Thursday, September 26, 2019

Thursday Art Date: Mechanical

Hello Friends :)

Welcome to Thursday's Art Date, today our theme is Mechanical. I guess this is what Bugs Bunny's insides would look like as a wind-up wabbit!

Frankenstein's Monster (Boris Karloff) (Watercolour)

I'm no longer in denial about summer ending and I'm embracing autumn!! This time of year, I have an acute case of Halloween fever and I've been thinking about monsters lately! I love the Frankenstein favourite monster was played by Boris Karloff, but Robert De Niro also did a fantastic monster. A recent version is called Victor Frankenstein and it's so well done! But I think my favourite rendition is Mel Brooks' Young Frankenstein.

Everything about Dr. Frankenstein's monster is mechanical, I wouldn't want to run into him - day or night! But he's what Hollywood would call the "anti-hero" are horrified by him, yet you pull for him in the end.

I'm pretty proud of this watercolour - I've often said I CANNOT draw nor can I do portraits...but this one turned out so nice! :)

My Fall Equinox Table Setting

Speaking of mechanical, we had to go to the mechanic on Monday. The button to regulate the heat and a/c stopped working. We were on the hunt for a new mechanic. Our former mechanic took THREE hours for an oil change the last time we went. NOT because he was busy! But because he kept yackity yacking it up with his buddies! So, we found a new mechanic and he did the job fast and efficient, whewf - it's always scary trying to find a good mechanic! Apparently the heat console just gave up from 5 years of wear and tear...everything is made of cheap plastic these days!

Anyway, that left us exhausted so I made my Fall Equinox dinner Tuesday night instead of Monday.

Every dish was inspired by the harvest! We started off with some Canadian Apple Cocktails. Apple and cinnamon with some Canadian Whisky and orange bitters...such a cozy, warming cocktail!

For an appetizer, I made Fried Green Tomatoes with Dipping Sauce. Appetizer I say...this could easily have doubled as a meal. I have never made these before and they were SO SO SO GOOD!!

So good in fact, I can't stop talking about them and I made more last night! Instead of fussing about the fact that hardly any of my tomatoes were red when I picked them, I found a great way to enjoy these green tomatoes! Aren't they pretty?

I was a little apprehensive about frying them - only because I find that the smell of fried oil NEVER leaves the house! But someone suggested grape seed oil. I decided to try it and though there is always a definite fried-oil stink about doing this, it didn't linger and we definitely didn't taste it on the food! Now I may try to fry other foods again! :) (Onion rings, I hear you calling me!!)

The dipping sauce was fabulous. I could eat these every day.

I'm obsessed with these lol...this is the inside, they kind of look like my lemon squares!

Okay, enough about the tomatoes! For the main course, I made an Apple and Butternut Squash Bisque. Really, one of the best soups I've ever made! I tend to make lots of food when I'm in the cooking mood, so we had plenty of leftovers last night.

The piรจce de resistance!!! Caramel Apple Tart. That's all I can say...this started off simply as an apple tart. But I added the caramel sauce at the last minute. I subscribe to a lot of food site newsletters and the caramel sauce recipe kind of fell into my lap right before dinner. It was a GREAT addition to the tart!

That is just a teaser of the yummy food I have planned for the next week! :) See you on Sunday for my weekly food and pet post! ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿฑ


Watercolour Ghosts (October 2017)

October 3rd: Next Thursday's theme is Ghosts and Ghouls. Click on the link for ideas and inspiration! Remember it's all about creating. You can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, baking, poetry...whatever you like! :)

Thursday Art Date With Rain. Click on the link for a description of the art date as well as a list of upcoming themes.

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! Please don't include a link unless you participate in the art date!



  1. Oh, you SHOULD be proud of that watercolour portrait of Frankenstein's monster! It is SUPERB!

  2. haha i found "out of order absolutely FANTASTIC :)))

    you did great job by showing the inner body of naughty bugs :) out of order still looks mischievous lol digestion can be a problem for him i can see that :)

    Wow i am so impressed by Frankenstein portrait!!!!!!! you are so loyal what you do and this is the only trick to bring such an amazing result Rain ,i am so proud of you!

    Oh my this food is making me hungry :) such good treat after tiring experience with mechanic ,thank God this time you found right one

    your fall theme is beautiful

    ok you can eat deep fried food right ? it makes me sick though i love it having once in while
    which oil do you use for this ? i would love to hear if it is okay for you :)

    wishing you all the joys and peace in the world my wonderful friend !
    stay blessed !

  3. Rain,

    Your 'Mechanical Wise Guy' is clever and the Out of Order sign is a great touch! I like your Frankenstein watercolor painting - excellent job! The resemblance is quite good. You certainly deserve a pat on the back for that one. ;)

    I'm sure I've had fried green tomatoes but honestly, I can't remember. That's a popular food in the south. That caramel apple tart looks super duper yummy! I'm going to take a peek at your recipe to see if this is something I can manage. Of course, we're dieting and I'm trying desperately to limit my sweet carbs. That doesn't always work out like I want, like yesterday when I made some home-made oatmeal cookies. :) Thanks for hosting the artsy fun, my dear. Now to think about what to do for next time.

