Thursday, June 13, 2019

Thursday Art Date: Garden

Hello Friends!!

Welcome to Thursday's art date! Our art theme today is garden. It's pretty appropriate for this time of year I think. :) Anyone who loves to play in the dirt is likely very busy planting and tending to their gardens today! I have most of mine planted, just one more to go when I find the time! (Hint Hint: It's a PIZZA garden!!!) :)

Do you recognize my drawing today? :) For those who don't, it's my version of The Farmer and His Wife by Grant Wood. This was a lot of fun to do, it just came to me one morning...though I wasn't set on who was going to be the farmer and who was going to be the wife. I think that Daffy looks appropriately more annoyed at being cast as the wife don't you think? :) (He really needs a new agent!!!) ;)

I had magic on my mind the last week! Here is my Fairy Garden watercolour.

And I did an acrylic to represent a Moon Garden. This wasn't quite finished - I'd planned to do more shading on the flowers but I ran out of time this week...I had more ideas and lots planned and then...

Alex and I heard lots of scratching in the basement. We found a baby red squirrel stuck in one of the was "fun" trying to catch him, my gosh they are FAST. We used an old cereal box to corner him on one side and our fishing net on the other. It was adrenaline-inducing!

He's so tiny! We have no idea how long he was stuck down there but he was clearly dehydrated the poor thing. And he was terrified. I made a few calls and was given a "mother's milk" knock-off recipe for squirrels, kittens and chipmunks. He seemed to love it!

Alex made a quick cage from an old milk carton we had. We did a lot of research on how to take care of baby squirrels until they get a little bigger so we can release them back into the woods safely. Some advice is that they need to learn how to climb tree/branch limbs, chew on wood and break a nut open on their own to show that they won't be easy prey or die of starvation on their own. (Source:

And then there were two...just as we were falling asleep last night, we heard more scratching and found the second baby. In April we noticed that the cats and the huskies were fixed on one area of the basement but we never found anything. They continued to stare and sniff that area but we were baffled. Now we are suspecting that mom-squirrel may have made the nest in that area way back then.

We're guessing the mom had her litter somewhere in the walls and maybe abandoned the nest because she is nowhere to be seen or heard. (We still have NOT found any hole...and during the winter we caught a dozen mice too). But...we heard more scratching this morning so we made the decision to buy a live trap for squirrels. Not quite in the budget, but we want to make sure any other babies will be caught and rehabilitated. 

"Algie" loves the baby bottle! "Spunky"...well, he's spunky alright and he's more interested in drinking from a little cup! Yeah...we named them lol! So far they have only licked and nibbled on a few peanuts, they are still very young and will need the "mother's milk" for another month or so before they really start eating solids.

The main goal is to keep them warm and hydrated so we have them wrapped in old t-shirts and socks. We're hoping to find the third (or fourth? or ninth???) baby so we can try to help them get strong enough to be released.

So how does this relate to my Thursday art theme of "garden"? I know that squirrels are seen as garden pests...heck, I think I posted something recently about wishing the squirrels would keep away from my strawberries this year! But these two little ones are so adorable and affectionate - and helpless. When we come to see them, they jump up in their cage and run around like crazy until we bring them some milk. I also know that as they grow, they get more wild and they are not suitable pets. But we want to give them the best chance we can!

With all the excitement, there has been little sleep and mostly store-bought dinners! Eeek!!! :)  Please forgive me for not answering comments from my last post...I did the monthly shopping this week too so it's CHAOS currently chez Rain lol! I need some "me" time and will visit you all soon, I'm looking forward to catching up to what my friends have all been up to! :)


June 20th: Next Thursday's theme is Lonely. Click on the link for ideas and inspiration!

Thursday Art Date With Rain. Click on the link for a description of the art date as well as a list of upcoming themes.

Don't forget to add the URL link to you post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations!



  1. omg...i wondered what you were up to!!! this is adorable! only you would do this! i can't wait to see how it goes.

  2. Rain,

    I love your spin on The Farmer and His Wife - excellent job! Your sense of humor is purrfect. Garden fairies came to mind with me, as well but I didn't doodle any. Maybe another time. The moon garden is lovely.

    How cool you have baby squirrels! They are darlin'! After they're old enough, will you release them? I bet they won't go far from your cabin if you do. I'm glad you found them. Poor little things!

