were the days. I probably lived your childhood through my daughter as mothers are apt to do. I was born during WWII and can remember the military planes from the Navy Base close by flying overhead in practice runs. I thought a Nazi was a monster (pictured it in my little 3 year old mind as a giant bug with pinchers). As it turned out they were monsters, but that is a story for another day. Your high school experience is so sad, but not unusual ... many young ladies were victimized by those who thought they were the "elite" ... guess what, most of them weren't and would die to be a tenth as awesome as you. Time has a way of exposing the truth. So, as always, your art is fun and awesome. I remember .50 cent McDonalds hamburgers and 10 cent fries when I was in high school ... ten years before you were born ... Apparently McD's opened in the states before it made it up to Canada. Now, as time has changed, it is expensive for a family to get take out at McDonalds ... or anywhere else as far as that goes. Better to be a great cook and grow your own food like you. I have to admit, I don't have the ambition anymore to create fancy dishes, but I sure could enjoy eating at your house :) Thanks for hooking me up. I posted last night because I knew I would be busy this morning. Have to admit, I was surprised to see my name on Linky when I went to add myself ... Ha! You are always full of surprises. So next week is Harvest ... early for harvest down here, but will give it my best :) Be well, Rain ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  14. Morning RAIN! Have a good day.

  15. Hello Rain! Just got a chance to catch your post. We have been slammed on the ridge with our projects all colliding at the same time! So much for the planning calendar! Your cheeses look awesome, and I am so excited for winter to get back at making some! I will be on your cheese blog for sure. Your one pumpkin is more than I have so far. My squash is beautiful, but pumpkins are escaping me so far! I will catch you up on this busy butt busting time by the end of the month! Have a fabulous week end please!

  16. Dear Rain let me say that you were one of the most CUTEST baby :)))

    i fell in love with your adorable face and courageous smile :)

    i wish you can share more images from your childhood i couldn't help to say this :)

    your art is intriguing and wonderful as ever , these muffins look delicious

    please don't be sad for pumpkins ,cheer up for other wonderful harvest my friend :)

    I LOVED THE FARMER RAIN :))) she is incredibly adorable what an excellent painting !

    i was about to comment on this post when i first visited on Thursday but i had to shot down my laptop as some unexpected guest arrived

    stay blessed with outstanding strength you have my friend!

  17. I love your food pictures and the cheeses look wonderful. I adore your sketches too, so very clever. Have a lovely week.xx

  18. Thanks Marsha :) The "it" crowd amuses me now that I'm an adult and realize how none of those cliques mattered in the long run! :) I would say a Fontina tastes kind of like a's a great fondue cheese!

  19. Hi Sam :) Thanks :) The stand up desk is a life saver, or a butt save I'd have to say lol...that piriformis muscle kills me when I sit too long! I think I enjoy going to bed even more now that I stand most of the day! Oh too bad about your pumpkins!

  20. Thanks Cathy :) It's a given to me that most people in Canada and the U.S. have eaten at McD's in childhood! I haven't been to one in ages, though I always love their fries! They even make poutine now lol...which I admit is pretty darn good! I had a teacher belittle me as well when I was in high school. That kind of thing does wound a young person, especially an emotional one! You are right that kids can be cruel, and so can adults! At least now we have the wisdom to know better - even though words and ridicule really do hurt. Well Alex and I aren't married, but we've been together over 6 years, so we call each other hubby and wifey lol! ;) I loved your art this week, you're too hard on yourself! :)

  21. Thanks Christine :) Well, I think McD's opened in the 50's but the Big Mac was only coined and sold in 1968!

  22. Thanks Jenn :) I think our summer was just too short for pumpkins this year. I actually have three little babies growing right now...maybe an inch long, they wont' make it before the frost though!

  23. Hi Sandi :) I agree with you...more people like us now a days, or is it because we're surrounding ourselves more with people we better relate to? Yeah...NO key limes. I found them once when I lived in Montreal but they were the size of walnuts and had hardly any juice in them! I don't know how long they were on the delivery truck but they were no good!

  24. Thanks Joyce :) I really hope you dive into cheese making! You definitely have the energy for it! :)

  25. Hi Pam :) I'm happy you played along! :) Ha! 1968 seems like TOO LONG ago! :)

  26. Thanks RO :) I'm glad you liked the burger history! :) I can't believe you have all the kid meal toys from McDs and Burger King! That's so awesome! I remember when we used to go to A&W and I collected the Natasha and Borris cups!

  27. Thanks Jan :) The days are flying by way too fast for my liking!

  28. Thanks Andrea :) Yes, your child mind was right, Nazis WERE monsters...what a time you grew up in! Time exposes truth, thanks for saying that! It's very true. You're very sweet :) I think McD's opened earlier in the 50's but the Big Mac was coined in 1968. Oh I would love to pay ten cents for those fries lol! But yes, home cooked is better, though McD's does a great fry! Oh, I saw that you posted your post early so I added you on Linky just in case you were too busy!! :)

  29. Hi Dino :) I'm guessing this time of year is VERY busy for you! I hope that cheese making and wine making is just around the corner!! Wish I had some fresh grapes...but in the near future I'll be making wine for sure! The pumpkins really disappointed me this year! I hope my one little punky makes it! I hope you get some growing too!

  30. Thanks Baili :) Honestly, that is the one and only photo I have of me before I left home at 17. I took it with me! The parents wouldn't give anything away. But that's okay. Better leave that childhood behind anyway! :) Farmer Rain is me! I hope to be even more of a farmer in the future!!! :)

  31. Rain is adorable.
    I have two pumpkins...its a sad summer :(

  32. Another extremely enjoyable post - and happy birthday! your cartoon characters are great - you have a big talent for that. I enjoyed everything about it and i like the stand up desk. A farmer - i think that was a great life goal - I would have been one of three things had I been motivated to become them. First off a photograph for a nature magazine and at the same time a food critic so I could get paid to visit far away places to photograph and eat their delicious quisine at the expense of my employer whoever that might have been or myself... Another one was an archeaologst...and thirdly ...slipped my mind - probably something to do with art.

    you are a person of many talents.

  33. Thanks Sandy :) Funny...I wanted to be an archaeologist too! I think that anything that was close to the Earth would have suited me well. I went in a totally opposite direction in Finance and hated every moment of it! Live and learn I'm close to Nature and it's where I want to be! The stand up desk is a life saver for my sciatica pain!


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!