  4. Rain,

    I was wondering when you set up your Mister Linky, is there a way for you to share the code so that I can paste it into my TADwRain posts? This would be super cool for others to link up with it displayed on multiple blogs. Just let me know. I tried upgrading my Mister Linky subscription to the lowest price to see if I could see all available memes but wasn't. I submitted a question to Support. Hopefully, I will hear back from them with a resolution soon. I hope you won't mind and please say so if you do, I am going to set up a linky party on my site and put you in the #1 slot to see if this helps to draw in others. ;)

  5. You are unbelievable, lady! First off, Bugs is really a great drawing with so much detail and what a great take on "mechanical". Frankenstein is wonderful. I think that is the best I've ever seen you SHOULD be very proud of that one! Excellent! You're a pro now!
    I love green fried tomatoes but I don't have any and down here the Farmer's Market is sadly lacking. I stopped going as it ended up to be more of craft fair. Plus, going up North this summer I lost my fried while I was gone. No more gardening for me until I move North if I ever do.
    The bisque looks and sounds delicious and that apple caramel tart? Oh baby, oh baby!!! It is still so hot here that I have a hard time getting in the mood for Fall but I have decorated a little. Take care and keep up the great art and great food!

  6. i think that frankenstein is the best i've ever seen! the fried green tomatoes look perfect. i love them and usually make them at the end of every summer. it's a great way to use all of your green tomatoes. the tart looks scrumptious! i will be making my apple pies soon.

  7. The food looks amazing. Those fried green tomatoes look so good!

  8. Creative take with your mechanical bunny! The food looks awesome. Great challenges for our October Thursdays coming up thank you!

  9. Rain, I love the art pieces. You did a great job on the monster. I always liked Boris the best. Fried green tomatoes, I have only had them in Charleston with my daughter on vacation, I loved them with the sauce. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  10. You did a wonderful job on Frankenstein.

    I know what you mean about getting rid of the “fried” smell in the house. I got an air fryer, but seldom use it. It is bulky and takes up room so I keep it in its box in the basement and only remember I have it on rare occasions. I should take it out now as I have plenty of green tomatoes still on their vines.

  11. Oh good grief!!! Now I am craving green tomatoes and there are none to be found. You are just too good of a cook. I don't know how you do it. I have reached a point in my life where the microwave is my friend, but I certainly haven't lost my ability to appreciate a good meal when I see one. I love your geared up Bugs ... too funny and yes, "wise Guy" fits perfectly. I am not a big horror fan anymore. I think I was once because I for sure saw the Frankenstein movies, but now I don't want to startle my old heart, Ha! Great post and I see we are going to have a month of all things horror ... guess I better put my thinking cap on :) Thank you, Rain ... you have put a spark in my life again.

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  12. I've said it before and I'll say it again . . . I want to come to dinner at your house, LOL. Those fried green tomatoes look so good.

  13. wow, so much to love about this post - bugs bunny and then your beautiful watercolour frankenstein - your delicious tomatoes and that dessert. Darn girl - you make life look so colorful and delicious. Oh and of course that cocktail - sounds........Great.

  14. Hi! That is a pretty fall table setting and I will get fat just looking at all your food! Nancy

  15. Yes, the vintage Boris Karloff movie portrayals of Frankenstein are the best, as you said! Your watercolor captured the character even without knowing its name. I really enjoy fall cooking and that butternut and apple soup will be tried in our home very soon. The tarts looked wonderful too.

  16. Forgot to me tion that when we had a garden in VA, we did cook some fried green to atoes but didn’t particularly enjoy them...maybe we just needed a good dipping sauce? Thanks for the cooking oil tip. We have grapeseed oil in the pantry.

  17. I don't know if I like your art or your cooking better!

  18. What a fun combo of things. Love the Monster. It's also the name of our treadmill and the answer to my Friday Question over on MeWe. Well, Herman Munster but he was made my Frankenstein. Super duper fun. Love, love, love this holiday season.

  19. That is creative! I just love Bugs Bunny's insides as a wind-up wabbit!

    Your table and food looks wonderful, perfect for Autumn.
    Thanks for sharing the recipes.

    Happy Weekend Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  20. Thanks for the hint on grape seed oil. The Ravishing Mrs. TB does not like the smell of frying oil either.

  21. That watercolour is awesome!!
    Also grapeseed oil....I use it in my homemade face cleanser. Grapeseed oil, witch hazel, lavender and frankincense essential oil and it works great!!

  22. Your watercolour is amazing! Wow Rain!!! I want some fried green tomatoes now! Thanks for the link! Big Hugs!

  23. You need to do more watercolor portraits, Rain, because your Frankenstein is brilliant. Not only did you capture his image, but you captured his soul. I can see him thinking deeply about himself and his longing to be recognized as more than a monster. Just wonderful!!! Every day you turn lemons into lemonade. Just look at those gorgeous tomatoes! All the best to you, my friend!

  24. I like how you made use of your apples. Your Frankie is so awesome!

  25. Your food fotography is beautiful. So easy to see that this is your season :)


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!