    Have a doodletastic day and thanks for hosting the creative fun, my furriend! ;)

  3. Love your idea for your painting!!!
    Wonderful concept and funny, too!!!
    The baby squirrels are precious.
    What loving and kind hearts you and your husband have 💮

  4. I am not a big squirrel fan, with red squirrels being at the top of my "you are a cheeky little bugger" list, but come on!!! Those babies are adorable. I can't believe you are bottle feeding them. Bizarre that you can't figure out the entrance / exit. I hope there aren't more that you are unable to find. I'm glad you are planning on releasing them eventually, but how sweet to have them in the meantime. -Jenn

  5. Wow! How wonderful to care for such tiny babies. I adore squirrels and we have the red ones here which are a lot more timid that the greys.
    The food on your previous post looks so awesome, I'm just starting to feel hungry now :D

  6. Your garden pieces are lovely and inspired, very creative. Loved reading of your squirrel adventures, lucky babies to have found you. Would your landlord be responsible for removing squirrels in the house I wonder.

  7. OMG so cute, those baby squirrels! And I love the looks on Daffy's and Bug's faces!

  8. This made my heart sing!

    You are the animal rescuers. :)


  9. Talk about adorable! What a lot of work, though, that you've taken on in raising these two little buggers until they're strong enough to be released. Can't understand why Mama Squirrel hasn't appeared.

    P.S. Your rendition of the farmer and his wife looks exactly like me and Papa Pea. ;o]

  10. Egads, they are adorable. And a lot of work. Bless your heart.

  11. oh you have your work cut out for you lol,, what a pair of beauties, aren't they cute,, they are very lucky to have you!! We have had this job in the past, with success and I think of all the woodland creatures squirrels are the most adaptable to human help. Your painting is beautiful!! I love you take on the famous farmers!!!!!

  12. your couple drwing is so cute, and it's brillant to cast daffy as the wife.

    I like your moon garden, the flowers looks like cartwheels having fun in the wind.

    Your squirrles reminds of the squirrel in our yard that used to pass by my window probably on his way to lunch.

    Have a lovely day.

  13. I enjoyed your post and your great squirrel rescues.

  14. Wow … what a post.
    I do like your art and those squirrels are so cute.
    Well done for looking after them so well.

    All the best Jan

  15. Oh my....look at that one with the bottle and the other with the cup. TOO CUTE. BUT.....I don't care for squirrels. Sorry...only cause I had them cost me $1000 bucks before Christmas one yr. Yep, they eat through wood, like the wood at the eve of my house and moved into my attic. I had to pay to have a company come and catch them around the house and carry off 9 squirrels, have trees cut away from the house and have the hole repaired. I was not a happy camper, esp since I own a rat terrier, which are bred for hunting rodents. They danced and partied above my head a couple of nights but Dakota chose not to hear them! haha....those are cute and I am proud for you for giving them the start they need.

  16. all involved in your babes that I forgot to say that I LOVE YOUR PAINTING>..that is so cute. Great job.

  17. Ooooh.... Those baby squirrels are so adorable. I'm glad you shared several pictures with us. I can't quite get enough. I hope they survive and get strong and capable enough to release. Please keep us posted!

  18. wonderful that u found the little guys. I hope all works out and they will be sting and healthy when u let them wonder of into the forest. ❤

  19. Love your Grant Wood impersonation! You are so good! the squirrels are this age anyway. The scenery there is beautiful and I love the new hat (previous post) and your gardening! Your foods are always scrumptious looking and I love all the variety. I hope you get some rest from your 'babysitting' soon. It's rough to be a parent of newborns! LOL! TTYS!

  20. Oh dear these two are too cute and tiny

    how kind and wise to help them with such love and care dear Rain!!!!!

    i found these images of both soooo adorable :)))

    your idea for painting is lovely

    loved the farmer couple !

    your fairy garden is absolutely BEAUTIFUL and CHARMING!

    i always enjoy your stimulating ideas and creativity so much

    hope you will find time for rest and hope you can give these tiny pair in safe hands

  21. Hi Joyce :) Those little ones are so adorable. One of them is very timid but the other is a ball of energy!

  22. Hi Cathy :) Thanks! :) My moon garden painting was inspired by my efforts last year to actually plant a moon garden. It didn't work very well, I didn't have the right place for the flowers. One day I'll try again though! We will definitely be releasing the squirrels when they are old enough. We just want to give them a fighting chance. If we don't find the hole in the cottage...we will have to release them in the woods pretty far away so they don't come back! Though that's a tough thought! We're getting pretty close to them!! :)

  23. Hi Jan/JFM :) (I have two Jan's as blogging friends, so I'm using your full user name!) Thank you! Both Alex and I have that disease where we want to save every animal... ;) The drawing this week was a lot of fun! :)

  24. Hi Jenn :) The squirrels are cheeky little buggers for sure, but those babies are heart-warming! We really think the entrance/hole is somewhere beneath the ground in the foundation. We've done a not-so-thorough search, but it's time for us to really take a good look.

