Sunday, October 6, 2019

Sunday Food and Pets Post - Who Wants Cookies?

Who wants cookies? Who doesn't??? :) Dana at the very top doesn't like to mingle with the pack, so this was a rare shot getting them all together! I took about 30 photos in "burst" mode and made a little animation gif! :)

Frost on the ground means Jack is now wearing his winter jacket!

Poor Charlie...she was out running like a maniac in the backyard and she somehow tore her dew claw...shudder, right down to the quick. We are healing her at home with hydrotherapy, antibacterial solution, Polysporin and bandages. She's doing well. :)

To try to keep myself distracted from my tooth pain, I've been making more cheese - a Colby and another Jarlsberg. Other than that, the only food I'm eating is still just soup and pudding. The antibiotcs finally kicked in yesterday and my molar is sore and sensitive, but I no longer have thoughts of Hari-Kari. 😉 Wish me luck tomorrow for my appointment!


  1. What hopeful faces! So cute. Cheeses look good! Glad to hear you're starting to get a wee bit of relief from your tooth. Good luck at your appointment!

  2. Now if that’s not the most awesome group of happy faces! That burst shot is pretty terrific too! Really praying for your appointment tomorrow, and thankful the antibiotics are finally kicking in. Those cheese wheels look fabulous! Take care !

  3. Poor Charlie! So glad to hear he's feeling a little better. What a great pic of all your babies, and yes you can add me to the back of the line for that cheese and some cookies, please.(lol) Hope you're doing well! RO

  4. Cute gif and the cheeses look amazing.

  5. i'm just sitting here laughing! what a great pic! they sure are cute. one more day!!! hang in there, you are in the home stretch!

  6. That's a great shot of everyone! How do you even do that??? Holy cow, that tooth is taking its time, isn't it? I'm hoping you get full relief SOON! -Jenn

  7. Thanks Leigh :) The pets are always hopeful because they know I'm a sucker for those "feed me!" looks! :)

  8. Thanks Dino :) The dentist told me I'd feel better after 48 hours, it took 6 days. Ugh...and I start all over tomorrow! :s

  9. Thanks Laurie :) After tomorrow I'll have some soreness, but the major pain will be gone, I can't wait!

  10. Thanks RO :) I'm doing much better! And so is Charlie :) I think the pets will make you stay at the back of the pack until they get their cookies and cheese first lol!

  11. Thanks Christine :) I love that I have a house full of aging cheese!

  12. Thanks Joyce :) One more day...I made it this long right? (With your help!!! xx)

  13. Thanks Jenn :) Tomorrow is relief day!! I did the gif with my phone through Google Photos. My phone has a burst mode, if I just hold down the shutter button (is it a button??) on the screen, it takes up to 30 shots. Then in Google Photos, I can choose to make an "animation" with the photos. It's pretty cool!

  14. The poor pup!
    It's a great gif. Those moments when they all gather are infrequent.

  15. What a wonderful gif! Good luck at the dentist tomorrow!

  16. That gif you made reminds me of the photos in the Harry Potter films. I always wished we could do that in real life without the help of computers. They all look so attentive. Were you giving treats? Poor Charlie. When Spunky tore both dew claws repeatedly, we gave up and had them removed. He was so much happier because then he could tear around the yard and be a rough and tumble little boy again.
    The cheeses look wonderful. I can just imagine how mouth-watering they will taste. I'm so jealous.
    One more day of pain and then it will be over and done with for both you and me. You with the dentist and me with the cold front. I was going to go check out your other blog with the cheeses but I had to leave and hit the heating pad for a few hours. The cold front is almost here and its close proximity is wreaking havoc with my body and back. I can't wait until it passes tomorrow morning. Then I will be my normally crazy some what painless self again, *sigh*.

  17. Thanks Jenn :) You're right, it's difficult to get them all together AND SITTING!!!

  18. Thanks Debra :) I can't wait until it's all over!

  19. Thanks Leanna :) Yes! I was giving treats, that's the only way to get them all sitting! :) I always yell out "who wants cookies???" and they stampede into the kitchen lol..."cookies" means anything at this point, I had some boiled chicken for them. I hope Charlie doesn't re-injure herself, but so far the treatment is working. I'm always careful to trim their nails every few weeks, but she's a wild animal when she's out in the yard lol...