  25. Hi Yarrow :) I agree about that, if we had found grey squirrels, it would have been much more hectic. The red ones are sweet and shy, though they get rambunctious pretty quickly! I feel so happy that we can help them along!

  26. Hi Debra :) Thank you! I wanted Daffy to look so fed up and annoyed, I think I captured it! :)

  27. Thanks Sandi :) If we could only rescue them all! :)

  28. Hi Mama Pea :) We have no clue what happened to Mama Squirrel...maybe something sinister? But she's definitely not in the walls, basement, or even anywhere near the house. At least we haven't heard or seen her trying to get in or near the side of the house where the babies were left. They are very sweet but yes, LOTS of work, though we've gotten into a routine now, and honestly Alex does most of the work! :) Oh ha ha ha...I completely forgot that you and Papa Pea are the Farmer and His Wife hee hee! ;)

  29. Thanks Susan :) They are so adorable...we really hope they make it!

  30. Hi Laurie :) Thank you! I really enjoyed the drawing this week! :) The squirrels are adapted very quickly to being handled and taken care of. They are so sweet and we're so pleased we can help them! Lots of time is involved for sure, they need to be fed every 3-4 hours!

  31. Hi Lissa :) I think Daffy makes a better wife, Bugs would have enjoyed it too much! :)

  32. Hi Jan :) Thank you! I hope we are really helping the little babies. We're trying to do the best we can. So far they're eating a lot and seem more confident!

  33. Hi Pam :) Thanks! The art was fun to do this week! :) I actually had squirrels in my walls one time and it was hell to get them out, they were full grown grey squirrels too, drove the dogs and me insane with their chirping. I know how much damage they can do. Oh Dakota lol...great rat terrier ignoring them ha ha ha!

  34. Hi Becki :) Thanks! I will definitely keep everyone posted on the squirrel rescue! They are very addictive...they're fun to watch too! :)

  35. Thanks Sis :) It's going to be tough letting them go, we're getting attached! But it's the best thing for them!

  36. Hi Sam :) Thank you! I loved doing the Grant Wood this week, it was so much fun! I agree, the squirrels are adorable, but I know as they grow (quickly!) they get more wild so we are definitely releasing them. Ha ha...I never wanted to be a mother, seriously, but yeah, we do have newborns hee hee! :)

  37. Hi Baili :) The farmer couple was a lot of fun to do! :) I'm hoping the flowers in my real garden bloom soon so that the butterflies come and make more magic out there! :) The little baby squirrels are so cute and they were so scared when we found them, poor things, but they are doing so well now! I'll keep you posted on their progress! :)

  38. Hi Christine :) Thank you :) Well, the thing with the landlord is that when we had the mouse problem, the only solution he offered is to put down poison. We just aren't into that so we decided to catch them all on our own. We figured he'd just offer the same crap this time around so we didn't even bother. When we told him we thought there was a hole in the cottage somewhere he made excuses..."all country homes have mice" or something like that so we don't even waste our time with him!

  39. The babies are soooo cute!!! Please keep sharing photos and updates on how they are. Love your art also!!

  40. Thanks Judy! :) Welcome to my blog! I will keep sharing photos of the little babies...they are getting bigger!!! Eating more and have lots of energy!

  41. Good for you for your work with the squirrels. Horrid things can happen when critters get into our homes.
    I don't know if you are tired, or managing, so I throw this out. The wildlife rehabs do take squirrels.
    We took in a baby robin one year. It imprinted on me, and it was killed when I took it outside to play. I felt such grief. I think a blue jay got it. they do eat little ones. I was nervous, as it is illegal to take in wildlife here.
    have you watched Hope for Wildlife on TV? I learned a lot there.

    Such lovely art. I didn't manage one this week. I try, when I sit with my client. Sometimes I am simply not inspired.

  42. This is so cool and they look so cute. I hope that you will be able to raise them so that they can be set free in the woods, bit you know they could rely on you and just become pets. Time will tell. This will be quite an experience and an adventure.
    Wishing you all the best and please keep us posted. Thanks for sharing this with us oh, what fun.

  43. Hi Connie :) I think that the first one we caught "Algie" would make a better pet, she's very timid. "Spunky" is just that and he will be absolutely fine when we release him. Algie though, she doesn't have too much confidence yet; but as you said time will tell because we are keeping them a good month or two until they grow more so that they have a good chance of survival. I'll definitely keep you posted!!! :)

  44. Hi Jenn :) Thank you for the advice! We actually called a few places, but in Quebec, there is a whole different attitude towards wildlife, sadly. We tried to save a baby robin last year and a chipmunk got to it actually, so I can relate to the grief you felt. :( We are managing right now, it's a lot easier than we thought it would be! But then again, they are still babies!