    I'm sorry to hear about the cold front, my gosh, it must be horrible. I get sore hands and knees when the weather changes. Nobody needs to tell me what the barometer is reading! Let's hope our pain goes away really soon! The cheeses are awesome, they stink! But that means they are aging and ripening well!!! So exciting!

  20. You have such a sweet plethora of babies. Tooth pain is the absolute worst; best of luck.

  21. I love this gif so much, it is beautiful! all your pets look so gentle and loving. The cheeses are impressive, I wish you lived in the UK so I could visit you and try some! Really enjoying visiting your blog Rain :)

  22. How did you make your own GIF? I looked on my iPhone but it doesn't have the app. I might have to search the web.
    Take care.

  23. Thanks Busy Bee Suz :) The fur babies are helping to distract me from the tooth thing too!

  24. Thanks Betty :) Our pets are wonderful. They are all rescues and though sometimes very bratty, they are all sweet tempered and affectionate. I wish I could send my cheeses out to all of you! They are SO SO good!!! :)

  25. Hi John, I used Google Photos. I have my photos set to automatically upload to Google Photos. When they're all uploaded, I can use the "animation" setting to choose photos to make an animation, or gif. You can use up to 50 photos. It doesn't work on my laptop but the app on my Android works very well for that!

  26. Teeth issues are the worst, and although they hurt in the mouth, they tend to make you feel yucky all over. LOVING the pic of all the critters. Oh my gosh just feeding them you have your hands full. They are so adorable. I love that cats and dogs can live together without issues. In my house I think it is cause Lily thinks she is a dog and Dakota thinks he is a cat....Chey just hangs with whatever.

  27. Thanks Pam :) I do feel yucky all over, mostly because of all the pharmaceuticals I'm taking. My body isn't used to that. It'll all be over soon, I stop the antibiotics on Thursday, can't wait! Oh...Charlie thinks she's a cat, Leo thinks he's a dog, Oscar LOVES the dogs more than the cats...they all get along really well, except wily Dana who is just a big scaredy cat of everyone and everything.

  28. I love the photo of all your pets, Rain! ~ Thanks for sharing how you captured it. I was wondering. I've fallen in love with Jack ~ His eyes are soulful! Your cheeses look great. Good luck tomorrow at the dentist. I'm so glad that the pain has eased a little. I get my eyes measured tomorrow for my cataract surgery. Ugh! I want a cookie very badly. I've been down with a pesky cold for about a week. I'm sick of the miserable thing. I've been trying to reduce calories, because I'm only burning 1300-1400 calories a day right now. I keep thinking about how you alternate fasting with regular eating. Once I get past this cold, I'm going to experiment with that. I've been pretty consistent at keeping 14 hours between dinner and breakfast. Keeping of weight, let alone losing it, is a constant battle. I admire what you are achieving!!! Hugs to you. Good luck tomorrow! Fingers crossed for you!

  29. Be still, my heart!!! I LOVE seeing all your critters and they are sure blessed to be in YOUR home! I used to have lots of pets back when my children were at home. Now I am too tired to take care of any body but myself and Louis Dean! He's as high maintenance as half a dozen pets!!

    I feel your pain regarding your tooth. Will say a prayer in the morning for your dental work and visit. They used to have to give me a tranquilzer just to keep me in the chair!

  30. Thanks Louise :) I'm totally in love with Jack, he's the apple of my eye! I should try to capture some of the noises he makes, it's very cute! Oh dear, cataract surgery...I hope all of that goes well, when is the surgery? I guess you'll find out tomorrow. Good luck! The fasting part isn't 100% fasting, I just eat around 600 calories or so a day twice a week. These days it's easy, as Joyce says I'm on the "sore tooth diet" lol...I lost 5 pounds this week! No cheese, no wine...what's a girl to do???? ;)

  31. Thanks Linda :) I laughed at Louis Dean being high maintenance, he sure doesn't look like a high maintenance guy! :) The dentist offered me a valium, but I hate how I feel on those things...I'm going to load up on chamomile tea for tomorrow! Thanks for the prayers!!!

  32. You have an adorable pack. Poor Charlie. I always wonder why people do not get those dew claws removed when they are little puppies. Since they are domesticated animals, there really is no need for them. Mine have gotten their's caught on their collars several times. Luckily we have been home when it has happened or the dew would have been severed off!