  45. Aw, the baby squirrels are so cute. We had a baby squirrel fall out of a nest when Dan was building the barn. We had no idea where the nest actually was, but that would have been the only way it could have gotten there. We found an exotic animal vet the next county over and the receptionist adopted it. We weren't sure we could keep it with all of our cats. You're doing well with yours!

  46. Oh my gosh, Rain, this put tears in my eyes. Bless you for this kindness with these little babies. They are so adorable! And you are so kind xo

  47. Hi Leigh :) Yeah, the cats...that's an ongoing challenge and the biggest help right now is that we can keep them mostly outside on the veranda away from our cats; otherwise it would have been too difficult!

  48. Thanks Martha :) They really are adorable! We are both learning a lot about caring for them as we go, it's a lot of work, but so much fun to watch their antics!

  49. Adorable!! A very fun post to read, and good luck with those little rascals!

  50. Thanks Spare Parts and Pics :) The little babies are doing really well so far!

  51. Hello Rain, I hopped to you from Jenn at Muskoka. Love the art, but the babies, you obviously have that warm heart needed to care for them, and now there are two, company and warmth for each other. We don't have squirrels down here in NZ,or Bobcats, or lions apart from kept in a zoo. Have a wonderful day up North, we have a cold wind, rain and snow further south. Fond greetings from Jean. ( my Blog will give my name as Nancy J, a nickname from a long time older friend).

  52. Hi Jean :)) Thanks so much for visiting! And thanks for your sweet comment :) It's very interesting that you don't have squirrels in NZ...I really didn't know that! Oh my gosh, I hope you have an easy winter...ours was quite hellish and summer still isn't sure if it's here or not!

  53. oh, you do have your hands full! They are so adorable. I once heard baby squirrels between my shower and the wall of my cabin. Sounded like nursing sounds. Eventually I heard a squirrel running back and forth on my porch..... I watched and she was moving the babies out. One after the other. I was able to see that she moved them into a hole in the ground. It was all quite exciting. After she moved them out of my basement, she began carrying insulation out for their new home.

    You art is charming as ever.
    I hope you find some 'me' time.

  54. Oh that's nice Tammie :) I wish the mom had found the babies, that's where they belong the poor things! Still searching for "me" time! :)

  55. OMG!!!! I love this. So freakin' cute. OMG. Really sweet.

  56. Thanks Ivy :) They melt our hearts!!

  57. These baby squirrels are cute compared to the ones we have around here which are ugly. They always crack me up when they freeze thinkin' they're all camouflage. Sometimes I have to slam on the brakes and wait for one to make up its mind on which way it wants to go. The babies are lucky to have you lookin out for them.

  58. Thanks Stefanie :) I'm just so glad we found them before they starved...that would have been such a tragedy. The red squirrels are really cute, they aren't as big as the gray ones. I know what you mean about the freezing thing, silly animals! :)

  59. Nice takes on the garden theme, Rain! Sorry I didn't participate. I ended up having a set-back when I strained my oblique muscles and was in agony for days. Could barely move and had to have bed rest. Then my son had his wisdom teeth surgery last week so it's been kinda crazy here. Not sure I'll get a chance this week as today, Thursday, is chock full of appointments. I promise I have not forgotten though. I'm looking forward to sketching regularly again.

    OMG!!! Those baby squirrels are cute AS!!! I wonder what happened to their Mum? I'm so glad you took them in to care for. SO sweet!

  60. Thanks Serena :) I'm glad to see you're posting again and I look forward to seeing your art!!! Ouch...obliques, that must have been torture. How could you even breath in??? I hope you're better by now! The squirrels are adorable, we have no idea where their mum ended up.

  61. Ooh, you started an art challenge..which I found through Lissa's blog and it seems to be going really well. Yay!! Maybe we should all just hop onto here instead? :)

  62. Hi Michael! :) LONG TIME!!! :) Alex said you guys were in California now!!! Big changes!!! For us too, the home buying didn't pan out, but we'll try again next spring!! :) I'm off IG too, just my blog now. :) YES!! I missed the weekly art challenge so I started my own! I never really advertised it too much, but we have some nice entries each week. Summer is always slower right? Hey, if you want to hop along, PLEASE BE MY GUEST!!! I have no intention of stopping this because I'm loving it so much - even if nobody else joins, it's very motivating!! :)


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!