    I hope your tooth pain is relieved this week after your appointment. How miserable you have been.

  33. Thanks Marsha :) I agree about the dew claw. Actually Marlene gets hers stuck in her collar occasionally and she just lays down in defeat - it's a good thing or yeah, it'd be ripped off... I've been miserable alright. But today I'm actually feeling better, ironic since I have more in store for me tomorrow, eek!!!!

  34. So sorry you still have tooth pain. Wow. What a group you have. Do they ever get into each other's food?

  35. Hi Ivy :) Well, we separate the cats from the dogs when they eat and we have to keep a close eye on Jack or he'll sneak his way into Marlene's dish! She loves Jack so much and just lets him lol...

  36. How terrific is that! A gif with all of your animals! I'm so sorry to read about Charlie's hurt foot! I have to admit, that was hard to read. Praying tonight that your tooth pain is soon resolved, Rain.

  37. Sorry Becki, I know that was hard to read. Poor girl is doing really well though. I should put warnings. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers!! :)

  38. I was thinking of you throughout the day, Rain! I hope all went well at the dentist today. My cataract surgery is two weeks from today.

  39. Oh these are adorable cute faces lol

    look at them they want not just candy but lots of attention :)))

    i am praying for your toothache dear Rain hope tomorrow visit makes difference for you my dear precious friend !!!

    i am sorry for Charlie hurt herself ,hope she is healing quickly!

    Jack seems to enjoy warmth that jacket provides :)
    Cheese looks APPEALING ,looking at you cheese now making to have likening for cheese dear Rain :)

    wishing you a QUICK HEALING my friend!
    sending lots of love and tones of healing energy !

  40. Sorry TB, cookies are all gone! :)

  41. Thanks Louise :) Oh gosh I'll be thinking of you two weeks from now!

  42. Thanks Baili :) The pets love food and yes, they all crave attention! They get lots of it!! :) Charlie is really doing a lot better, I'm so pleased we didn't have to run her over to the expensive vets!

  43. Rain,

    How are you doing? I hope the dentist got that painful root extracted and fixed you up temporarily while you want for your crown. I've been through the process before, so I know what you're dealing with. Unfortunately, DH has as well. In recent years, he's undergone a whole of dental work. You're not gonna like to hear this but eventually, hopefully many, many years down the road for you, root canals will fail and the tooth will have to be extracted, replaced with bridge or implant or leave the spot vacant. In the past 9-years, he's had to have all of his teeth pulled because of this issue and replaced them with implants. It's a time consuming expensive venture. I'm glad we have dental insurance which helps some but the cost is still painful to the ole wallet.

    The gif turned out really good. Your critters are looking at you very attentively while they wait for their cookies. Speaking of critters, do you see those little red squirrels any longer?

    Those two wheels of cheese look fabulous! Yum!! Where I've been out of it all week, I don't think I'll be joining the art date tomorrow. There's just no way I can get anything sketched in time plus, we're gearing up for our vacation time (a bit sudden) starting tomorrow evening. We're not going anywhere but we have plans to enjoy the mountains as much as we can and then do some stuff in town. Anytime you can break away from the norm is a refresher to the soul. I have all of my mewsic posts scheduled and didn't know that DH needed to use his vacation days so those will go live but I'll be back to normal blogging on Oct. 22nd. Who knows I may pop in on people when time permits. :)

    Take it easy, dearie! xx

  44. Thanks Cathy :) Your husband's dental experience has me shaking my head. Crowns have always been marketed as permanent solutions, at least with the dentists I've seen! I'm still out of commission...I should be better by the weekend (I hope!). We mostly see Spunky, he was more independent. We know it's him because of a unique mark on his tail. He chirps at us and runs down the tree when we come out in the yard, I'd say every other day! Algie and Frasier stick together and we see them once in a while. It's cute that they come to visit! :) Enjoy your vacation!!! xx

  45. oh how I wish I could have that many pets. They are all so darn cute. Love the GIF you did.

  46. That photo is amazing! How you did it I will never know! You're the animal whisperer! Love the cheese! I hope the mouth heals soon.

  47. I do like your animation gif, it's wonderful :)

    Cheese looks delicious.

    All the best Jan

  48. Awwww....I love your furry babies ❤


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